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  • haha love it!!

  • if my boyf had to move away i'd wait as long as it takes... i trust him with my life and know he'd rather jump off a bridge than hurt me, so I know he'd stay faithful. And anyway you could always visit each other. And if you're really horny get busy on the webcam haha!

  • First off, large applause for all the people out there who are still virgins because they're waiting for someone they love. I was 17 when I lost my virginity, only two months away from turning 18. I could've waited I guess, but it wouldn't have made much difference though cause I lost it to my boyf lol! The thing about sex is, it complicates things!...... for one thing if you lose your virginity whilst in a relationship, and that relationship goes sour, its a hella lot harder to end it because o…

  • I like my mouth and a world of braces where most of my friends have unnaturally straight teeth, mine are unique lol! Apart from my sense of humour my smile is what I get compliments on. My boyf loves it cause I have dimples haha! Always get slagged bout the dimples!

  • ^^similar story!! Went away to a hotel last weekend for a romantic anniversary trip with the boyf, and we were settling down for the night, and the couple next door decided to be very vocal! And the walls were like paper!! It was like having a porno on in the room it was so loud! I rang reception and asked to be moved. Dunno what embarrassed my boyf more, me complaining like an old granny or the amorous couple next door haha! But we got moved to a suite with a complimentary bottle of wine, so wo…

  • There could be nothing to worry about, but if you have never ejaculated after trying for years, then you might have a thing called anorgasmic anejaculation. Sound stupid and made up but it's the closest thing to what you have. Some specialist think it's all psychologically induced, and others feel it's just that you need more stimulation than the average man. Em there's this thing called vibrator therapy which you could try, although at 16 I'm sure the last thing you wanna do is go buy a male vi…

  • Re: 2008.

    BigBoobsAndProud - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Where​ did you begin​ 2008?​ In a hotel room with my boyf What was your status by Valen​tine'​s Day? In lurve still..... Did you have to go to the hospi​tal?​ Yeah when my boyf hurt his neck on the trampoline and we had to get the ambulance out and go to A&E!! Did you have any encounters​ with the police?​ Yeah got pulled over when I was driving, and lied about having a full licence lol! Where​ did you go on vacat​on?​ One to Bulgaria during the Summer and then to London in Oct/Nov Embaresse​d y…

  • Yeah exactly. I hate it when they just say "ugh! That's disgusting" and tell us not to talk about it cause it grosses them out. Yeah, if it grosses u out reading about it, imagine what it's like for all us girls to LIVE with it 12 times a year!!!!

  • Ha ha!! Well, we deserve a thread all about us once in a while

  • I am always hornier while I'm on my period!! I masturbate regularly (or get the bf to do it for me :D) enough as it is, but whilst on my monthly you'd swear I'd turned into a guy. I become completely sex obsessed!! I suffer from terrible cramping and other lovely things during my monthly, but I also have the really strong hormonally charged sexual urges. It just differs from woman to woman, same as everything else in life, we are all unique!!

  • Re: Sexiest Sport

    BigBoobsAndProud - - Teen Sexuality


    Where's the rugby option?? Cause rugby players are HHOOOOTTTTTTTT!! Oh and basketball players

  • I agree with the lads above lil sis is your age, and if I thought for a second a guy wanted to sneak off for "alone time" with her, after being all flirty with other girls, I'd break his neck!! And I'm not a violent person lol!! How long have you been together?? Cause personally, if you were alone with this guy, could you trust him to stop when you tell him to??

  • Pro-life all the way!! There is no reason (apart from life-threatening circumstances) that a baby should be aborted. Young girls getting pregnant, saying; "I'm too young to bring up a baby, I still want to live my own life" well then you should've kept your legs closed till you WERE old enough to have a baby. Cause where there's sex, there's always a chance of pregnancy!! Sex is there for reproduction, that's the whole point! People who aren't mature enough to handle having a child, aren't matur…

  • Re: Bra Size

    BigBoobsAndProud - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm 36JJ......which means 36 inches around my ribcage, and 50 something inches around my bust. You minus the ribcage measurement from the around the bust measurement to get the cup (letter) size. There are variations on the measurement system, but that's the jist of it!

  • Hasn't happened with me and my boyf (I'm 20 he's 18) but I do know that guys can lose their erections slightly if they're under pressure. So maybe you're so worried about staying hard and satisfying your girlf, that you stop concentrating on your own pleasure and truly enjoying it. If it's not painful for your girlf to do so (cause I know I was still sore after 4 times!) get her to get on top of you, you're less likely to slip out of her. You have a great view and you're less likely to get distr…

  • Re: boobs!

    BigBoobsAndProud - - Puberty


    Hi babes, it sounds like your boobs are just growing naturally. It's true that some people's boobs swell before their periods, mine do and get sore!! But if yours aren't sore there's a chance that you're just growing!

  • If she's too loose, then you need to have sex in positions where she'll be tighter. If you are on top, penetrate her and then get her to close her legs . That'll make her much tighter. If you're not enjoying blow jobs, your girlf isn't doing it properly. While she's doing it, tell her what you want her to do.... maybe then you'll enjoy it more. When it's less painful for her you should try other positions and spice it up a bit. Prolong the foreplay as much as possible... Sex feels great, and sho…

  • This happened to me before. My cousin liked this guy for a while and talked about him to me. Then one day he called her phone and she asked me to answer it cause she was busy. Anyways to cut a long story short we really got along well and met up loads. He really liked me and I really liked him. But my cousin was unhappy. I am close to my cousin and I didn't want to hurt her so I told him we couldn't be friends anymore because it was hurting her. Needless to say I was miserable after. And she jus…

  • I did a collage for my boyf for his b'day (it's on Wed) and it's sketches of us together that I drew... it's not that hard hun, just practice on cartridge paper first. Also use charcoal pencils as they're easier to sketch on canvas with. Do you have any pics of the two of you kissing?? I did one like that when we first started going out and he loved it. It wasn't even that good cause I did it on the train haha!! A kissing one is always nice

  • Quote from xoxo.allie: “Eh, My parent's are too protective, I doubt they'll let me go stay at a hotel for the night I'm almost 20 and they treat me like a kid : That's cute. Dvd Slideshow. Your anniversay is November, November what!? Mines the 2nd. :] His birthday is April.” Haha tell me bout it!! I'm 20 and I never tell my parents I'm going to a hotel, just that I'm staying in his house lol! November 15th only a couple weeks diff lol!