Search Results

Search results 61-80 of 133.

  • Quote from Adramlech: “Don't expect any long term relationship while at school, every woman has their own ideal man as every man has an ideal woman, but they just don't happen. Looking for a relationship is a bad move anyway, what's the rush or reason? end of the day, only one thing comes after love and that's heartache, so you won't be missing out on much.” That's what I try to keep telling myself. I see the relationships at my school and how shallow they are, and I have to wonder if they don't…

  • Re: Contraception

    YeahWhatever - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Adramlech: “Have fun living for someone else then while every other person throughout their teens and twenties has a good time socialising and earning a living.” Because being popular and having money are more important than a life. People just amaze me sometimes. They absolutely amaze me.

  • Re: Religion

    YeahWhatever - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Cj: “^^ fool. Christianity is a scam. 70% of us are delusional enough to be consumed by a book written by 40 arabs, which ironically we've been at war with for about 30 years. If people had any trust in themselves at all we wouldn't be listnin to Amr Khalid talk his shit on 200mill a year.” That's your opinion. I love people who think it's acceptable to bash something without proving that it's worth bashing. Give me some proof that Christianity is a scam, that Christians are "delusion…

  • I'm so frustrated with myself right now. Deep down, I know that the "ideal" guy doesn't really exist. Guys like Noah in The Notebook and Jude in Across the Universe are fictional characters. But I can't seem to entirely convince myself of that. I always feel like there's something that I'm doing wrong that's keeping me from having a boyfriend, and it's upsetting because the more I put pressure on myself to wear this or say that, I feel less like myself. I'm not blonde, I'm not short, I don't hav…

  • Quote from Eddie V: “I agree with iphu - perhaps hes just using u to get close 2 ur mom? XD Lol no seriously, you are the best judge here, however, as you have known him for a while IRL. :D” Now I'm gonna have "Stacy's Mom" stuck in my head.

  • Quote from Pucu: “Simple question really. Mine have been for the last 20 yrs.” Mine were together for about 30 years (since they were 15 and 16) and married for 25 of those years. But my dad passed away in 2006.

  • Quote from Cj: “probably another passing study, you know.. one of those that proves true, then ten years later the bastards say "your all gonna die".” That's what I was thinking. You really can't trust anything until it's been thoroughly tested.

  • Re: Contraception

    YeahWhatever - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Adramlech: “Abortion is pure fucking win. Next best thing to sliced bread i say.” Killing babies is "pure fucking win"? I mean, let's be reasonable here. None of us are in any place to judge people who have abortions. No one has walked in their shoes and seen the world from their point of view. But look at it this way: If my grandma were to suddenly have to move in with me, no questions asked, and no mind of whether or not my family needs/wants another person in the house, would it be…

  • Re: Religion

    YeahWhatever - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from iphu: “I appreciate that. I'm tired of having people call themselves Christian and behaving in an extremely "un-Christian" manner that often makes me want to hit them so badly. Still, you do know as long as you accept Jesus as your savior you're technically a Christian no matter what you call yourself? Christianity is a belief, not a lifestyle. I do hope that even if you no longer consider yourself a Christian you still try to live a good life. No one is perfect, but everyone can do t…

  • Quote from Mayank: “Have you ever cut yourself? May it be any reason. If you have, then tell us why?” I've never cut myself to the point of bleeding, but I've hurt myself in other ways. I don't really want to go into the details because I don't want to give anyone on here that is depressed any ideas, but it was effective enough for me at the time. I did it because I felt so victimized and helpless and it was the only way to feel like I had some sort of power; like if I couldn't change the things…

  • Re: Religion

    YeahWhatever - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from JesusSaves04: “i was a christian at the time but i'm not now. if you'd read any of my posts in this thread, you'd know that.” I repeat: don't respond to Sn4ke. It doesn't matter how much sense your posts make, he'll argue that they're wrong while also proving nothing himself. He's just trying to irritate people, not debate. Is it okay if I ask why your beliefs changed? You don't have to tell me if it's personal.

  • Re: Contraception

    YeahWhatever - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from JesusSaves04: “Ok. I know this is a controversial subject but I'm curious. For all of the Christians/Catholics or followers of any other religion, what is your opinion on contraception. Would you condone the pill or condoms? I myself would usually say it's wrong but i'm not completly sure at the moment. thanks guys/” I'm a Christian, and I believe that condoms, birth control, and the morning-after pill are okay. It's only abortion that - because of my own personal beliefs and what peo…

  • Quote from preppylexie: “on my first day @ school, he comes up to me & put his hands on my shoulder & was like hey with a smile. he gives my mom a hug everytime he's sees her. he does NOT do that 2 any other girl's mom. when i was talking to this guy in the hallway he bumped me on purpose like 5 times interupting my conversation with my other guy friend. he walked passed me at lunch & growled at me then laughed? all i want to know is does he still like me. he liked me in the 6th grd but he hasn'…

  • Quote from Haeron: “No, foolish prejudiced nonsense. There are religious people far cleverer than you or I.” He's not serious, Haeron. He purposely says things that he knows make no sense to get people fired up.

  • Quote from Sayitagain: “How am I supposed to feel? I was prescribed lexapro and it's small 10mg daily doses. I feel like i'm stoned though. I'm overly giggly, my receptive time is cut down, and my thoughts are murky. It's fun, yeah, but how are they supposed to make you feel?” I take 50mg of Zoloft a day, and all I feel is slightly happier. You probably want to talk to your doctor about that.

  • Quote from Sayitagain: “I know of so many instances of teenagers bemoaning that they are 'depressed' and sooo mIsErAbLe but just seem to be having a bad day. For those of you that consider yourselves depressed-- have you actually been diagnosed by a doctor? If not, how do you know you are? It's just a case of standard narcissism and the need to be individualized. Standard procedure, really, a kid feels mopey and automatically attaches a mental disorder to themselves.” I've actually been diagnose…

  • Re: How Do I look?

    YeahWhatever - - Fashion


    Quote from Paralytic: “Go to the album... bigger” Wow...I don't feel like an idiot.

  • Quote from jadeyxbaby08: “hiya people bit of a problemo i am 16 and i want a baby i have no meaning to my life and i want to do something with my life and the only way that i think i can do this is by having a baby i think that i would be a good mum but i am scared that it will fuck my life up my mum gave me up when i was little and i dont want that to happen to me i am not a school any more and i am not going to collage so i could spend all of my time looking after my baby not sure if it is a g…

  • Quote from SweetTemptations: “What does everyone think about having a sexual relationship? There's this guy who I used to think I liked and wanted a relationship with (more than friends) Now he's always busy with work and everytime we hang out we start to kiss and well one thing leads to another. On msn that's practically all we talk about and now he's starting to talk about being friends with benefits. If you had the oppurtunity and didn't have a bf or a gf would you do it?” Definitely not. One…

  • Re: Taboo art

    YeahWhatever - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Austin: “Why is anal sex so overlooked and viewed as disgusting in common society??” Because it's not natural. I mean, if you want to do it, that's fine. It's totally your decision. I'm just telling you why society frowns upon it, whether it makes sense to you or not.