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  • Quote from Izzie :): “I love how this thread has somehow worked it's way to be about me LOL Yes so anyway.. Captain, I can see your point about how it could be hormones.. but you really shouldnt say "If your 13, your not bisexual" Because you could be.” I say that though because you can never really tell for sure at that time. I find that with gays though, it is a bit more well-defined at that time (sometimes). Bisexuals on the other hand, because it is such an experimental stage in life, that o…

  • Quote from LauraJane: “But you will mind once you want sex right ? (thats not to insult btw, its meant to be just a logical question)” That's what one night stands are for m'dear. Some want to stay single but want the sex, so they just find themselves a fling. As some of my friends say "You don't need to be in a relationship to have sex" For me, I need to be in a relationship for the sex but yeah ... some don't. That's them lol

  • Quote from LauraJane: “I wasn't insulting your lack of knowledge towards bisexuals. I was aiming at the fact that you didn't know who my best friend was and what she has experienced to find out that she was bisexual. Perhaps it could be hormones, and that it might just be a phase, but how can that go with ALL people. Surely not every single person that thinks they are bi around the puberty ages can be wrong ?! And right now, im more confused than wanting to argue.” It's not necessarily wrong, it…

  • Quote from LauraJane: “Can you really judge other people basing on your lack of knowledge and experience since everyone is different. She has known she was bisexual since she was 12, and in fact, Alisha found out she was bisexual when she was only 10.” So says the inexperienced 13 year old. I have friends who are bi. A lot of them never really came out until after we graduated high school because they weren't even sure yet. Also, I know my shit. They will teach you this in college (well, obvious…

  • Quote from LauraJane: “Are you bi ?” Nope, but I went through that stage too at one point. I just never went around saying I was bi because I knew it wasn't necessarily true at that time.

  • I'm just throwing this out there to hear other people's opinions. Me and my boyfriend made 3 years this year (and still counting) and I was thinking about what it is that made this last. We're capable of respecting each others space, we can communicate effectively whatever problems or disagreements that may arise, we respect each other, and we know how much affection to give without being smothering lol. So, with that said, I'll turn it over to everyone else What do you think makes a long-term r…

  • If you're 13, you're not bisexual. You just started puberty, hormones are going nuts, everything looks attractive at that age. That's usually when teens tend to get the idea "Oh, I must be bisexua!" When really, they aren't. How can you tell? Obviously, it won't make itself known right away, but if you give it a few years you will know. By a few years, I mean you have to be at least around 17-18 to know for sure because that's when hormones start to 'settle' a little and sexuality becomes more w…

  • Quote from LauraJane: “You find those really sweet guys who always change to fit your lifestyle” Ugh, I HATE guys like that. I want them to be their own person, not someone who's molded themselves for my convenience. If they start out that way, fine, but part of being in a good relationship is being able to accept someone as they are, not change them to be what you want them to be. As for me, I won't lie I love the companionship so I like being in relationships. At this point, I'd probably find …

  • This doesn't even need advice. You know what needs to be done.

  • I hate girls who play hard to get. It's such a stupid mind game, to be honest. I mean, you like the guy, he likes you, why make it hard for him when you want him too?

  • Me and my boyfriend don't regret having sex. I think a couple should only introduce sex into the relationship if they have a healthy and stable relationship. I mentioned stability because you don't want to be having sex because you feel you need it in the relationship to stabilize it. By stability, I mean that you've stopped asking yourself "How much longer is this relationship going to last?" That's jsut my two pennies though.

  • I do that all the time, and my boyfriend is aware of it, but I don't tell him "It's not fun" Why? Because I'm not enough of a dick to do that. Sorry, but to be quite honest, that's really low of her to say that. Even if there was no ill intention behind it, that doesn't necessarily mean it's okay. Personally, I think you should ask her what she meant by that before doing any of the stuff these guys suggested.

  • Quote from jaaaaake: “You think they're crazy? That means the controlled mainstream media is doing its job well. You conformists probably think any form of standing up to tyranny and government is crazy, go figure. Hypothetically, if the government announces a "cool" implantable microchip you'll go line up and take it, I already made a thread on that. And maybe the people at the tea parties protesting outrageous taxation and the private Federal Reserve were crazy? Maybe the people against cluste…

  • Well, here's the thing, I'm not even sure if these people who are protesting at these town hall meetings know what they are protesting against. You hear some of them who are just saying that they want their America back (which, quite frankly I have no idea what they mean ... I don't think 'their America' has gone anywhere) They've been disrupting these town hall meetings too, which I think is pretty childish. It's no different from a child sitting there with their hands over their ears going "LA…

  • Quote from LOLFag: “Apparently no one reads my post.” I did! Unfortunately, those who SHOULD HAVE read it probably didn't which is a real shame because I'd like to see what sort of argument they'd come up with against that.

  • Well ... you can say that, but I'll never see it in that light. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what the troops do for the USA but I'm not so supportive of them that I want my boyfriend to join. Yes, I want him to do something with his life, but I'd rather have him working at the mall food court than joining the military. ANYTHING is better than having him join the military. You can reason with me as much as you like, but I will never see anything good about joining the military. This is just m…

  • Re: Being Asian is hard..

    captain_kurenai - - General Advice


    That's what I usually do. I couldn't care less if they want to be drama queens over it. If they're gonna be a dick to me like that, I don't see why I shouldn't do the same to them, basically.

  • Re: Being Asian is hard..

    captain_kurenai - - General Advice


    Yeah, I gotta admit ... not much you can do except find better friends. Personally, I think you're just making it hard for yourself. I will admit though, my group of friends is all Asian and only a handful of non-Asians. Quite frankly, we can't always stand non-Asians Sometimes there's a bit of a culture clash

  • Ha~ Some of his friends are joining the military and they told him he should join them. He flat out refused. I myself am also vehemently against it for my own reasons. Sorry, but I'd rather him support his country in a different way. (His reasoning is that he doesn't quite love his country enough to go and die for it)

  • Ah, my boyfriend is working at least so that's good. Actually, since he's been suspended he's going to be looking for a second job this fall semester and he can't stand not having a job. It's just getting him back to school that I'm mostly trying to do. It's good that he works, I just want him to get a better paying job, and to do that he'd need a degree.