Search Results

Search results 101-120 of 370.

  • Go to person

    HeyCameron - - Friends and Family


    Probably my older brother (or my sister, for that matter). In this case I might be too ashamed to go to my parents right away (not that they wouldn't be helpful or supportive). My older siblings have always been protective of me and I know I can tell them anything. I've come to them with some embarrassing fuck-ups before, and I never regretted going to them first.

  • What footwear are you wearing

    HeyCameron - - Fashion


    Black Allbirds

  • Quote from HannahW: “Wolf Hall, by Hilary Mantel ” I'd be interested to hear what you think of this. It's been on my TBR for a while, but it's always seemed a bit daunting in its length and exhaustiveness. I'm interested in reading the entire trilogy, especially as someone who enjoys historical novels.

  • Pronouns

    HeyCameron - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Sean2001: “He/his. But I am also not going to go through this exercise with everyone I meet for the first time. If you look male I will use male pronouns and if you look female I will use female pronouns. If that isn't what you want, tell me and I will use whatever you prefer but the onus is on people to tell me, not me to ask the vast majority of people who are content with the obvious choice. ” There is a bit of overcompensation with these things. The vast majority of people prefer …

  • Orgasms

    HeyCameron - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, this isn’t sexy, but it is an honest answer to this question: for some reason I seem to salivate quite a bit when I ejaculate. My mouth waters like I just ate a sour candy or something. I always have. I don’t know why and I don’t know if it happens to anyone else. But it is a thing for me. There, now I’ve officially shared too much… sleeping.png

  • shaving

    HeyCameron - - Puberty


    I trim about once a month, and I’ve been doing it since I was about 17. I don’t have any desire to shave it all off. I think some regular “manscaping” is good enough.

  • Your Dick Size....Determined

    HeyCameron - - Puberty


    Genetics, hormones, the course of puberty. Penis size is really not worth the anxiety it seems to cause. I say this as someone who’s smaller than average. I’ve been so much more content since I stopped worrying about these things. And I think the most important lesson anyone online can learn about this subject is: the internet exaggerates.

  • I've just picked up By Night in Chile by Roberto Bolaño. One of the books I'm packing on my trip, as I really wanted to read some literature translated from Spanish (and I loved The Savage Detectives, which I read last summer).


    HeyCameron - - LGBT


    Pride was this past weekend here in L.A./West Hollywood. My friends and I spent the day in the area and it was a lot of fun. I'm not exactly flamboyant, but I don't mind being around those who are, and it was a nice experience being surrounded by people who are either LGBT or sympathetic to LGBT people. With "Pride" increasingly under attack, it was reassuring to see just how many are actually fine with it and have no problem celebrating it. The negative news makes the headlines, but that's not …

  • White Lacoste briefs with a teal band.

  • Last Thing You Ate?

    HeyCameron - - Health and Fitness


    Cherries. I bought $17 worth of them at the farmer's market yesterday. Cherry season is so short and I eat these like they're crack.

  • Where did you lose

    HeyCameron - - Teen Sexuality


    It was at home, which was probably the best place it could've happened. We were both just out of high school and we were both virgins, though we'd been dating since nearly the beginning of senior year and we continued to be together for another year after that, so yes, we "did it" throughout the relationship after that first time. Sometimes I wish that relationship hadn't ended, but I wish her well. I certainly didn't rush to tell anyone afterward, sex as a point of boasting has never held much …

  • Gray briefs as well. Calvin Klein.

  • I go for regular walks and bike rides (and I bike around campus most days). My roommate and I go to the gym together a few times a week (I can't seem to go as often as he does, but I've been going more this year than ever before).

  • Minestrone with sourdough bread.

  • Yes, my siblings and I hug each other. Sometimes my sister will kiss me on the head. My brother, not really the kissing type. But I’m the youngest so they’re protective of me

  • Uncircumcised

    HeyCameron - - Puberty


    You know, if you so desire another term, you can always use “intact” for “uncircumcised”.

  • Can people tell you're gay/bi?

    HeyCameron - - Gay


    Yes. I have bi face. Just kidding. I don’t think anyone assumed I was bi until I made comments about finding guys attractive. In most ways, I just seem like any other guy.

  • White Ralph Lauren briefs

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    HeyCameron - - Fashion


    Grey athletic joggers and a black Adidas jacket.