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  • i'll read this thread once i get all caught up! (still on season 2)

  • Re: Wii > 360 and PS3

    Butthurt Burt - - Video Games


    lol I'd do it myself but I'd be afraid to butcher it.

  • Re: Wii > 360 and PS3

    Butthurt Burt - - Video Games


    I wish I knew how to mod shit. I don't want to spend money on games :(.

  • Re: Wii > 360 and PS3

    Butthurt Burt - - Video Games


    I prefer platforming games on the Wii, like Super Mario Galaxy.

  • Re: Wii > 360 and PS3

    Butthurt Burt - - Video Games


    I don't really like how the 360's Kinnect is going to focus solely on motion controls either. At least with most Wii games they have classic control mixed in with motion controls so things don't get too frustrating. Who knows though, maybe Kinnect is going to be amazingly accurate with its responses and revolutionize gaming as we know it.

  • Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “To be honest, the next person to find out will probably be his son. Unless he meets a troubled girlfriend or something or relates to him. Otherwise I think his son will be the only one to find out.” I really doubt that lol The next person who finds out is gonna be a new character who forms a unique relationship with Dexter, and then Dexter will kill them off at the end of the season. It's typical Dexter formula.

  • I'm pretty happy they chose Garfield. He has a more charismatic look than most of the others.

  • Re: Wii > 360 and PS3

    Butthurt Burt - - Video Games


    Quote from DamnImGood: “I agree. The proof of it is in this year's E3. The PS3 and 360 are scrambling to catch up. When the Wii was announced, it was immediately written off with speculation that Nintendo might go the way of Sega and drop out of the console race. LOL @ those people. Over 18 months after its release the Wii was still selling out. When I bought my Wii this January I went to two Best Buys and a Wal-Mart and it was sold out at all three, and the accessories shelves were bare. Litera…

  • Wii > 360 and PS3

    Butthurt Burt - - Video Games


    sorry "hardcore gamers" but this is a fact

  • Re: Glee

    Butthurt Burt - - Films, TV and Books


    Most of the characters are poorly developed and written. I just want to punch my tv screen sometimes when Mercedes and Kurt are on because they're so frustrating and annoying. Complete hypocrites too. The best part of Glee are the funny one-liners from Puck and Sue.

  • Re: Fuck Twilight

    Butthurt Burt - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from DamnImGood: “Predators is going to be crap, but I'll be there on opening night to see it because I grew up on Predator.” I think it's gonna be campy-awesome. I'm hyped for it.

  • I think they're gonna call Ultimate Spider-Man. Just a guess though basing it off the name of the Hulk requel (The Incredible Hulk).

  • It's sad when someone you know suicideds

  • Tell him to move to Africa or something (without his preggers gf) so his life is easier.

  • lol if he's jacking off that's pretty fucking weird. you don't just get up while your watching TV with someone to go masturbate.

  • Tobey was an awful Spider-Man IMO. His voice pissed me the fuck off. I think they're rebooting it because the third one kinda... blew it. There are rumors that Tobey is still gonna be acting in the spidey suite though. Also, this guy needs to be Harry Osbourne 108425_dave-franco-accesshollywoodcoms-newest-rising-star-dec-2009.jpg James Franco played such a great Harry, so why not bring in his very similar looking brother, Dave Franco?

  • There are 8 actors in the running to be Spider-Man in the much anticipated reboot of the movie series. Jamie Bell (Jumper) jamie-bell_photoboxart_160w.jpg Anton Yelchin (JJ Abram's Star Trek) anton-yelchin_photoboxart_160w.jpg Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass) aaron-johnson_photoboxart_160w.jpg Andrew Garfield (The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus) andrew-garfield_photoboxart_160w.jpg Alden Ehrenreich (Tetro) alden-ehrenreich_photoboxart_160w.jpg Michael Angarano (The Forbidden Kingdom) michaelangarano_bo…

  • Re: Dexter: Season 4

    Butthurt Burt - - Films, TV and Books


    I'm almost positive it was Arthur. It was written so that Dexter had so many opportunities to kill Arthur, but didn't. He kept him alive longer for his own personal benefits which ultimately led to the death of his wife which only makes the scene all the more tragic. And yeah when Dexter was going on about looking at the moon I knew things were a little too happy.

  • Mario

  • It was pretty good in my opinion, but definitely has very mixed reactions. Two of the actors are fantastic (Jackie Earle Haley and Jeffery Dean Morgan) but most of the others fall a little flat. It's worth a watch for sure, but the comic is better.