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  • Re: Monarchies?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    What exactly is the point of a monarchy? To me, a monarchy is an impartial Head of State who can support organizations, laws, and national matters without the influence of the politics associated with political parties. Being separate from the Head of Government, the Head of State is thus capable of endorsing and forming opinions without taking heavy political fire from anyone. Not only does a constitutional monarchy allow us the benefits of a democracy with the separation of government from sta…

  • Quote from Esmo: “Yeah... British English should probably clear that up, it makes little sense these days. Then again maybe everyone should adopt 'state school', seeing as it's a closer definition. Hneh. As LOLFag implied, there's an ambiguity in the word 'public school'. I'm going to assume you mean a school funded by the state.” Well what I meant was that different nations have different approaches to the public school system and emphasize different aspects of education. You can't really ask m…

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Unfortunately Terminator is a testament to that.” FFFFFFFFFFFFF Terminator...

  • Re: Screencap game.

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    That looks like a generic movie scene. Uh, Enchanted?

  • Re: Top Guitarists

    LOLFag - - Music


    Quote from Lachlan4815: “No one's mentioned Joe Satriani. He's not the best. BUt he'd certainly be in my top 5 or 10.” I did mention Vai. I personally think Vai to be a better guitarist than Satriani.

  • Quote from Monkey Dance: “i know !!!! omega red is (as far as i know) an enemy of wolverine....not iron man >_> you know who would kick ass ??? Fin Fan Foom :cool: but i dont think there will be an iron man 3....but maybe they can appear in the avengers ¿¿¿ BTW....does iron man actually has enemies ??? i think this both enemies are of dr. strange.....” Yeah, Fing Fang Foom is great, except dragons don't fit in with the story that they're writing. Anyway, I believe there is an Iron Man 3. Everyth…

  • Quote from Aannddyy: “ Man, I can never play real time strategies online. I swear, those people can scroll and click like fucking Superman.” I learned it the hard way. AND I WAS ONLY 12 THAT TIME!

  • Quote from Aannddyy: “Age of Empires. EDIT: Hold on, would that be classed as 'violent'?” Well, it isn't personally killing people, not to mention the gore factor is almost negligible. Besides, its focal point is on real-time strategy, and if you're a good player, you rarely spend time staring at your army slaughtering the other's. You'd most probably be scrolling around the map clicking and not concentrating on commanding one set of units. I remember this one time when I was a noob, I got compl…

  • Re: Favorite Anime

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Aannddyy: “It makes sense to throw a few more Pokemon in there and make a new season, though. It is a money-making machine. But I agree, it doesn't get any better than the first season and the original 150 Pokemon. Vaporeon is my favourite. :D” A few hundred more, you mean Indeed, it is a money-making machine. Hell, it's a cultural icon! I enjoyed the games up till Pokemon Gold and Silver. The newer ones simply don't have that classical feel to them.

  • Re: Favorite Anime

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Aannddyy: “The first season is definitely my favourite, too. But I do like them all. Pokemon.jpg” Pokemon's been on a downhill roll every since then. I mean, they just keep adding more and more Pokemon until the original 150 is nothing but nostalgic memories. It's become basically another Big 3.

  • Re: Favorite Anime

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Aannddyy: “494b9e3c_pokemon_logo1.gif” First season only.

  • Re: suggest me an anime xD

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Legendary: “Truthfully, I'm not into anime in general. Even so, I'm a fan of Hayao Miyazaki, because his imagination and creativeness astound me. If I ever wanna watch a particular anime in any given situation, my first choice would be any of his work, such as Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky (my favorite :lovey:), and Spirited Away. Each of his work has a deep storyline with sense unlike the others that I've known. That's why I admire his perfectionism in giving the best quali…

  • It completely, and I emphasize completely, depends on what nation you're talking about. Please elaborate.

  • Quote from Monkey Dance: “lego stunt rally EDIT: zoo tycoon and all that franchise” FFFFFF you made me remember all the great times I had with RollerCoaster Tycoon. BRB installing.

  • Re: Favorite Anime

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    I'm sorry, the only viable choices here are "others" and "NGE." Everything else should be grouped as "weeaboo shit."

  • Re: suggest me an anime xD

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Legendary: “LOL It's okay. :D” Yeah, I'm more into comedy, ecchi, action, mecha, and a bit of romance at times.

  • Re: suggest me an anime xD

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Legendary: “^ Yes, there is such a thing. Yuri can focus either on the sexual or the emotional aspects of the relationship. For me, the emotional aspects work best.” I wouldn't know, I don't watch yuri or yaoi

  • Super Mario, boy. Classics.

  • Re: suggest me an anime xD

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Legendary: “Yaoi doesn't appeal to me than Yuri does. I don't know why, really. I'm straight, but a friend of mine suggested some Yuri animes for me to watch, so I did. I haven't watched a lot. I'm still halfway on a series (my first). I'm just glad, because the one that I'm currently watching is like the other animes I've watched before. It's actually very innocent for a Yuri. It doesn't make me uncomfortable one bit. :D” But, but, innocent yuri?! That doesn't make any sense!

  • Re: suggest me an anime xD

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from chickenugget: “what is shoa joa? , i read LOLfag's comment after.. what's Yuri? LOL . I'm so new to anime I dont know anything.” Yuri is lesbian stuff Yaoi is gay stuff BL is boy's love. I only know about BL because this girl in my school loves it = =... Anyway, for me, it's not because I watch lots of anime that I know all this, it's more like Japan's cultural influence in Taiwan is so strong.