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  • Re: How can I tell

    Fashion - - Friends and Family


    I personally think it takes much more to dump a friendship. Friends can have huge fall outs or may piss each other off, just like brothers and sisters do:p As long as you're just rightly telling him he is annoying you, then there shouldn't be a problem. If he continues doing it, try working out why he is doing it.

  • Re: I Love my parents.

    Fashion - - Friends and Family


    I think close friends should be loved as equal, but in a different way of course:p

  • Re: Am I gay??

    Fashion - - Teen Sexuality


    At 13 it's not very easy to be 100% sure what you are. Give yourself time to understand your sexuality better. It took me years to realize what i was. I was forever wondering myself, but i definitely wouldn't have been sure at 13. You're probably bi if you like both though.

  • Re: The Sneeze Test

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Brainy You are a very detail oriented and precise person. You think everything through carefully. You aren't prone to dramatics, but you don't overlook what's important either. You are observant and philosophical. You seek to understand people more than judge them. You treasure your alone time. You area true introvert, and it's difficult for you to feel isolated.

  • You Judge People Based on Others' Opinions You believe that your friends and family members are good judges of character. If a friend can vouch for someone, that's all you need to give that person a chance. If your friends or family dislike someone in your life, you take that seriously as well. While you can rely on others for advice, try to rely on yourself more. You know deep down who to trust.

  • Re: A Bicycle Test

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    bicycle-4.png Your Road is Paved with Fun You believe that life isn't about the destination - it's about the journey. And you're determined to enjoy the trip as much as you can. You try to live in the now. You ride through life at your own pace. Sometimes you're ahead of the pack, and sometimes you're at the end. No matter what, you do things your own way. You are only looking to make yourself happy

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Fashion - - Music


    Mark Ronson - Bang Bang Bang

  • cereal

  • Those aren't scary at all to me, nor the rest of the horror movies. Wrong turn's are good, and so are Texas Chainsaw Massacre's, but you've probably seen them. The unborn scared me:p Halloween did too.

  • I very much feel for you here, after going through the exact same as you. I truly feel for you and all those close to your mom that are going through this difficult time. Try to keep your chin up for your mom, even though it's hard. Everyone in your home and all those others that are close to your mom are all feeling the same. Sticking together and trying your best to stay strong for your mom's sake is the best thing you can do right now, as well as obviously be beside her. I really hope she rec…

  • I likeeee it

  • Re: Am I bi?[Male]

    Fashion - - LGBT


    Maybe you simply just enjoy it, although you're extremely young and i'd say it's difficult to figure this out at your age. I only started realizing i was bisexual at 12. Unless you're having some feelings towards the guys, you may just find it a bit of fun, and may be straight still.

  • It's probably all just on photos and paper, not like she's actually going out in reality doing stuff too young. I agree with everyone else here, i think many preteens are curious and learning more than ever about this stuff so young, it can't be uncommon:p It's understandable for you to be bothered considering how young she is though.

  • There's a 45% Chance You'll Be Rich No doubt about it, you really love money. You just love spending it more than making it. You have expensive tastes, and it takes a lot of dough to bankroll you. You'd love to be rich, but it's not going to happen unless you start saving some of your hard earned money. Try to sock away some funds for a rainy day. That's how normal folks get started on becoming rich.

  • Seems pretty tough, although i wasn't aware Christians thought so strictly about sex before marriage. My mom didn't:p But anyway, if you're in love with each other, why shouldn't you have sex? I know there's this putting it back, but if it's something you both really want to do then you'd obviously have to do it when you know there won't be people around, or soon to arrive. Either way your belief obviously isn't that you wish to be married first, so this shouldn't stop you.

  • You Are an Outdoor Person You love spending time outside, and it's likely you've crafted your lifestyle to maximum outdoor activities. You probably live in an excellent climate (or intend to). And you are also probably physically fit. Of all the types, you are the most likely to be the happiest. Being outdoors really raises people's spirits. So go ahead and spend as much time outside as you'd like. Just remember to protect yourself from the sun! ---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previ…

  • Re: How Warm Are You?

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Very Warm You are kind, caring, and empathetic. A lot of warm energy radiates from you. And it's not an act - you truly like people. You get a charge from people being around you. You are are easy going and very socially adaptable. You're willing to overlook peoples'quirks. You enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and helping them if you can. Giving makes you feel good.

  • cotton-candy.jpg You Are a Cotton Candy Jelly Bean You are fun loving and easy going. You are a total ham, and you like having a crowd’s attention. You have a hilarious sense of humor. You keep people cracking up with your goofy antics. You are playful, and you’re ready have fun with anyone. You are very light hearted. You are always ready to play hooky. You like leading a group, especially when you’re off to an amazing adventure together. What Flavor Jelly Belly Are You?

  • Don't feel awkward, it's probably something people do often. I've seen no end of magazines in hairdressing salons which i presume many people look at and show to the hairdresser for ideas, it's the best way to go about it in my opinion:p

  • Just try and make him not feel bad or anything about it, it's easily done when you love someone, although it can be said and done way too often, and therefore can get annoying. It's probably a good sign in general though, as he seems very much into only you, and you know this for sure:p