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  • Quote from R o o k i e: “Personally I don't think so. I enjoy how our military court system is a lot stricter however, are they rational? Especially towards alleged terrorist? That's a great question you have to take into consideration. If fairly tried, I would love the idea. I just can't the defendant receiving a fair 'constitutional trial'. I could be wrong, and correct me if I am, through constitutional rights isn't the defendant allowed to bring any of their 'family' to the trial? I couldn't…

  • Quote from Assaultrifle: “If the suspect in question is an American citizen or resident, then he should be tried according to the Constitution. If the suspect in question is foreign and has never lived in the United States, then the Constitution has nothing to do with him or his situation and he should be detained as a prisoner of war until the end of the war and then tried in a military tribunal.” But can we really trust the military court system to fairly judge an alleged terrorist?

  • Re: Oh my f-ing god...

    LOLFag - - Music


    Publicity stunt.

  • Do some people even still even own an Atari 2600? Nostalgia, man. Is it even possible to complete E.T.? Most certainly. Given enough time and determination to explore every fucking hole, you can complete E.T. Why would anyone want to complete E.T.? To earn a world record? Would Guiness World Records care if you completed E.T.? They have some extremely absurd records. I think they don't really mind. Would you be too embarrased to even go to Guiness World Records if you did complete E.T.? Very muc…

  • Quote from Rockefeller: “Bolded a very important word in my last post And in regards to the question - Does an alternative method of judging terrorists even exist? I'm not quite sure there is one. Flip a coin? Draw straws?” Even if we take in account the heinous acts of murder committed by terrorists, is it attacking another nation's sovereignty to sentence a non-citizen of a nation to death? Shouldn't the terrorist be deported back to his/her own nation and handed over to that nation's judicial…

  • Quote from Esmo: “Je pense que vous etes trop tards. Il a nous demandé pour l'aide il y a longtemps :rolleyes:.” Oui. Shit, I haven't touched French for a year (but at least I still understand that). Subjunctif, imparfait, was hell. Foreign language is not my forte..

  • Quote from Rockefeller: “Aiding terrorists and with full knowledge of what they're doing is still terrorism. I personally have zero tolerance for anyone aiding in terrorist activities willfully and with full knowledge of the consequences of such actions. Terrorists kill people. I'm not seeing where this can go any further, since terrorism is quite possibly the most extreme of cases when it comes to premeditated crime. I know my viewpoints are reckless and to some point extremely liberal, but cap…

  • Terrorist groups aren't composed solely of militants. There are also those behind the more technical aspects of the group and such. In the capture of these terrorists, wouldn't capital punishment be excessive? Furthermore, the question is on the trial of alleged terrorists. We are assuming that we have absolutely no knowledge of whether they are truly terrorists who committed heinous acts or not. We can't just sentence them to death, you know. The issue at hand is whether they should be tried li…

  • Quote from lostpariah: “The war is a major cause of the National Debt. To tell yourself that it isn't isn't is kidding yourself. Many countries that DO NOT LIKE the U.S, such as Iran and North Korea, are acessing Nuclear Capabilities. A bombing of U.S soil is becoming more and more likley as the U.S extends conflicts. Furthermore, if you don't make something out of scratch, then how do you make it? Troops need to be brought HOME. HOME is the U.S” Actually, no. The biggest cause of the recession …

  • What other alternatives are there?

  • If anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, can finish E.T., call up Guiness World Records. It's been over two decades, the record's waiting to be set.

  • Re: Game of the Decade

    LOLFag - - Video Games


    Quote from firstsleep: “probably gunna get a metric fuck ton of flack for this but....World of Warcraft. I'm not one of those huge hardcore WoW fans, I play a ton but I understand the game is heavily flawed. It's more that it did single handed changed the way people look at video games. Sure the MMO bracket was pretty big before with things like everquest and eve rising through the player bases and yes they heavily influenced this game but this game was the first to reach mainstream success and …

  • Quote from Steven: “Meh, I think society growing together has slowed down to almost a standstill. Especially with my current generation - I know a bunch of kids in my grade won't give a rat's ass about college, and even more are considering dropping out. I think once we fuck up enough (or Obama shits on all our faces) we'll get back on track.” That's where you live.

  • Quote from lostpariah: “We need less troops in the Middle East. Reasons why... 1. Destroying the Economy 2. Our aggresive nature is creating conflict... how long until those terrorist attacks become actual bombings (possibilly nukes) On U.S. soil? 3. One of the stronger reasons why Obama was elected was because of his promise to bring troops home.. he needs to fufill that promise.” The economy isn't fucked up because of the war. Granted, there could be a greater benefit with the redistribution o…

  • Re: Lets have a debate.

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions



  • It's not that humanity is lacking imagination; after all, it takes imagination to create solutions to previous problems in previous models of whatever invention there is. It takes imagination and innovation to improve and refine previous designs. Furthermore, it's not like the current world is at a technological standstill. I mean, you can't view at progress with a narrow time frame of a few years. Looking at progress through a decade, you can see that we were innovative, we still are, and I'm p…

  • Re: suggest me an anime xD

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from chickenugget: “My friend suggested me this anime. He said it's really gorry, so it sounds cool xD. It's called Tokyo something.. he said its about a group of highschool kids who fight demons or something. He's out of town and I have no way to ask him what's it called again. Anyone know?” I don't know about that show, but I do know Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is an amazing show.

  • Re: twilight haters GTFIH

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Alucard is Dracula spelled backwards. That just shows how goddamn cool he is.

  • Re: Got a conspiracy?

    LOLFag - - Debate and Discussions


    Your birth is a conspiracy.

  • Re: twilight haters GTFIH

    LOLFag - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from No_one_lives_forever: “ The coolest vampire of all times is Dracula, and all fan girls should accept it someday ^_^” No, it's this guy. Alucard. Alucard-hellsing-2633256-1024-838.jpg