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  • Have you made any life altering decisions lately? None. What do you think of the new bzoink layout? Never noticed. Are you planning on leaving home soon? No. Do you go to college? if so, what course are you doing? No. If in college, are you in any societies/clubs? See above. What are your pet peeves when it comes to taking surveys? None really. Where is your favourite place to get pizza? Any pizza place in Italy! How is your sense of direction? Ugh. Have you ever visited a Gaeltacht? Huh? Do you…

  • You Are Champagne Bubbles You are a sophisticated person, and you enjoy the most fabulous things in life. You appreciate good friends, good conversation, and of course, good wine. Some people may accuse you of being a snob, but you can't help that you have excellent taste. You love to have fun, just not the kind of fun that most other people are having.

  • Re: iPad

    Fashion - - Technology and the Internet


    I have an android phone. Um, i hope the next one will have flash! Some really useful stuff, ty guys:)

  • Re: iPad

    Fashion - - Technology and the Internet


    Well, i really liked the safari browser and just the feel of using it, as i had a little go on one at a store once. You can browse the web anywhere on them, can't you? I don't quite understand why flash isn't on them though. Luckily i don't think i go on many sites that need flash, but still. The size must make it slightly difficulty to carry around, but good at the same time as i hate browsing the internet on anything any smaller. I think i would use it for other purposes aswell actually, altho…

  • Re: iPad

    Fashion - - Technology and the Internet


    I do have a laptop which i use at home, however these seem really cool for traveling with, instead of carrying a 15 inch laptop:p I never thought they'd be bringing a newer Ipad model out, i wouldn't be getting one very soon anyway, but i'm intrigued what the differences will be on the later one when/if it comes out. I personally don't see the difference from Ipod Touch to using the internet on my phone to be honest. I find the phone internet to be annoying and didn't think an Ipod touch size an…

  • Re: The Mascot Test

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    mascot-1.png You Are Sweet You are as kind as can be, and you're always doing favors for your friends. You try to remember how important generosity is, even when you're feeling a bit grumpy. Like everyone else, you have obstacles to overcome in your life. You just try to keep a smiling. When you get angry, you have a rotten temper. Your anger stings, but luckily you don't get angry often

  • iPad

    Fashion - - Technology and the Internet


    So, ever since seeing the new Ipad i've been interesting in buying one. I like the thought of being able to browse the internet away from home with the computer feel. I'm guessing some here have one or may have used one for a while, so what are your opinions on them? Are they as good as they seem for browsing the net outdoors etc? I really hope to buy one but am just curious to hear other's opinions on them.

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Fashion - - Music


    Girls Aloud - Sexy! No No

  • green.jpg You Are Green You are laid back and quite patient. You are naturally very calm. You are an understanding person, and you believe in forgiving easily. You prefer to keep the peace. You get annoyed by pushy or aggressive people. You don't like anyone trying to dominate you. You always have time for someone genuine and friendly. You see out similarly mild mannered folks. What Color Is Your Personality?

  • What's your favorite candy bar? Butterfinger. Do you judge people? No. Do you have a bicycle? It's too small. Do you think you'll ever be rich? Aha. Who do you talk to during math class? N/a. What's your favorite flavored jelly bean? Not sure. Are you an indoor or outdoor person? Outdoor. Are you wearing any jewelry? Yes. Have you ever had bubble-tea? No. Do you know anyone w/ a British accent? Yea. Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten? Puppy. How do you feel about politics? No comment. Are…

  • Re: I want to admit it

    Fashion - - LGBT


    I'm pretty sure he'd have no issues with it, afterall you love him! It's not like you're going out looking for someone else too.

  • The Meaning of Your Life is Legacy You want to live the kind of life that will change the world. And you want to leave a bit of your influence behind. Whether you become a novelist, philanthropist, artist, or inventor, people will miss you when you're gone. You want to serve both future and present generations. You feel like you've been blessed, and you want to share the wealth. You want to be remembered and celebrated. It may be a lofty goal, but you're up for the task!

  • Re: Justin Bieber =O

    Fashion - - Music


    I find him good looking. That's all.

  • Re: What Are You Drinking?

    Fashion - - Health and Fitness



  • Re: Love VS money

    Fashion - - Debate and Discussions


    Love anyday. Although we obviously do need money.

  • Yes and no.

  • Yogurt

  • The most amazing, kick ass, beautiful girl in the word. She does everything and more, a most kind and loving girl who will never betray you. She is full of endless passion, adorable, cute, energetic, funny, and above all, trust worthy. She never gives up, and always does her best. Everything about her is amazing. Beautiful to the extreme, she is a perfect being that even the gods are envious of.

  • The Candy Bar Test

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    bar-1.jpg You Are Strong You are tough as nails. You have amazing endurance, drive, and ambition. You motor through any obstacles in your way. It's almost impossible to deter you. You enjoy working hard, but you also take time to savor the sweeter side of life. You give yourself a break when you need it. This down time adds to your stability. The Candy Bar Test

  • Re: How can I tell

    Fashion - - Friends and Family


    Well, if it's bothering you that much and you feel you need to just be away from him a while, explain to him why. It sounds like he's doing a lot to annoy you, and understandably it must be pushing you. Does he just not realize he's doing it though? Have you always been close regardless of this?