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  • If it's a boyfriend, & its cz of me, i feel flattered, if it's anyone else then i feel really uncomfortable.

  • Re: would u fuck your cousin?

    Claire1 - - Teen Sexuality


    I have an attractive cousin but he is FAMILY, so no NEVER!

  • idk if a phychologist is the word, english is not my mother tounge. but the person you go to when u have problems & u need help. well the backstory is that i got my belly button piercied when i was 13 1/2 (i didn't want it, i wanted an industrial done & my parents said, belly button or nothing so i took it) before i got it done i really didnt like belly button piercings, so i got it done at the "best place in town" >.> he ended up jacking it up, the space between the 1st hole & the second one wa…

  • I know for a fact he doesn't like me though. My friend (who he didnt know was my friend) asked him, she didnt ask do u like claire? their were just talking about a bunch of girls & when my name came up he said no way. also i see by the way he acts that he doesnt want me, also ever since ive known him he has hit on my roomate, my classmate, dated another classmate & has a gf from his yeah. dont feel sorry for me, ive gotten over it...kinda.

  • 1.u look like a real woman! u look great 2.....r u a cutter (belly & thighs)?

  • I moved to this city for this year (10th grade) but for the rest of my school years im moving back home. During this year i fell for this guy, who is in the 9th grade & doesn't want me (he is only 3 months younger than me though). I keep saying im just gonna tell him EVERYTHING & i plan where were gonna sit & even a bit of what im gonna say & right when im about to tell him something always stops me (or he doesnt come to school, i go on a field trip, things of that sort) i believe that this is a…

  • Should I tell the police?

    Claire1 - - General Advice


    This kid kicked me in the head strongly about 5 times because i wanted a photo of him on my cell. he was pissed off from other things & let it all out on me. I want to get tell the police so its written down if he attacks someone again & they have the balls to go & report him. He had hit girls before but noone has ever reported it, therefore the police told me they won't open a file about it, they will just write it down if he does anything again. My parents r advising me not to go tell, to just…

  •…air-removal-epilator-.jpg I bought that one, i press the button & i don't even know if its a button, its rock hard. i just bought it. im charging it now maybe that will help, or how else r u supposed to turn it on?

  • yeah shandy i think like that, but its hard to accept it. & yes he knows she has a bpyfriend, he even asked her if we would date someone from the 10th grade (he is 1 grade lower than us but in age were only 3 months apart & 2 months apart with her) & she said No. that's kinda like asking her out right?

  • New kid!1

    Claire1 - - Friends and Family


    Im moving schools next year in the 11th grade! (moving town) I know NOONE UGGHHH FIRST DAY of school will be MURDER!!!!1

  • I have this big crush on a guy, who has a crush on my roomate. He is a wannabe emo, he tries to hard but it just aint happening. my roomate it a total emo-scene queen & thats why he is attracted to her. He doesnt know her well, she bad mouths him all the time. me & my roomate r no longer friends, but when we were, a couple days after i told her i had a crush on him she started mega flirting with him on facebook & then send me the link, even though she has a boyfriend she is leading him on. then …

  • Cry my eyes in the beggining of the school year i promised myself id get with my crush by valentines day...:(

  • ok ive done a bunch of online tests about whether he does this or not & all of them gave me, he sees u but just as a friend. im analyzing the situation & i think its true! how do i get him to see me for more than just a friend?

  • he dated one of my friends. who is in my grade, but almost a year older than me.

  • Re: Smoking

    Claire1 - - Health and Fitness


    okk soo, ive never been a regular smoker, i always tried, in september is when i wanted to start and made this thread, since than (september) i hadn't had the oportunity to smoke & now that i did again yesterday (1 cig) i started feeling really bad! my head hurt so bad afterwards for quiet a while, why? edit: I remember this happened to my friend after she quit for 2 weeks & than started again, but why would it happen to me i didnt smoke more than 1 cig a month

  • im in 10th grade, he is in 9th grade...he doesn't like me (that way) could i possibly make him like me?

  • im starting to think i should settle for the straight up ugly the guy im crushing on just doesnt want me, so i think i should settle for someone who likes me, maybe ill learn to like him that way

  • My friends say my POV towards this is snobbish...idk, maybe they r right. the thing is, i dont concider myself ugly. I dont think im a beauty queen or anything but i think i look descent & deserve a descent looking guy. their is this HIDEOUS guy who has a crush on me & he is nice & all but their is NOTHING from his physical appearance that i like. my friend says i should just give him a chance & go for it, i tried giving him a chance but i could never in a million years kiss him, ever, i just se…

  • I was talking to my crush in a parking lot with 2 other friends (were 15) & we where talking & than he started playfully kicking my shoes & i kicked his (bumping each others shoes) is this concidered playing footsie or not? also when we quit he quit was he subcontiously flirting or was it prolly just out of boredom?