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Search results 41-60 of 109.

  • Swallowing Your Own

    Alexiswinter - - Teen Sexuality


    OK, I am going to ask the dumb obvious question: why don't boys eat their own spunk when they j/o? I see a bunch of other threads about shooting into tissues or socks or other things. But it seems like no one, or very few, just gulp it down. Why not? Like I said, I'm sure the answer is obvious, but not to me and I'm curious. Thank you

  • Morning wood

    Alexiswinter - - Puberty


    Dumb question... How do you not roll over and bend it or hurt yourself? How do you get out of bed? Do you have to wait for it to go down?

  • Quote from char03: “Yeh, honestly I would say I am. Varies with my monthly cycle, but week before, during and week after I am horny...and that only leaves 1 week a month I am less so! lol ” This. But generally yes. I was also raised not to think those thoughts were bad or unnatural.

  • I have a high daily average. But I don't think about it all the time and I don't plan around it, which is what I've heard addiction described as.

  • Contraception Survey

    Alexiswinter - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm currently not using any but I'm not with anyone who could get me pregnant. I keep condoms though, just in case

  • where have you masturbated?

    Alexiswinter - - Puberty


    Quote from TaylerL: “Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from Alexiswinter: “Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from TaylerL: “I’m such a blonde, when I first read your name ,Alexis, I read it as Alex is Winter I can’t believe I just admitted that ” don't worry. I did too. #blondelife ” I am not winter.I am very good at keeping warm during the coldest months. ” that's a good skill. Teach meeeee ” me too, me too! Teach us your ways, Alexis. Unless it involves layers of clothes because, bleh, who needs tha…

  • They say I'm earth because I'm a capricorn But I've always felt more water

  • Country: USA Gender: F Age: 15 Type of swimwear: NOTHING (alone), Bikini/two piece (friends), one piece (competition) Do you wear anything underneath it?: NOPE If so, what?

  • where have you masturbated?

    Alexiswinter - - Puberty


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from TaylerL: “I’m such a blonde, when I first read your name ,Alexis, I read it as Alex is Winter I can’t believe I just admitted that ” don't worry. I did too. #blondelife ” I am not winter. I am very good at keeping warm during the coldest months.

  • Thoughts on nudism

    Alexiswinter - - Puberty


    Honesty, I admire it. The confidence to be bare and be you. I've been curious to try. Not sure how to start.

  • Building off another thread, did you learn about masturbating before you did it or discover it on your own without knowing what it was or if it had a name? For me, I discovered. I didn't know what I was doing or that other people did it. I just knew that when I ground my pillow between my legs it felt nice.

  • Haiku Fun

    Alexiswinter - - Creative Writing


    Citrus dew drips down Orange slices after game Glowing screams of joy

  • Limericks!

    Alexiswinter - - Creative Writing


    There once was a girl from the shore Who everyone thought was a bore But if your luck was a clover And happened to sleep over You'd both wake up pleasantly sore

  • Haiku Fun

    Alexiswinter - - Creative Writing


    Petal's soft kisses A loving pearl in moonlight Our evening's passion

  • Roses Redux

    Alexiswinter - - Creative Writing


    Roses are red Is your bed good? I'm having a lazy day And feeling a bit lewd

  • Roses Redux

    Alexiswinter - - Creative Writing


    Roses are red Trees can be green Why do boys think You want to see their peen?

  • where have you masturbated?

    Alexiswinter - - Puberty


    Quote from AshleighB: “On a unicycle ” How? Sorry, I can't tell when people are joking about this stuff sometimes. I've heard weirder but not by much.

  • Quote from Amy&Chloe: “Quote from Alexiswinter: “The gspot is like right inside, maybe an inch in. ” Yeah and it feels so good the A spot is a lot deeper and unless you’re a giant a 6” dick will totally push it right ” OK, I'll be a dummy and ask. What's the a spot. I could guess, but I'm curious.

  • Side and belly. I roll around a lot

  • What footwear are you wearing

    Alexiswinter - - Fashion

