Search Results

Search results 101-120 of 367.

  • Quote from Saradactyl: “Ahahaha. It can definetly be proven that one can be a bitch over the internet, once again. I gotta protect the underdog.” in my sense of the word it cannot. it's factual you can't be a bitch over the internet if it's by MY sense of the word. aye. late nights.

  • Quote from Saradactyl: “Good point, but someone on this forum that I love more than life itself is hispanic. And when it comes to her, I am going to be overprotective and a bitch.” well in my sense of the word, no one can be a bitch over the internet, it's not possible. if anything you should be getting at the OP for making a thread already knowing what would most likely pop up, illegal immigration. he left it pretty broad but i's not hard to tell the expected outcome.

  • Quote from Saradactyl: “I'm in debt thousands of dollars, have no money to really spend on much else but cigarettes and food every once in a while. I am perfectly content, I have friends who got my back and will pay for my partying since I have done the same for them before. It isn't money that makes one happy, it is the people who you keep in your company.” debt means nothing, as i have come to see. people can be millions in debt and keep on living not paying it off. i mind as well go buy me 3 …

  • Quote from ZebraStripes: “LONG story short: ex boyfriend claims he loves me but is fucking his ex girlfriend at this exact moment. I want nothing to do with him and he keeps texting and calling me. Does anyone know how to block a persons number so they don't have access to texting or calling you? I have T-Mobile. If anyone could help you'd be doing me a huge favor. Thanks.” in some cases you can call the police. this sounds like one of them. if i were you i would take action.

  • Quote from S3CR3T: “Are you a troll or are you really this much of an ass? Just wondering. ^_^” shit, i was kidding. ---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ---------- Quote from Saradactyl: “What the fuck is this? They have as much of a right as we do to be in this country.” shit, i was kidding who the hell would say plox and be serious? ---------- Post added at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ---------- Quote from Heatherbby: “Have you ever …

  • Quote from Mr X: “Did Hitler's decision to write "Main Kampf" or whatever its called, change the world? Yes. Will your decisions? Possibly. By writing this post I might stimulate some future world leader to take action, thus changing our destiny :eek:” mein kampf i believe? i have a friend with the last name kampfe....freakishly close to kampf. not to mention he is also german

  • useless thread, all hispanics return to your native countries plox?

  • Quote from Esmo: “I think you're getting confused on causation. Does me wanting the woman directly affect the way I behave? Think about that carefully. Because the way I behave, which is the subject of this debate, is not actually directly down to the lust. It's like trying to explain what happened in a car crash by saying 'the drivers were drunk' and nothing else. That doesn't actually explain how the car crash happened; the most it gives is some context. The most that blaming lust does is give…

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “Lol it cuts off your air way.” yeah but who the fuck aims for the throat, what type of fighting style focuses on throat punching? hell, there probably is one out there, but it's not well known for a reason.

  • Quote from AlwaysBored: “join the army. it isnt quick but it is suicide.” well...what if you join with the intent to die? i guess that'd be a better choice.

  • Quote from Emma14: “Smacking us maybe ok in some of your eyes ..but not with a belt ....that was over the top - god knows how many times i got whacked that day!! I know its just a way of disciplining us and I guess it doesnt happen that often ..but humilliating me in front of my lil sister like that was way too much. We were already sorry and knew it was wrong to pants that girl and have said sorry now would have been less embarassing if mom whacked us seperately I'm not a child. ...the pe…

  • Quote from x.ICouldBeJustLikeYou.x: “yeah, kinda, Igo to a musical theatre school twice a week, and I used to look forward to It all the time, now not so much.” sounds like loss of interest, a sign of depression.

  • too many of them, they need to leave.

  • Quote from 4stringplayer: “I've recently found out that my friend gets physically abused and beaten up by her mum when shes drunk (shes an alcoholic so this happens alot). she gets verbal abuse all the time. ive tryed offering her to see me when it gets too much, but ive discovered that the other week her mum pushed her into some broken glass and was slamming her head in a door.. i dont know what to do, i wake up every morning praying for her to have a good day and her mum to be sober and not as…

  • Quote from elyn: “Would you ? And if your not virgin.. if you had a chance to change that, would you ?” lol, live my life by a book some foolish person wrote to control humanity? no thanks.

  • Quote from blairharper: “You need something to aim for, a goal, this will give you a sense of purpose and a reason to get motivated. I struggled with this for years until I found acting... Also, write some innovative, motivational quotes on a window or mirror that you look at every day. On mine I've written: "Is lift not a thoursand times too short for us to bore ourselves." "Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen." "People need to be made more aware of …

  • Quote from Jasper: “It's been very well established money does not equal happiness.” many would argue against that =]. i don't know about you but struggling to pay bills doesn't seem appealing to me. even then you know i'm talking about just having a good job making good money, not being a celebrity having millions right?

  • Re: God.

    Rise of Gatlinock - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from alfaspider06: “That's what I was getting at, I would like to see the polls and supporting data.” well i got none =/ in general though i believe that more intelligent people are less likely to believe religion, but then again, that's just me =/

  • Quote from Heatherbby: “Real Statistics of Scientology” thanks

  • Quote from Trevor: “That is very untrue. Here's a list of the worlds most popular religions, as of December 2005. It couldn't of changed too drastically. Sourced, too.” how many scientologists are there? out of curiousity