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  • Well, I wouldnt date a girl who swears too much. I dont swear myself around girls, and I wouldnt like being sworn at or hearing swearing too much!

  • Re: Best ever wank

    Cat - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote: “Use toothpaste like the guy a few days ago. It works just great! :D” No, That was insane, you could feel it for like 2 hours later. Hot and Cold, omg.

  • Alright, so from what I’ve picked up, you’re shy and he’s shy. Casually approach him and strike up a small conversation. Remember, shy people are just like everyone else except with a wall. They won’t bite you or run away. A small conversation is impersonal and one that could be about school, swimming, teachers, news, weather or any other topic. Be genuinely interested in him. Shy guys are guys too like me! Find out his hobbies (Swimming and his friend) or talk about common interest. Try to ask …

  • Well, you got to move on mate, I know its hard and in your heart you still have feelings for him, but sometimes breakups are ways of letting you know that something was wrong. Did you try talking to him about it? Do you know the reason why he broke it off? I cant give that much advice as you didnt leave me much to go on…01-how-cope-break-up.html - Thats a thing that I would suggest you could look at. Keep living mate, your relationship is done, but not your life. G…

  • mhmmhmh, I guess it all goes down to you or him making the first move. I could provide some advice on ways to aproach him if you want.

  • Quote: “Actually it didn't have anything to do with your slambook entry :rofl: I completley zapped the slambook infact. And as Jess said, the saying is deaf ears not death ears :rofl: :rofl:” You didnt read my slambook? Yeah, I went to edit Death and It was locked, I mis-spelled it. Still I mentioned the pics my slambook entry for you! :rofl:

  • Do you know his best friend? You could try to meet him through the friend.

  • I would stay away if she really does have a boyfriend. You should respect them.. Guys and girls flirt with each other a lot, but it doesnt mean they like each other. Like Ive said before, Love has no age limit Its normal to feel awkward about the situation your in. It doesnt sound bad, just sounds tough