Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 110.

  • You think "sex is the biggest nothing of all time" ? So I assume then, that you're a virgin?

  • well i don't know how to help you but i do know that is just not right. There is something the matter with your mind. you should go get it checked out. looks like you have some incest issues.

  • what's a bot? ok well anyway if whoever started this actually needs cheerleading advice, I can help I did it for 2 years before switching to modeling/fashion design but i know like the very basic basic stuff you need. but thats random of them to be like y'all are cheerleaders, who's to say we are all cheerleaders?

  • ok so then I guess my question is what makes it good? (cause you said the girl was "good") so what specific things can one do to make it better, any techniques or anything? PM me if you don't wanna say on here. and this question is posed to everyone not just whoever replied to my first q...

  • hmm true but what if i stay with the safe guy and regret that cause it gets boring and then i wish id gone for someone more exciting? regret can work both ways I guess? I don't know, Im confused...thanks for your advice though people.

  • breakfast - two special k bars 180 cals lunch - coffee 80 cals, cereal - 270 cals dinner - juice 100 cals, granola bar 70 cals, toast with fat free turkey 115 cals total: 815 calories. guess that's not too bad...

  • so if a girl is going down on you, on average how long does it take for you to come? At what point should I get i dunno I'm just curious how long it takes most guys.

  • Is it worth it to leave a guy who I know loves me and will take care of me and who I can trust to take a chance with this other guy who says he likes me but he has a really bad reputation and is kind of a rebel/bad boy. Well actually my boyfriend doesn't really fall into the super nice guy category either, but he's a safe bet, wheras this other guy I'm beginning to be interested in is kind of unpredicatable but fascinating and so gorgeous. So I am I being stupid here or should I take a risk and …

  • Re: back door action - - Teen Sexuality


    I've never had anal not do I intend to...not that I judge people who do, but to me it just doesnt seem like something I'd ever be comfortable with. I think it is important to satisfy my bf but then its also important for him to respect what i will and wont do with my body and that is just not something im willing to try. it sounds painful. and besides we have plenty of amazing times in other ways....

  • Haha you guys have such sweet reasons...but I'll be honest: He's a bad boy (hot), he is gorgeous, he always keeps me guessing, it's always exhilerating and never boring to be with him, I hate playing things safe and this boy knows how to party it up and have fun. and of course he's an amazing kisser so that helps...& he's bartender which is pretty sexy. although a lot of hot girls hit on him all the time which I guess isn't great...but he says he wouldn't cheat so I believe him.

  • I'm commenting to get this to the top again so hopefully someone else will comment. because yes, I am that desperate for an opinion...sadly.

  • Ok so if you dated a girl for 6 months and you liked her a lot...claimed you loved her and bought her a lot of stuff and such...and she cheated on you once but it was super random and drunken....would you ever be able to forgive her if you knew she was really sorry or would that be it and you couldn't take any more chances? I ask you not to judge, and just anwer the question, but some people will judge, so I accept that. Anyway thank you if you answer this, please do so honestly.

  • well i have to ask, why is he flipping you off? Do you have a history or is he randomly doing it to annoy you? Anyhow, what ever the reason may be, it's not worth it to resort to violence, you don't want assault on your criminal record or to spend time in jail, and it's far more civilized to settle the situation in another manner.

  • tall nonfat cappucino with 1 splenda. its 80 calories but sooo good, i have it at least 4 times a week....

  • Re: In the closet? - - Gay


    Well it may be that it differs from person to person but all the gay/bi people I've talked to have said they were always that orientation...sometimes they were in denial and it took them a while to admit it, but there was never a time when they weren't gay or bi. It didn't develop for them, it was just how they were. But maybe that's just my personal experience and for other's it is more developmental, I don't know!

  • Re: In the closet? - - Gay


    "bi is to widely accepted. There are only straight and gay people. Normally I wouldnt accept gay people but what the hell. Bi people act like they cant choose. Thats crap. They should pick a side and stop being greedy." Wow. It really bothers me when people say something of this kind, because they assume sexual orientation is a choice, when in actual fact you can no more choose your sexual orientation than you can your eye colour or hair colour etc. You are born with it, and you have no control …

  • well this isn't a sex dream at all, but last night i dreamt i was kissing my ex....which is weird...'cause i dont even like him anymore, i broked up with like 6 months ago...but im still dreaming about him apparently..and not about my current boyfriend....does that mean anything? or am i reading into it too much...

  • I feel bad for not writing a proper explanation of my opinions, but I really don't have time, wayyy too much going on. Still, this is an interesting topic, and besides godless has basically said everything (in considerably better language ... you are a really persuasive writer... ) that I would have said. So yes, I believe in evolution, the evidence for it is overwhelming, and I have thus far seen no evidence of a God existing or ever having existed.

  • yea i know exercise helps...i do about an hour of cardio everyday already, and stretches every other day but maybe ill hype it up a bit. I dunno its hard to exercise and eat like 700 calories a day too, it exhausts me, i want to get down to about 95 107 pounds now so thats like 12. shouldnt be that hard ...