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  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about you saying it had to be a 'insanely rare freak accident"” Living in intense pain for the rest of your days isn't a common thing, you know. Even diseases like fybromyalgia, which are pretty darn rare, can be treated with a variety of drugs to greatly increase your standard of living. To be in pain so intense that you wanted to die for the rest of your life would take some unfortunate circumstance that calling a 'freak accide…

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “Except, you know, it's not really that rare for something like this to happen at all?” Euthanasia is often considered in cases of brain damage and coma patients; it's rarely ever a last resort for those suffering from chronic pain.

  • Rick Ross - Hustlin is the only song I will play when I'm getting it in. Not really, but it's become sort of a running joke between my friends and I. Rep for anyone that gets the reference.

  • Quote from ThailandTom: “of course to win the lottery on those odds is lucky, 1 in 64,000000.... luck is not some spiritual superstitious thing, it is just scraping the odds when they are stacked against you.” The whole idea of luck revolves around the belief that certain people are more prone to "scrape the odds" than other, and that there are specific actions you can take to improve your odds that are completely unrelated (e.g. a rabbit's foot, 4 leaf clovers, etc.). Both of those beliefs are …

  • Re: Four Loko

    Dr.Carter - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from jerry: “For skeptics and non-believers. TRY IT. I gurantee it'll get you drunk. while tasting like hawaiian punch” I've had it, and I'm not a fan. To each his own though, I can see the appeal in it.

  • Re: Four Loko

    Dr.Carter - - Health and Fitness


    Energy drinks + alcohol = bad ideas. And I'm not even saying that in a strictly medical way. I hate the way most energy drinks taste, but I can stomach a small can of Red Bull if it means I won't be tired all day. But those cans are fucking immense and you have to drink two to get really smashed, I find. 2 large energy drinks means I puking by the end of the night, and I'll be so wired that between throwing up I'll be fully alert and considering how much I hate my life. No thank you. My friend's…

  • Ralph Lauren polo shirts.

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “Way to undertone the entirety of the situation.” Undertone? Disregarding the fact that you used a noun like an adjective, explain how.

  • I was at my friend's house, and we were drinking screwdrivers and syrup all night. I overdid it, and ended up passing out in my car when I went to grab my cigarettes from the center console. Everyone was completely gone at this point, and apparently they thought I was sleeping in aforementioned friend's sister's room (I was dating her on and off around that time), although I don't know why they would think that seeing as I never slept in her bed when he was there (I'm a better friend than a boyf…

  • Overdose on heroin. Massive intense euphoria followed by respiratory failure that I would be too fucked up to notice.

  • Re: Love VS money

    Dr.Carter - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from David!: “The snobby people who buy $3,000 handbags and $10,000 dresses and $400,000 cars may seem happy, but they are miserable inside.” That's an unfair generalization, don't you think? Spending money is no less reputable a hobby than any other, it's just a lot more broad. If I had the money, I would buy a Ferrari, because that's my dream car. That doesn't mean I am miserable, that means I enjoy the finer things in life. Rich people aren't any more miserable than your everyday Joe.

  • Re: Smoking PC paper?

    Dr.Carter - - General Advice


    Quote from ThailandTom: “Yea I have tried many things in my teen years and always wanted to try pcp or a wet cigarette, but living in the UK it is pretty non existent. Owel. And anyway, what is wrong with formaldehyde>?” PCP is one of the few drugs I'm scared to try, but I still might do it if presented with the occasion. It's just so far out there, you know. The novelty of getting super high just to claim that you've done it is not lost on me. And even being around formaldehyde will burn your e…

  • I was pretty short until I started growing at around 15 or so. For the longest time, people used to make fun of me for being short, and it pissed me off. My brother was tall, even at the age I was, but it just didn't seem like I was growing. Then, I hit my growth spurts, and I shot up in height. I'm taller than both my parents, and even my brother now.

  • The brain, for the most part. Which is why Viagra is useful for migraine headaches.

  • Re: Getting ready in the morning

    Dr.Carter - - Fashion


    About an hour. -Wake up -Wallow in my sorrow for having to get up for about 5 minutes -Take the longest pee I've ever taken in my life, or at least it feels like it every morning. -Check my email + text messages + voice mail, crap like that -Stumble into the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal -Sit down to watch CNN whilst eating -Hop in the shower and brush my teeth while I'm in there -Run a comb through my hair -Get dressed -Make sure I have all my books for the day -Smoke a cigarette and grab a…

  • Re: Love VS money

    Dr.Carter - - Debate and Discussions


    Money. You can't eat love. Besides, I love material objects, even though society has told me that's a bad personality trait, there's no denying the fact that I get a personal joy out of shopping and the finer things in life.

  • No, I wouldn't. Pain is temporary, death is forever. It might suck for a few minutes, hours, or even days, but eventually the chances are he/she will get better. Unless, of course, it was some freak scenario where there was no possible chance of them recovering. In that extremely rare and very unlikely scenario, I wouldn't pull the plug, I'd have him overdose on morphine. If my friend is going to die, he's going out feeling like a king.

  • Believing in luck means you innately believe in some higher power that has certain people's best interests in mind, and likes to fuck with other people. There's no such thing as luck. Everything is a question of probability, yet our human mind doesn't want to associate success with the law of large numbers and statistical odds, because you can't skew those. So we invent the idea of luck, with the pretext that there are certain actions we can take to increase our luck. Look at it this way. Not ve…

  • Take your middle and ring fingers and insert them with your palm face up, leaving your index and pinky fingers straight. Then, flex your middle and ring finger like you are drawing them into your palm, straighten them out again, flex them again, I think you get the drift. That method doesn't have a lot in the way of clitoral stimulation, but it hits the G-spot very well.

  • It's a vasodilator, so blood would rush to any available spongy tissues. It's a common misconception that Viagra makes you horny. If gives you an erection, but as most guys know, that doesn't mean you are sexually aroused.