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  • Stanley Kubrick Should Direct the Movie of Your Life You are a complex, nuanced person - the type of subject Kubrick would have spent years studying. Your life has many interesting themes running through it, and you're no stranger to controversy. You are a bit of a recluse at times. No one truly understands you. You defy categories or stereotypes. You are influenced by many things, and it's hard to sum up who you are. Who Should Direct the Movie Of Your Life?

  • Smartphone ftw ---------- Post added at 07:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 AM ---------- Quote from Spaceman Spiff: “A smartphone is basically useless without the Internet. Nearly all of a smartphone's features, such as web browsing, push email, video chat, and the ability to connect to enterprise servers and tether to laptops, are all dependent on the Internet, hence the required data plan. And believe me, you want the $30/month data plan. Unless you'd prefer to pay $1 per megabyte …

  • You Are Blush You are demure and understated. You like to look good, but you don't like to make a fuss about it. You prefer a natural look, and you don't like to seem like you put too much effort into your style. You prefer classic pieces and a minimal beauty routine. You feel like you are able to be confident without a lot of make up. You believe that beauty is skin deep. Nothing is as beautiful as the glow you get from being happy What Kind of Makeup Are You?

  • You are Totally Realistic "Romance" means you're about to roll your eyes Seriously, you can do without the sap or drama Save it for someone who has nothing really going on in their relationship For you, love is real - and easily integrated into your life You don't need candles, flowers, or chocolates to know he's the one Just some stimulating conversation... and maybe a great smile. Are You a Romantic or Realistic Girl?

  • Do You Worry Too Much?

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Your Worry Factor is 66% The amount you worry is definitely borderline unhealthy. Even when things are going well, you find yourself fixating on the negatives. Try to remember the times you've been able to let your worries go. If you can do that again, you'll be much happier! Do You Worry Too Much?

  • Re: Makeup advice?

    Fashion - - Fashion


    If i am being honest i think this whole dramatic eyeliner effect really suits you. It goes nice with your shape and sized eyes. I think false lashes, or mascara that will outstand your lashes, with thin lines of eyeliner, would really suit you! Smokey effect eyeshadow too.

  • You Are In Stage II Even though you are far from being an actual toddler, you are in the toddler stage of development. You are still figuring out how to be autonomous and independent in this world. Sometimes you have trouble just being yourself. You can be a bit ashamed of who you are. You struggle with impulsive and compulsive behavior. Willpower is a struggle for you. What Stage of Development Are You In?

  • The Scribble Circle Test

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    circle-7.png You Are Trustworthy Of all the types, you are the most responsible and loyal. You take your duties seriously. You thrive when you are able to do something practical and productive. You hate to waste your time. Some people say that you are a bit neurotic or cautious, but you believe it's better to be safe than sorry. You do your best to live a engaging and important life. You want what you do to matter.

  • The Birthday Cake Test

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys

    Post You Are Outrageous and Optimistic You are the type of person who lives life to the fullest. You believe in going big or going home. You aren't shy about what you want, and you aren't afraid to get it either. You really go for it! You have a bold personality, and you tend to be attracted to anything or anyone who is over the top. You are open minded, and you have eclectic taste. You truly can appreciate all the flavors of the world.

  • Re: Online shopping

    Fashion - - Fashion

