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  • Re: another family fight

    NBstunter - - Friends and Family


    Quote from volleyballLover!: “when ur gettin yelled at it helps to dig ur nails into ur hands...idk just a suggestion? &yeahh cant u get a cheaper bike? &then save the money u make from ur job for the stuff u need?? or maybe live wit one of ur friends to save ur parents moeny or sumthin? sorry that i'm not much help” i already have 2 bikes 1 street legal [motors stuck in a friends garage that went to africa for 3 months and didnt tell me to pick my motor up first] other isnt street legal but the…

  • Quote from Pallas: “1264251290573.gif” i love how the pics is this stupid chubby fat kid lmao really we dont care about your body besides can a prove my pic is of me? no i cant prove it but it is me. anyone can find a pic online of a fucken crappy 6 pack.

  • wow my parents got pissed when i had sex once at age almost 16. wow just wow i have never drank and after almost being hit by 6 drunk drivers on my motorcycle i refuse to ever drink. if im gonna go see my friends im gonna go see my friends not who alcohol makes them. wow just wow im just thinking of my good friends father that i ride with who has a 13 year old girl what he would do if he heard his girl did that wow just wow thats a lot to take in i cant even think if i was a father and i heard t…

  • Re: another family fight

    NBstunter - - Friends and Family


    well now my great aunt of witch i live with because my parents cant afford to live on there own well she just complained about our fight last night that its to much stress on her and she doesnt want us here anymore. consider she doesnt have her licence anymore and cant read letters the size of her hand means she would also have to move the plan when we moved here was when they all passed we got the house well i have not lived here for 10 fucken years to get nothing. and my moms now pissed at me …

  • Re: another family fight

    NBstunter - - Friends and Family


    Quote from volleyballLover!: “i'm sorry that rele suxxx...i dont rele know wat to say i've never had that specific problem but would sellin the car give u enough money to buy the bike?” its a start but not all i need i am getting $1000 outta the car and need $3000 for the bike after tax but at the end of the fight they said i could have the money from it hopefully they still think that tomorrow and the next day

  • the way i see it is what does it matter its not like anyones gonna see it? or atleast if your not old enough that your parents wont let you wear one i hope no ones gonna see it. edit: as i read the post below me i remember your other thread so never mind....... and if your parents wont let you wear one then you shouldnt be drinking either

  • Re: What sports do you play?

    NBstunter - - Sports


    stunt riding. [for those who dont know what it is this is a vid of the top guys in my sport ]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. i do some motocross when i have the money. used to play baseball but had to take 2 months off when i broke my foot and i never got back into it. would love to play hockey if i could skate and be in better shape.

  • Re: another family fight

    NBstunter - - Friends and Family


    the family barely gets by as it is they where borrowing money to get the new car so dad paying for the bike is outta question and he hit his credit limit buying the car so cant get a loan for the bike

  • another family fight

    NBstunter - - Friends and Family


    so yet another family fight about money or lack there of. it all started when i told my dad i was selling the old car thats been sitting in the yard for 3 weeks since it broke and wasnt driveable and they got a new car well i told him since he wasnt doing anything with it and had no plans to i was gonna sell it to get money outta it for my new motorbike for the summer of witch i need so i can get a job and get back and forth to work because we are a 1 car family and my dad has it all the time at…

  • Re: Modern Warfare 2

    NBstunter - - Video Games


    i played it a while but a friend said the perks are outta contol and after i thought about it they are like cammando knifing from like 10 feet? give me a brake. dont get me wrong i still love it but im back at COD4 for now

  • Quote from Hooligan: “idk i've always seen being skinny as kind of gross...i'd like to be more curvatious cuz it will make me more comfortable in dressed and tighter clothes :)” why cant every woman be like you?

  • Quote from Linda: “Yes, its true that its bad for your health. I have a messed up sleeping pattern also, so I know how you feel. I don't go to sleep until about 7-8 am, and then I'll either get 3-4 hours of sleep, or 6-7. Have you tried Melatonin?” i have sleeping ad's i just dont like useing them cause they put me to sleep for like 18 hours and then i feel like i havent accomplished anything so i try not to take them and my mom gets pissed about it but i like to stay up late cause i live in a h…

  • Quote from cassie--valentine: “The poor girl... she basically got raped” +1 another reason i stay away from drugs.

  • Re: SUV's?

    NBstunter - - Debate and Discussions


    some people live where theres lots of snow and dirt roads and rain that wash out roads that a car just wouldnt survive my moms SUV has out lasted 4 of my fathers cars. but myself i ride street and trail and sportbikes all summer rain or shine and some in the winter as well but when i get a car im going with a pick up truck to haul my bikes around with and for a snow plowing truck. speaking of witch i see a lot of people where i live that have plows on suv's [we get upwards of 4 feet of snow a wi…

  • well right now its almost 7 AM i have been up since 4 PM yesterday and i have to stay up untill 6 PM tonight cause i have counseling of witch i hate. anyways its not odd for me to stay up 24 hours a few times a week anyone else have a fucked up schedule? also my mom bitches thats its bad for my health is that true?

  • Re: i am so pissed off!!!!

    NBstunter - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Jason cool: “Are you sure they are really your parents ??:confused: and i didn't know that we can go to jail for watching porn!!!:o I didn't know that parents can behave that way!!:o i mean this is a total......:mad:” i went to jail for hitting my father after him finding the porn. they told the cops about the porn i said to my parents i would be much happier dealing with the police about the porn then them they said fine. as i was riding in a police car for 45 min cuffed i talked to …

  • Re: Is it selfish...

    NBstunter - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from moot: “Warning! tl;dr rant is tl;dr! Excellent thread OP, I've always wanted to rant on this. My personal opinion is NO, it is NOT selfish in the least. Speaking from personal experience, I have 5 sisters and one brother, all from the same marriage. As I've explained in a couple of previous threads, my parents (especially my mom) are very religious. They view having children as an obligation that they *must* fulfill. My parents are both 46, and just last year my mom had her 7th child.…

  • never paid for one ever my mom has done it since i was born and i have no plans on going anywhere else anytime soon. well hair dressers are hot so maybe

  • Re: how many scars do you have?

    NBstunter - - Fashion


    haha wow scars? one bad mother fucker on my leg 4 inchs long from a chain saw [im not kidding] that one didnt hurt... until my mom said we had to clean by scrubing it with a over sized tooth brush to get the chain saws oil out of it talk about a painful day:o:o:o. i have tons on my right hand from a motorcycle crash someone without working tail lights put my hand threw a tail light lens [i have pics but they are so gross im sure id get - rep for posting them] after the crash it took 2 min for th…

  • Re: Age Limit In CANADA

    NBstunter - - General Advice


    Quote from Jems: “I think it depends for each provinces, cause in Quebec it is still 14.” yeah you might be right or my parents are lying to me to stop me from having sex lmao wouldnt supprise me if they where but aw well im not so sweet sixteen now!