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  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Glad to see you're still as stupid as ever, Cat. Keep it up!” You. Are. A. Fucking. Dumbass. [SIZE=-1]Electrical current will produce heat and if it produces enough heat it can start the combustion process and there is a fire. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]For a fire to start there must be a quantity of heat energy available to get the chemical reaction started. Once started the chemical reaction can sustain itself until it runs out of fuel or oxygen. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1] …

  • Re: Life on Mars.

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DamnImGood: “Um, what? No life has been found on Mars.” -- Scientists Say Mars Viking Mission Found Life…ologyProposal(Thaler).pdf Liquid water and life on Mars

  • Quote from Dongada: “think about it... The tower burnt from the midsection.. so why wouldnt the top half of the tower not fall of to the side? How does fires burning on the mid/top section possibly affect the core lower section enough to make it collapse on itself? Why wouldnt the top/mid section not fall to the side, and leave the lower section in tact? Why does the building fall in itself, from damage done to the mid/top section? Im sure everyone has played the game "Jenga" or something simila…

  • The one about how jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, therefore the towers shouldn't have come down The jet fuel burns at around 800 to 1200 while steel melts at 2700ish. Now, the jet fuel only served as a ignition, other factors such as all the flammable things in the buildings including electricity supplied enough fuel to the fire brining it up to around 1800. Tetrahedron would cause other things to be ignited, chemical chain reaction and at 1800, steel weakens and can collapse. Th…

  • Life on Mars.

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    With the discovery of water on Mars awhile back and micro-organisms, do you believe there might be life on Mars such as creatures or another type of human beings? Techanially speaking life has already been found, just not the kind we were hoping for. Personally Yes, I believe other forms of life exists either on Mars or another planet. I believe Aliens are similar to a earth humans, not green bug eyed shit. Why should we be the only earth out there? There must be others.

  • Quote from saralovesyou: “??????? is this like a joke?” nosir.

  • Re: Do you believe in God?

    Cat - - Debate and Discussions


    I am God

  • Basically Sasha to sum it up, it was the day the Americans got what they deserved, or in computer speak, PWNED BITCH. Or if your like Bin Laden, I did it for the Lulz.

  • Re: Stupid Question

    Cat - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah, he got one, thats my guess.

  • Re: Stupid Question

    Cat - - Teen Sexuality


    explain why u wanna know

  • Re: The Ultimate Guide To Puberty

    Cat - - Puberty


    err, I aint a girl

  • Re: Right.... What do I do? haha

    Cat - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote: “Is there anyway you could reposition her like on your leg maybe when she's on your lap? that might make it less noticeable to her incase it happens again. ” No doubt that will be the best route, unless she squeaks or something. Worst thing about being a guy is this and this alone haha. Quote: “Do you feel comfortable bringing this topic up with the girl? (The older one) Maybe ask her if she could tell her sister that she needs to stop begging to sit in your lap. If that doesn't exactly w…

  • Rain is living water, pristine, pure, and sweet, straight from the hand of the Great Mother Goddess Herself. I think it's because rain is such a gloomy thing to some people, and kissing is such a magical thing. It must be the irony in the fact that something so beautiful could happen in the midst of something so dark and ominous.

  • Re: more poems

    Cat - - Creative Writing


    Well, Dont know how to put em to words with sounds so meh :p

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Cat - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Cat - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Right.... What do I do? haha

    Cat - - Teen Sexuality



  • more poems

    Cat - - Creative Writing


    Standing in your rear-view mirror, And getting soaked to the bone, But your wheels just turn, I melt to a happier time, But baby, I’d settle for a slowdown Lost in this moment with you, I am completely consumed, Waiting my whole life for this, Watching all my dreams come true. Watch my words draw Sweet tears from your eyes We stand in-front of the preacher Lost in the moment, Sealing our love with a kiss We melt away… My knees start to tremble, As I look upon your sorrow It was a perfect love st…

  • Thanks Harvey, means a lot to me