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  • Re: 9/11 Clusterfuck Thread

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    9/11 is a inside job and has been proven that it didn't happen the way the commission said it did. NEXT DEBATE! /thread

  • Re: 9/11 was an inside job.

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DamnImGood: “Obvious troll thread is an obvious troll thread.” You sir are retarded. This has been sourced.

  • 9/11 was an inside job.

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    Funny how 220 (110 each) stories of building left almost no debris but FDNY staff are recalled as saying that they have seen 10 storey building collapses leave more debris then both towers did. Inside job much?

  • Quote from Se7en: “I wonder what sort of response I'd get if I said I made a login system with VB... >_>" And I hate coding.. Hate it.. ='[” lol. my system works with vBulletin too. Its just to secure websites from prying eyes plus I can add member accounts and profiles, etc.

  • Recent Graphic Work.

    Cat - - Creative Writing


    ci2jl.png igg21e.jpg nfll5z.jpg

  • We wouldnt ban you for this.

  • 1984 by George Orwell

    Cat - - Films, TV and Books


    Simply magnificent read, anybody read it?

  • Custom coded and written with a installer. yay for php

  • My views: New York City Police Department gave strong opposition in 1998 to location of the city's emergency command center at the Trade Center site. The Giuliani administration overrode these concerns as they are fools. Because Giuliani refused to upgrade first responder radios, provided lack of preparedness in an emergency, he should be accountable for each first responders's death. The radios were not working when Fire Department chiefs ordered the 343 firefighters inside the towers to evacua…

  • Re: Family Separations

    Cat - - Friends and Family


    Quote from the smoke monster: “haha Cat has a sticky. Mayank should def take this over.” I got a shit load of them.

  • Re: The Ultimate Guide To Puberty

    Cat - - Puberty


    Quote from Awesomeness Resides Here: “I feel for you whiel you wrote about the girls. It's awkward enough for us, never mind a guy.” Its easy for me, cos I don't care what others think about me. I have other stickies dedicated to girls: Here

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Cat - - Music


    Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z I gotta feeling - Black Eyed Peas

  • You good with GFX?

    Cat - - Creative Writing


    I need someone to add text to a sig I created. I would do it myself but I no longer have photoshop on my PC. Any help is much appreciated!

  • Lets have a debate.

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    Here is the debate of the day, True Story: Cat decided to fly planes into the WTC for the obvious lulz and much lulz were had after the attack. Then CNN became butt-hurt along with the Democrats and instead of turning to Fox for the only source of good news, they decided to listen to some loser named Dick Cheney who secretly helped plot the lulz attack aka 9/11 and the Americans invade Iraq. Question: Was it worth the lulz? Debate.

  • I'm gay

    Cat - - LGBT


    owait, That's not true, oh snap.

  • Re: The Ultimate Guide To Puberty

    Cat - - Puberty


    Quote from crazyhyperway: “u forgot about the part where u start to like a girl/boy” I'll finish it soon

  • Re: Life on Mars.

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote: “You're sources are old. The first one is from 2001, the second from 2004, and the third has no references breaking the 21st century.” Who gives a shit? Sources can date back 4 billion years, a source is a source.

  • Re: Life on Mars.

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DamnImGood: “Extremely compelling, but not 100% solid proof. I want there to be life elsewhere just as much as the next person. The moment it's 100% verified, the world will be turned upside down because it will be the greatest discovery in human history. I think you would hear about it in a few newspapers.” oh, I forgot: Allan Hills 84001 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “There's no current if the circuit is broken, which is almost certain since a plane just rammed itself into the building. I would imagine that would break a few wires.” Depends. There must have been electricity still on and active in the buildings if the elevators, lights, computers, etc still worked and ran on power. The circuit would have been broken on certain floors which wouldn't matter as the fire can jump floors.