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  • Re: true love

    kopite - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    in my opinion, if you ever love a person, you never truely stop loving them, you may not be as in love with them at its peak, but you will never ever fall completely out of love, you cant, your heart remembers the way you felt for that person. if you do fall out of love then you were not truely in love.

  • well at the age of 15, ya all i cared about was if the girl was good looking, but as you turn 17, 18, 19, you start to go for girls, not because of their looks but because of their personality, like sense of humour, kind etc, like looks do help, dont get me wrong, the chance of a relationship is greatly reduced if the person is not physically attracted to the other person, but its not the major factor in my opinion, although i love a girl with pretty eyes!! like with my gf, ya i was attracted to…

  • Re: Help

    kopite - - General Advice


    you could just have bad circulation of blood, my hands and feet are usually freezing the majority of the time, maybe ask your roommates if you can put the temperature up a few degrees?? or else just wear heavy jumpers or gloves, other than that i dont think there is much else you can do im afraid

  • is it family or friends or people you dont know? either way, you should get a lock for your door, if you have asked before and yet they still persist to go in your room then you have no real option but to get a lock so you can feel safe knowing they cant get into your room when you are not there. they should respect your privacy and wishes, its very selfish on their part by not doing so, if you get a lock they might start to respect your privacy again

  • hmmm this is very tricky, and if not handled correctly it could end up ruining your friendship with the both of them, he will feel that they are still together and that ye cheated on him, if he still thinks there is a chance of them getting back together, as for her, she thought that the relationship was over, its a tough one mate, but i reckon you must come clean with him, secrets always come out in the end, soo its better he hear it from his best friend than someone else right? yes he probably…

  • im really sorry for what you are going through, divorce is tough enough without dealing with a break up yourself. there is no one way to get to get over a person, it just takes a very long time, and it has not been very long since ye broke up, like it was only what? two weeks ago?? it takes alot longer than two weeks to get over a person, all you can do is try and get out there, hang out with friends, maybe try and go out and try and meet new people, even just talking to new people will help you…

  • Re: Band Recommendations

    kopite - - Music


    green day foo fighters my chemical romance rage against the machine rise against muse avenged sevenfold metallica lostprophets biffy clyro audioslave counting crows (they are more soft rock though) linkin park etc etc

  • your 14, ya its natural to want to have a relationship and be with someone, its like this for people of any age, but you are very young, you dont need a relationship at that age, be yourself, be a teenager, have fun with friends, if a relationship arises then thats great go for it, but my advise is, you need to stop looking for a relationship to happen and just let see how things go, and they will, thats how it was for me anyway, i stopped looking and just had fun and got a relationship out of i…

  • i think he could really like you, this seems classic signs that a shy guy like himself likes you, i too am very shy, and these are similar tactics that i have used in the past to get the attention of girls i have liked, like you said, he has gotten more comfortable around you, and the hole teasing and eye contact and slurring his speech around you is a sure sign that he likes you, when he starts flirting with you, flirt back, cause its probably the only way he will know that you like him back, a…

  • ok, i think its perfectly natural to still have feelings for a person just one month after a relationship, its a very slow process getting over a person, even if they were not the best of partners you still care for them and various things start coming into your head, like asking yourself about things that could have been different, but in the end, you will be a stronger and better person for going through this, and you can use these experiences to not repeat the same mistakes in future relation…

  • roughly about 5 years, i never had the guts to just tell her how i felt, kinda regret that now, but i would not have had any chance with her anyway

  • i wouldnt read too much into it, id say he is just shy and doesnt want to mess things up, as linda said, dont let something this small upset you, if you feel he likes you then just go with it, maybe ask him why he did it, but i wouldnt be worried about this

  • i dont see anything wrong here in the slightest, its good that your and your sis are close, as long as there is no sexual attraction to each other which from what ive read is not the case then its perfectly fine and should be encouraged not put down, like ye are both the same age, going through the usual teen and puberty stuff, and ye have been close since ye were young, soo i see no reason why ye need a therapist, maybe it might be healthy if ye both tried branching out a bit more and make a fe…

  • well she obviously likes you man, and does wish to start things up later on, but if her wishes are too finish it out with her bf then you should try your best and not let it get to you soo much, i know it wont be easy, but you need to try, just try and ignore the fact that she has a bf, it will only be 4 weeks anyway until the end of august soo just bide your time, get to know her a bit better. and if she chooses to end things sooner then all's well that ends well, just be careful you may end up…

  • Quote from JohnDoe: “Wth are these about” this is a project were the people of teen hut can share their stories and hardships be it publicy or anonymously, it is to help people who may be in the same situation and give them some perspective.

  • Re: Giving Out Numbers

    kopite - - General Advice


    ive given my number out only on like 2 or 3 occasions and that was with people i truely trusted after a few weeks/months of talking to each other. please dont give out your number unless you really trust that person, it is the internet afterall, and you can never be too careful, i dont think anyone would get offended because you didnt give them your phone number over the internet, i know i wouldnt be offended if someone refused to give me their number.

  • to me he just seems to be one of those love struck teenagers, like when your with a person you often think, could this be the real thing, could i see myself with this person for the rest of my life, these things start flooding the brain, some can hold it better than others, its obvious you are uncomfortable with saying that you love him, which is perfectly ok, why rush things? that word is often thrown around by people when they dont mean it, your still very young, just give it time, he will cal…

  • everyone has said it, it can go in any direction, like if ye do live together then you two could become even better friends that what you are now, or your styles could cash and ye may ruin your friendship, i was going to move in with my best friend, but other things got in the way, we were also studying the same thing, but i know if i moved in with him, it would have ruined us, its no big deal if you move in with strangers, you will meet sooo many new people, and all of the new persons friends. …

  • Re: Losing a friend......

    kopite - - Friends and Family


    im in your exact same position at the moment, i met my friend at college and he even intvited me to go travelling europe with him this time last year, and we had an incredible time, but when we got back things just were not the same anymore, he just doesnt want anything really to do with me, and ive tried talking to him but nothing really. all you can really do here is, try and ask him if he wants to hang out, just try and be friendly to him, and if he responds well then maybe you two can sort t…

  • i have known many relationships like this that have worked well, like one of my classmates who was like 15-17 at the time, and starting going out with a guy who was like 21-23 and they have been together for about 3 or 4 years, luckily i knew the guy so i knew he wouldnt jerk her around, try and get to know him, see what kind of guy he is like, alot of guys can be nothing but respectful in situations like this, do the parents know?? because if they are ok with it then you should be too, all you …