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  • Re: The Bill of Rights

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from dandaitalianman: “Nor are they human beings and thus need not be treated as such..” Oh wow.

  • Quote from Niceguy7: “ They are smarter than you think. Their mission is to kill all infidels and they'll try for as long as it takes to get it right.” They're not smart enough to build a nuclear bomb. Do you have any idea what kind of brainpower and facilities you'll need? The only organizations capable of building nukes are countries. I've never heard of anybody privately owning a fucking NUKE. Quote: “We still need to catch Bin Laden, and the mission of the war is still to combat terrorism.” …

  • Re: Religion or Science?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    God made the universe 6000 years ago and the Earth in 7 days? Intelligent design? I leave that to you.

  • Only heard of the band from TTR3

  • Quote from Dinomitian: “What proof do you got to support your faulty assumption that can be easily disproved by exceptions? Remember that there are rare teenage intellectuals out there that is by far more mature than the average teenager while behaving like an adult to a point to full point. I got plenty of evidence behind my back that shows there are teenagers out there that are just as good as an adult in certain areas simply because they practice a lot of things related to the area of the bra…

  • Re: Clash of the titans?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    This is indeed a clash of the titans. Both have little to lose and little to gain. Much to lose and much to gain. This is going to be a tough game of chicken.

  • Quote from schmedes2: “Two things. The economy is in part being turned into crap by american imperialism IE this isn't just a simple recession, something that's normal. For instance, we have something like 700 bases in over 130 countries in the entire world. If that's not a bit ridiculous, I don't know what is. The war is only part of it, granted. But our American empire needs to be scaled back or we face disaster. The other thing is our economy is being turned into dust by government interventi…

  • Re: Monarchies?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “This can be said concerning any person who runs for office. Representatives of congress also disregard campaign promises once they hold their office; you have the same problem. True, the president has gained more power through the years. Remember though, that congress is partially responsible for giving the president that extended power. Historically, presidents have always been given leeway in times of war. ” That is true. Politics, such a disgusting game. We should a…

  • Re: Favorite Anime

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Monkey Dance: “i believe pokemon stadium came at the same time the yellow version did....” Yeah but I was more into Yellow than Stadium. Things that leave a greater imprint on the mind push out those that did not out of my memory. ---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ---------- Quote from diotem: “I think I said it in another thread, but you are my hero. NGE and the first season of pokemon are the only things on that list that aren't trash. For my…

  • Re: Nick Jonas and the Administration

    LOLFag - - Music


    Nick Jonas I stopped reading there.

  • Re: Favorite Anime

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Monkey Dance: “do you remember pokemon stadium and pokemon snap ??? they were awesome” Aw man, I remember Pokemon Stadium. Snap, no, sadly. I still personally prefer the original games more, though.

  • Ahnald is the only true Terminator.

  • Re: Top Guitarists

    LOLFag - - Music


    Quote from Dr.Light: “ Why is that?” Just a feeling and predilection.

  • Re: Monarchies?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate;2453223[FONT=Arial: “In most cases, the president has been elected while winning the popular vote (although that's not technically how he's elected). If a president gets the majority of the popular vote, isn't he speaking for the majority when he vetoes a bill? [/FONT]” Ideally, yes, the president represents the majority of the people. But of course, campaign promises to listen to the people and to work for the people are often disregarded when the primary objective of t…

  • Re: Fans of Death Note?

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Dancer4life: “Haha um okay??? Lol so does that mean your a fan?” *Facepalm* Obviously you haven't gotten that far yet. SPOILS L dies, therefore Death Note became retarded, hence NOEL (No L)SPOILS No, I'm not a fan of weeaboo shit.

  • Re: Screencap game.

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from director91: “Correcto-mundo!!!!! Your turn!” OH SHIT! I can't think of one. I'll post one later.

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “I wouldn't have minded Terminator 3 had they kept Sarah Connor in it, since the trilogy is about her (not the terminator). But other than that I felt the story had been told and concluded with the first two films. The ONLY way of extending it was to include Sarah Connor, and they didn't, so it was just fucked up. I don't know if Linda Hamilton wasn't interested or asked for too much money or scheduling conflicts or whatever, but if she wasn't in it then that means no Sara…

  • Re: Fans of Death Note?

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    What's the similarity between Christmas and the second half of Death Note? NOEL!

  • Re: Monarchies?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from mario_128: “At least with a monachry you have pride in your leader” This is true. As I mentioned before, in a monarchy, the Head of State is a symbol for your nation, your people, and everything your nation represents. FOR QUEEN AND COUNTRY!