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  • Re: family

    kopite - - Friends and Family


    aww im soo sorry for your loss, i lost my great uncle a month ago, and ive kind of regretted not knowing him better because he was an amazing man, i dont really have any memories of him, just from what my mother has told me. its ok to ask about him to the people who were close to him, i find the people around him only love to share their stories, (thats the way it was for my family anyway) but im sure its the same for yours, death is a tough time, but im guessing he lived quite a long and fruitf…

  • agreed with jasmine, you wont know until you see what he is like when its just you, try a bit if flirting see how he responds, but as jasmine said, guys can be oblivious at times when it comes to girls. its not uncommon for two people that dont get along to end up together, like the friction that comes from argueing can be transformed into passion in a relationship, like maybe the reason he argues with you is because he likes you, like the kid in the playground who pushes over the girl he likes,…

  • well it seems you have learned alot from your experiences with him, like a good physical side to a relationship is never enough to be able to sustain it, like as you saw with your friend, although they could be in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, it is still how a relationship should be, going out together, having a romantic day here and there, and it works both ways, but its good that ye ended on good terms, there is nothing worse than a bad break up especially if you still have feeli…

  • well at first glance it would appear you are unhappy in the relationship and perhaps should talk to him about ending it, however, if the only reason why you feel like this is because you feel like his personal driver then maybe you should talk to him about this, try and encourage him to start driving, that way you might feel different, but at the end of the day you do not wish to be with him then maybe you should think about ending your relationship with him, there is no point in anyone being in…

  • it sometimes works a treat, like girls will be nicer to you and ask how you got hurt etc etc and they could ask to sign your cast, or else it wont make a difference, it depends on the girl really

  • Re: Get in!!!!!

    kopite - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    awww congratz girl, i hope it works out, he obviously likes you if he kissed you!!!

  • sorry you broke up with her dude, there is no 1 way to get over your ex, its gona be tough, it will take a long time, and it will hurt like hell at first but the pain will start to slowly ease off, and then one day you will wake up and you will be over her. i suggest talking to a friend, they will help you get through it, you must keep active though, because if you dont do anything it will hurt more and will take harder to get over, soo like try and get involved in some kind of activity or sport…

  • that looks frickin amazing, it looks soo much faster compared to MW 2

  • Re: Help

    kopite - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    ya exactly pretty much once a person hits puberty they are old enough to start dating, and i know people who started going out at 13 and are still together at 19/20 soo age has nothing really to do with it its the commitment that two people would share for each other, at that age though people could be unfaithful to their partners. id make sure if he is gay/bi or indeed straight because if he you find out after ye start going out then that would be alot of hurt for you, like he may be straight b…

  • well the above post says it perfectly fro me, it seemed you were too clingy and then you were too distant, try and find a medium, like let her spend time with her friends, but let her know that you are there for her when she needs you to be her boyfriend.

  • ^^^^^ and irish :p

  • Re: really nervous

    kopite - - Friends and Family


    well the way i see it, there is no point for people to hold grudges, by going to meet her you show each other that both of you are mature enough to try and start up a friendship again. even if you have not missed the friendship doesnt mean that you cant re-kindle it. ya its only natural to be nervous, im kind of in the same situation, im trying to re-start up a friendship with a girl where i wrecked the friendship a year and a half ago, and it will be awkward at first. i suggest that you just gi…

  • Re: V necks

    kopite - - Fashion


    i would only wear a v neck if there was an undershirt i could wear with it, i have a nice black v neck, (its not as v as the ones you see around the place) but i only wear it if there is something i can wear under it. but im not the biggest fan of them otherwise, you see the guys that wear them, it just looks ridiculous to me

  • al you can do is apologize if you feel guilty about it, it was one mistake, we all mess up sometimes, who want your number?? your friend who got in trouble or her mom?? if she wants your number then just give it to her, ye could become really good friends

  • any long distance relationship can work if both people put the effort in. i am in a very long distance relationship aswell, and if you talk everyday, and try and see each other as much as possible then you really should go for it. its going to be extremely hard, dont get me wrong, but what have you got to lose?? if you both care about each other then you can make anything work.

  • long distance relationships can work if both people put in the effort, although it is very very hard, but through phone calls and webcams etc it can work, ask her if she is up for a long distance relationship. bring up the fact that you are moving and tell what you want and ask her what she wants. you never know she may be up for it too. best of luck

  • Re: Rock Dying Out?

    kopite - - Music


    rock will never die, i am constantly finding rock bands that i have never even heard of before that blow me away with their music, just this year i discovered rise against, (ok, im guessing alot of people have already heard of them, but no one really knows of them over here) rock wont die, it will just change, like rick back in the 80s is completely different to rock now, like you had kiss and like black sabbath back then, not really hardcore rock now days. they thought rock would die out every …

  • Re: Someones been in my room

    kopite - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Cop2be: “Its my mom and brother.” well i think you are left with no other option but to get a lock for your room, so you can be sure when you are out of the house that your privacy is secure, i dont think its right for your mother to into your room, she should be able to trust and respect you, and as for your brother, its probably him just trying to annoy you, but if you are upset about it then i would pursue getting a lock for your room, that way they might start to respect your priv…

  • well it depends on how good of friends you are with his ex, are ye still friends?? were they serious in their relationship?? how long has it been since they broke up? if you can see the flirting going somewhere then perhaps you could tell him, but make sure it is not a big deal, i have gone out with a few of my friends ex's and they didnt really mind much. id talk to your friend and just tell her to try and protect your friendship with her. i hope it goes well

  • first of congratz on the degree secondly, id go with what linda said, there are countless threads on here about whether a person likes you or not, depression is a big issue aswell you could explore. but id go with like crushes, relationships etc as your main topic of discussion best of luck