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  • Re: GED or Diploma?

    Dexter. - - General Advice


    Hmm, i'm 17 and have three years of highschool to go, never heard of this GED, it's really up to you, though the GED is faster, and highschool sucks hairy balls...

  • Re: On organ donations

    Dexter. - - Debate and Discussions


    Oh yeah, speaking of donor cards, in my country you don't have pay VAT if you have an organ, or blood donor card, how awsome?, with a VAT of 21% you'd better do it...

  • Re: I'm stuck here

    Dexter. - - General Advice


    Yeah, being surrounded by people your age and being able to socialize really compares to being home alone all day in the middle of the bush...

  • Re: D Worst Buk

    Dexter. - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from rmg126: “This has to be d worst thred I've ever read. :lol:” BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, excessive laughter, but still...

  • Re: The Twilight Saga

    Dexter. - - Films, TV and Books


    Oh my god, OP, learn to type.

  • Re: So, You're Afraid of Sex?

    Dexter. - - Teen Sexuality


    Definitely sticky material.

  • I'm stuck here

    Dexter. - - General Advice


    Well, i pondered if it was worth making another thread, for some reason i don't get many replies. So what the heck. What can i do? I'm sick of staying home all day, i live far away from town, and i don't have any means of transportation, my mum has a car, but she is scared of going anywhere... anyway i REALLY need a job, i just sold some things and i have slightly over 1K to spend on either a motorbike, or a car, which should i get? Bikes are cheap to fix, and easy to fix them myself, but i tend…

  • Re: how do I get his attention?

    Dexter. - - Teen Sexuality


    There are like 1 million ways, why do you want his attention?

  • NO ^ that's not the reason, peer pressure exists everywhere, i had my dad try to make me do drugs, how is that for pressure? Well, i didn't, Just because the wind blows one way doesn't mean you can't try a bit hard and go against the wind.

  • Re: On organ donations

    Dexter. - - Debate and Discussions


    Well, the person should be able to choose, it should definitely NOT become government's property, they have enough shit already. people should see the facts. Okay, someone is dying. - Sir, what would you like us to do with your organs? your liver will save one person's life, both your kidneys will go to 2 different people, your heart will save another person. If mister sir is selfish, he will say no, if he isn't selfish, he will say yes, it's hard to save lives, and saving lives while you are de…

  • Re: How Do I Meet New Girls?

    Dexter. - - General Advice


    Quote from keeladee: “Talk to them. I know a lot of guys who steal chicks stuff just to get their attention dont do it. Give them someone to talk to, become a friend.” IF you are after girls to ''date'' do NOT become their friend, yeah sure, it sounds all pretty and innocent, but once a friend, always a friend. Here's something i figured out, meeting girls is super easy, the hard part is meeting girls that interest you, girls tend to be boring, reading books for fun like twilight, that is bleh.

  • First of all, glad you are one of the rare teenagers with some sense in your head, good job It's basically what you said ''It's cool''It's fun and all, 'till someone gets an STD.

  • Will you have sexual intercourse within the next week or two? No. The last time you saw your friend, what did you do? Ignored it. If you had to decide, would you rather a pet Squid or Badger? badger Do you think your ex still wants to be with you? I don't have one What is a word you say a lot? Like Is there anything you should be worried about? yes Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? No You're up after 3 AM, what's the reason? Haven't gone to bed yet Are you in a r…

  • Look, I dunno your situation with her, but seriously, just ask it normally, there is no point on drawing it in rainbow coloured unicorns. its too much. follow the KISS rule, ''Keep it simple, stupid''.

  • Re: Which music piece did you play last ?

    Dexter. - - Music


    Quote from Mr. Peel: “I whistled.. if that counts, Young folks by peter bjorn & john. ” Omg, i was about to post the same thing... lol [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • hair

    Dexter. - - Fashion


    Okay, i have a somewhat big nose, should i keep my hair long, and covering my forehead, or shortish, and grow a beard? I have very curly hair...

  • Re: What not to drink?

    Dexter. - - Health and Fitness


    Quote: “November 2002” Quote: “...Eating too much fructose can induce leptin resistance, a condition that can easily lead to becoming overweight when combined with a high-fat, high-calorie diet, according to a new study with rats.” Yeah, the fructose is definitely the issue there... As long as you have plenty of exercise, you should do fine, even walking 30-60 minutes is enough...

  • Re: What not to drink?

    Dexter. - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Iceman Mk.II: “Natural fruit juice is indeed also a better option than soda. But it's best not to have too much of it either because of the high sugar content.” Fructose(fruit sugar) is much healthier than sucrose(''normal'' sugar), fructose takes much longer to get absorbed by our body, so it will NOT cause high sugar spikes, sucrose will be absorbed MUCH quicker, and give those high blood sugar spikes that cause issues. There are less calories in the same amount of fructose, than th…

  • Re: What not to drink?

    Dexter. - - Health and Fitness


    drink fruit juice, i haven't touched soda for a long time, acne is basically gone, and i feel better, like i actually want to get up in the morning.