Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 499.

  • Re: Shaving - IMPORTANT

    Tieko - - General Advice


    Your hair grows at a constant rate, it just appears to grow quicker if you shave it because it the hair's transition from 'non-existence' to a noticeable state is perceived sudden. I wouldn't worry about having to shave it regularly though. I mean, as you age you will need to have showers more often, and it does not take to long to shave in the shower. I don't know what you're asking in that last part though

  • Re: What do you think of me?

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    Your picture is small A bigger photo would help so we could distinguish your facial features better. Don't be selfconscious though, I've hung around girls for most of my life [boys are too immature :rolleyes:] and I am sure that at your age you have a body they would find cute.

  • Bought a flower for myself, baked for my friend, and thought about all the wonderful people I could 'meet' in Europe. :wink:

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: my photography!

    Tieko - - Creative Writing


    The first two were a little small, but I really like the 'Outside My Window' one The hues (is that the right word? I fail at visual art terminology :o) are very soothing and plus it's nature and nature rules The effect on the first photograph is also interesting (I hope there actually is an effect and it's not just distortion from the size :o). Like how the phone pole/wires are blurred as well as seemingly all the other man-made objects, yet the natural background is uneffected and is still shin…

  • Went sledding with some friends, and at one point we were all going down on an air mattress so we sat with our legs in a V shape so we could fit closer together. :wink: Needless to say I had the cute guy between my legs xD He made a point of commenting on how being between a guy's legs was the only thrill of the otherwise dismal ride xD

  • :O There was like a huge argument here before! I guess when Mayank reset/whatever Teenhut they all got erased... O well xD

  • Re: The new Avatar thread

    Tieko - - Films, TV and Books


    I just came home from watching it actually xD I really enjoyed it as well, and I was moved by the elements of romanticism [See 18th/19th century & Goethe] and how they stressed the idea of life being connected It would be nice if we could save our environment and not ravage it - but movies can't change the world The 3D was a bit disappointing in my opinion Sure it was neat, but for the amount of money and technology needed, the thrill was not much greater than a normal movie. Still great though

  • Bought a girls shirt of Tokio Hotel because they NEVER have it in guy shirts.

  • Re: Does this make me bi?

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm drinking tea right now D: Thankfully what you said is not in my cup of tea xD Ummm, as Carleigh said it doesn't make you gay. However I would be wary on telling others because a LOT of people will equate it as being gay without a second thought. As a warning, the anus acts as a vacuum so if you don't use something with a flarred base the object can get sucked up :eek: That makes for an awkward visit to the doctor. So either always keep your hand on your tool, or get something flarred at the …

  • Is it not the fact that they like you that is important, not the reasoning? You may not agree with why they like you, but you should still feel special to have someone who wants to spend time with you. And don't speak of worth as if it is something that can be quantified Worth is relative; to some, one thing may be worth nothing but to another it may be worth the world. Learn to enjoy being with people who think the latter of you and you may learn to feel better about yourself.

  • So my entire family is Christian based, so they like to celebrate Christmas extensively. I on the other hand stopped believing in any type of God basically around the time I found out Santa was not real (Maybe I was a bitter little boy who didn't like finding this out :p Haha no, my parents never forced religion on me so I just never understood why I should believe it). But ya, so I am an atheist but I am okay with them (or any other religion) celebrating their holidays. The thing is I don't lik…

  • Re: I'm bi, he's straight, what shall I do?

    Tieko - - LGBT


    Quote from S3CR3T: “:rofl: As if it makes a difference to you. You're still going to rape whoever you want. ---------- Anyway, what RMG said, he could be closeted :D” I lol'ed I agree that you shouldn't try to change someone's sexual preference If you like him, be his friend and if anything ever becomes of it then yay, but if not at least you have a hot friend

  • Re: one more night

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    CINDERELLA; One of your parents is dead [ ] You are expected to do a lot of chores [ ] You love to dress up [x] You love animals [x] Your mom is really strict [ ] People tell you they are jealous of you [ ] You're afraid to speak your mind sometimes [~] You have left your shoes at a friend's house before [ ] You have blonde hair [ ] TOTAL: 2.5 BELLE; You've fallen in love with someone your friends didn't like [ ] You've been lost in the forest [ ] You love to read [x] You are not shy at all, and…

  • Re: red bumps in crotch

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    Pulling them out? Like from waxing? Try putting on a general skin lotion (or a more sensitive type if you have it) after pulling them out. This should help reduce the inflammation

  • Re: Help

    Tieko - - LGBT


    Try douching? If you were too embarrassed to buy your own douches you could probably make your own using a sports waterbottle (that you can squeeze and has the nozzle) and a mix of water and backing soda.

  • [x]Graduated high school. [x]Kissed someone. [ ]Smoked cigarettes. [ ]Got so drunk you passed out. [ ]Rode every ride at an amusement park. [x]Collected something really stupid. [ ]Gone to a rock concert. [x]Helped someone. [x]Gone fishing. [ ]Watched four movies in one night. [~]Gone long periods of time with out sleep. [x]Lied to someone. [~]Been dumped. [ ]Snorted cocaine. [ ]Failed a class. [ ]Smoked weed. [ ]Dealt drugs. [University ftw]Taken a college level course. [~]Been in a car acciden…

  • Re: Vitamins

    Tieko - - Health and Fitness


    I take Spectrum, but that's because they are like the only vegetarian vitamins my drug store has... they have everything I need though and that is a lot since I need all the minerals and B vitamins that are sometimes lacking in plant food sources.

  • Re: Kit Kat or Twix?

    Tieko - - Health and Fitness


    Kit Kat, simplicity is perfection

  • Re: fFill in the blanks

    Tieko - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    What colour are your socks right now? No socks at the moment What are you listening to/watching right now? Nothing at the moment Last person you hugged? My mother xD LMAO Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes Awesome and beautiful person. How old are you today? 18 What is your favorite sport to watch? None. Favorite day of the year? I don't have one... What was your favorite toy as a kid? Brown Bunny Plushie rabbit. Cherries or Blueberries? Cherries when was the last time you cryed? R…