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  • nevershoutJohn ? I don't know, but hey, mine's LoveStartsRiots if that helps you think of anything at all

  • A - Available: It's complicated, but pretty much I guess. - Age: 14. - Annoyance: Nothing right now. -Animal: Polar bear, tiger, dogs, llama, koala bears. B - Birthday: 4.6. - Best Friends:Hannag, Tylynn, Dustin, Abby; I have quit a few. - Body Part on opposite sex: With him, everything. - Best feeling in the world:Loving him. - Best weather: Warm, I guess. - Been in Love: Yes. - Been on stage?: Yes. - Believe in Magic: Of love and music, yes. - Believe in Miracles: I think so. - Believe in Sant…

  • Re: Ouija Boards

    RockMeBaby<3 - - General Advice


    Quote from Bommer09: “Could you go into a bit more detail? Anyways OP I wouldn't really mess with it. You're invoking spirits into your space and you might get some asshole ones trying to fuck with you. Personally if you really want to you might want to say some prayers beforehand if you believe that works. If you do it, let us know if anything happens.” Let's just say, it said some scary shit!

  • I give up.

    RockMeBaby<3 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Who is your favorite band? I have a bunch. Do you have a big backyard? Yeah. Do you remember the last word you looked up in the dictionary? No, but I think it was for Spanish class. Who all are you texting at the moment? No one. Do you have unlimited texting? Yes. Can you name 5 things you are looking forward to? I have no clue anymore. What is your relationship status? Complicated. Do you blog? At times. What is your myspace display name? Love Starts Riots.<3 [[Brittney.]] except it's an actual…

  • Re: Ouija Boards

    RockMeBaby&lt;3 - - General Advice


    Do not use one! A used-to-be-friend of mine and I used one and at first, it was okay, we enjoyed it and had fun. We didn't use it often, but then it said some scary shit and scary things happened that I don't wanna talk about and we got rid of the bored and haven't used it since and everything's been fine. So, don't use one!

  • Think back to your most important relationship, was it your fault it's over? It was wild and crazy, just so frustrating, intoxicating and complicated. but I don't believe it's over. Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? Maybe. How often do you look out your window? Pretty often, actually, just about every time I think about him. You're thinking about somebody right now, aren't you? who? Yes, Daniel. Why did you last cry? I miss Daniel, quite terribly. & putti…

  • Re: Headphones?

    RockMeBaby&lt;3 - - Music


    I use sony earbuds they're pretty cheap and have awesome sound! I know what you mean, I break my earphones too, but I've had these for a long time and haven't broken them yet. I've used gumy, as someone recommended and I broke those pretty quick.. :\

  • Your last kiss probably meant nothing to you, right? No, it meant so much. I bet your favorite color is black? One of them. How often do you look out your window? Pretty often, actually. You're thinking about someone right now, aren't you? Yes. Do you live alone? No. What would make you happy right now? Someone to be honest cause I'm pouring my heat out, screaming a love song\ story, period. Have you ever drove without a license? Yes. Do you think you've changed over the past year? Yes, a year a…

  • Re: Fifteen.

    RockMeBaby&lt;3 - - Creative Writing


    Quote from cheertumbleforeverx♥: “another great success . love it. and this has a cute story to it. good job.” Aww, well thanks, I don't think it's as good. & I know I've written better; but I wrote this quite a while ago so..

  • Quote from cheertumbleforeverx♥: “can you just give me links? im having a hard time” Sure. As I said only one other post besides this came up but I had really, really old ones;; which I'm guessing are no longer here, maybe, I don't know. I wrote this a pretty long time ago, so I don't think it's as good, but..

  • Quote from cheertumbleforeverx♥: “hmmm, oh really? a guy you know?? & ok i will look at your stuff.” I just searched myself and only one thread- besides this one came up; I had about two or three others here if not more that I remember posting but those were really old. I suppose you could say that- it's more than that but hey.

  • Quote from cheertumbleforeverx♥: “aww well no problem! do you have any more of you work posted?” Yes, if you search my username in of course the creativity part of the forum;; they should come up. & in case you're wondering all my work is about the same person.

  • Quote from cheertumbleforeverx♥: “that's really good! i'm trying to like sound it out in my head of how it would sound as a song. having a hard time. you should sing it and post it for us. its really good. and btw i LOVE the song in your signature. hey monday is amazing.” Thanks you so much!♥ I think I will sometime; I'm really sick right now, so..not the best idea. Plus, it's been a while since I've written a song from start to finish..or a song at all honestly. But I'll see if I can work somet…

  • First off, it's a song. Not a poem! It's the first one I've written in a while, but I really like it. Of course, I just wrote it not too long ago in a Myspace bulletin. (Don't ask how that happened..) So, it hasn't even been put in my notebook yet. So, I have to do that and maybe I'll edit it some what later. Thoughts? You're not the little boy that I once knew, now you beaten up; black and blue. It's okay, I'm used to it, don't be afraid, I'm used to it. The same old worn out souls in those old…

  • Honestly, who are you texting? Crystal. What is something that you realized today? I'll be a freshman in like four days, I get to see him soon, I love him & I'm writing a song called Crazy Beautiful Little Heartache. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I hope so. How late did you stay up last night and why? 10:30 I think, I was studying. What do you currently hear right now? The teevee. Do you smoke crack everyday? No, that's for stupid losers. When was the last time you talked to one of y…

  • Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? No, I sing just like I would any other time. Have you ever kissed anyone with a tongue ring? No. Have you kissed more than ten people this year? No. Who last texted you? Crystal or Hannah, I think. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Yeah. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? I don't have a clue. Do you currently have any hickeys? No. Have you ever cried from being so mad? Yes. Do you have trust issues? Somewhat. Expecting something to ch…

  • 3) Boy, it's plain to see that you're the only one for me &.. 4) Repeat steps on through three. 5) Make you fall in love with me; if ever I believe my work is done, than I'll start back at one. 1. What's one thing thats heavily weighing on your mind? Nothing really. 2. What's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad? Some friends aren't friends at all and you have to be careful who you choose and who you trust. 3. What's one thing you've learned lately from being in love? It's am…

  • 1. I've come to realize that my hair... is something I should have never changed; I think it should have remained blonde. 2. I've come to realize that school... can be pretty amazing. 3. I've come to realize that when I'm old enough to drive... I'll be doing way more than I do now. 4. I've come to realize that I need.... him. 5. I've come to realize that my heart... needs him, loves him and knows it could love him all my life. 6. I've come to realize that I hate it when people... judge others wi…

  • Be honest; name of the last person to text you? Hannah, I think. Will you talk to the person you like tonight? I hope so. When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? Today. Are you a good artist? With music, yeah and I guess I'm an okay drawer. Ever been on a golf cart? Yeah, I have one;; but it's built like a car. Do you use chapstick? Yes. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? Yes, but not hard. Last place you took a nap? My bed. Do you dance in the car? Rarely. What c…

  • First, and last name of the last person to kiss you? Daniel, last name is for me to know and you...can't find out because then, maybe, you would fall in love with him too.(:<3 Will you be sleeping alone tonight? Probably. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? Yeah, but not hard. Have you ever made out in a movie theater? Not yet. Could you go the rest of your life without smoking weed? More than likely. Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"? Yes. Do you think things will cha…