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  • well yeah, i think it's exactly that, that ur relating it to u. every person i ask say he isn't.

  • u did the same thing 2 a girl? when we ditched class i asked him if he was gay, he said no & that he had had a bunch of gf's before (i laugh at the ive had a bunch, sounds like a wannabe player)

  • im scared out of my mind that he might be do u know? now that i think about it...

  • ok thoughts id add some details cz im hoplessly confused. first he didn't notice me, than i started saying hi to him everyday about 2-3 weeks ago he gave me a hug as a hello, but still that was all the 'talking' we did everyday, just a hello. thn 1 week ago a mutual friend of ours told him how i had danced with my roomate (where 15) like lesbians & only than did he start talking to me, he asked me to come for a walk just to ask if i had made out with my roomate & whatnot (at some point he said y…

  • How long...?

    Claire1 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I moved to a new school, had a tiny thing for this guy from day 1, didnt see him much till about 3 weeks ago when it started developing into a crush, since about 4 days ago we speak in the big 20 minute breaks & sometimes in the morning. but i feel like it's taking FOREVER. I wanted to give up, ive never had a boyfriend but from what ive seen i thought it took maybe a week to get with someone. well my friend told me it will probably take 3 to 4 MONTHS! omg... How long does it usually take 4 u to…

  • im trying so much not to re-play her voice in my head. She thinks his a wierdo & she thinks im disgustin cz his a year younger argh...

  • I go to boarding school. Where I live & where i go school are diffrent places, so it's just boarding. anyways so me & my roomate r 'frienemeys' or however u spell it. she is a scene kid & im laid back, we have nothing in common but sometimes we get along although ive caught her talking shit about me behind my back (thin walls, thin doors) a couple times. anyways she started dating one of the guys here & claims that he loves her after dating for...10 days. but of course they spent everyday with e…

  • Re: Big mouthed

    Claire1 - - Friends and Family



  • Big mouthed

    Claire1 - - Friends and Family


    as some of u might know i go to boarding school. My boarding school is extremely small of only 12 people per grade (we go to a school nearby). the friendship rules r diffrent than in normal school because u live with these people 24/7 & u just need to have someone to back you up. So I got really close to this guy who is one year older than me, his a nerdy kid & doesn't do anything bad & was really nice so i decided to stick with him & i didn't speak bad about anyone to anyone else, because i did…

  • I Feel like a slut...i didnt do anything, i just feel like one

  • ive had celeb crush who where much much shorter than me & even if they where 3 years older they looked 3 years younger. now in my school this girl who is 17 started daating this 14 year old & by dating i mean just saying he is her boyfriend but they barely talk to eachother, idk why....but i started crushing on a bunch of 7th graders... (im in 10th) yeah...other than the fact that im 5'8 i didn't care & than they started getting close to me & physically im disgusted, i hugged most of them & they…

  • Their are thousands of singers on youtube, all trying to get discovered, many of them are how come only 1 or 2 get thousands of subscribers? what is it that makes them better than the others? if their singing capabilities are the same as other or even slightly lower than someone else, yet the better singer doesn't get as many subscribers & never gets discovered.

  • well my screename is clair & claire is a girl name & im 16 edit: we were sitting in a hang out spot, it was at night he stared at me & than asked, i got so freaked out, cz i knew he was a bit wierd & got odd vibes before hand. it wasn't for no reason

  • as some of you might know i go to boarding school, well the 3rd day there I got a sexual question from my guy friend, who i had opened up to rather quick because he was instantly nice. it wasn't harassment, it was just out of place. I went & told our guide & she said it was MY fault cz i quote "seduced" him & when i asked how she said I gave the wrong idea by being too open. I don't feel like i did much wrong, other than be friendly & try to make friends & i did give him a hug cz he asked for on…

  • Not only disney stars but also innocent looking stars like justin bieber? I mean im not from the states so i can't know what teens r or not exposed to. I am 17 & never been exposed to drugs (alcohol yes & smoking yes, have not tried it though) but i am extremely can you tell which star is 4 real & which one is faking it? 'cz the whole britney thing, I ate that "I'm a goody 2 shoes" crap...if she hadn'r ended up like she did, i would have never known.

  • Unsure of who I am

    Claire1 - - General Advice


    I don't know who I am. I mean, idk how to explain it, i hope u get what im saying idk whats beneath the skin.

  • love song

    Claire1 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I'm trying to write a song about troubled love but im lacking inspiration. anyone care to share their biggest heartbreak (or anything similar) story?

  • i tried it once, as in really show him & he got freaked out & never spoke to me again...:(

  • yeah boyfriend wise. & thank you! It's just...idk what im doing wrong, every guy I want doesn't want me