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  • Untitled.

    TheFunkyBunch - - Creative Writing


    Now you see me; On this day of casualty and fiction Hiding behind the attention of affliction Show me the distant future that I call home Proves to be more than lone call, a tie of disarrangement And I'll pause to see that I'm fulfilled at base I'll let the room temperature drop below zero to feel something new, To enjoy my profound cause The big hand spins twice over Desolation is my vow of isolating the right and the wrong Here they go again; time to hit and run Why can't I feel my presence? M…

  • Rather jumbled, very, very, very cliche and the word "fall" and "fell" seem to be the only words you know. I hate to be brash but that was rather bad.

  • At 16 I would have much rather been in a relationship.

  • Quote from hugitout987: “I don't think God created anyone to be gay. I believe that it's through upbringing and surroundings as a child that a person is gay. A person may feel that they have no control over their feelings for the same sex, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they were born with those feelings.” A person does not choose to be gay. They just are. If they have absolutely no control over how they feel toward the same sex, then how is this something that they have been affected wi…

  • Glasses / No Glasses

    TheFunkyBunch - - Fashion


    I suppose I don't have a choice at the moment but I'm contemplating getting contacts. My question is; Do I look better with or without glasses? 25f3pro.jpg 6jkoht.jpg

  • Re: The Lyrics Thread

    TheFunkyBunch - - Music


    If I strum chords, would you sing a song with me If I leave town would you leave along with me And we can fly away to outer space Or we can find a way to leave this place We don't need a map and you can throw your phone away We don't wanna hear the things we know they're gonna say You don't trust yourself but girl trust in me Don't look in the mirror the past you don't wanna see (Chorus) What do you say we leave for California If we drive all night we can make it by the morning And no one has to…

  • Quote from Esmo: “The Bible expressly outlines homosexual behaviour as a sin, both in the Torah and in the Epistles. Homosexuality isn't actually ever condemned, but it strikes me as a dick of a God who would orientate some people to desires he disapproves of. Aside from the implied homosexuality of the Sodomites, I can't think of any other examples. Certainly no examples where they were portrayed in a good light.” David and Jonathan had most certain undertones of being homosexuals. They kissed …

  • Quote from Z22H: “Yeah, well... I am still jealous. He can go get some whenever he wants from whoever he wants. After school he usually goes to one of their houses and I go with him sometimes and she is all over him. So I just stand there awkwardly in the corner or talk to her little sister (who is way too young for me.) It really just sucks, in this situation I would rather be the immature prat than myself.” It sounds like to me your priorities are all over the place. If you think that this kin…

  • There are homosexuals in the Bible. At last check, Christ was supposed to love all of his children equally, regardless of gender, race, creed and yes, even sexual orientation. If Jesus Christ could find it in his heart to be in the company of homosexuals and not have a sole problem with them, then I daresay I have no problem with homosexuals. I never have and never will.

  • Trust me when I say that there is nothing to be jealous of. The only thing that your friend can boast about is that he is incapable of having feelings solely for one one person at a time. Do not allow yourself become the type of person who uses the opposite gender as trophies rather than someone that you should be treating with respect. Your friend sounds like an immature prat.

  • Quote from Frazy85: “Thanks for the advice. Basically her response was she forgot. I think that seems to sum up how much she cares about me to be perfectly honest. But yeah i got quite angry, theres other issues there too but not as annoying as this one, im not sure what is going to happen anymore. And yes i am an idiot but an idiot in love unfortunately. The first few months we went out together were amazing, and since then i havent been able to stop loving her. That was back in march.” For her…

  • Quote from Quill: “i'm gonna be very blunt. You're an idiot for taking her back, and she's still messing you around from the sound of things. Sever & don't look back” And what does he gain by doing so without waiting for a valid explanation?

  • The Blair Witch Project was a decent horror film. It was certainly unique for its time and one of the pioneers of the genre. Whether you believe it to be scary or not, you are capable of sitting calmly in front of your computer screen viewing the film. Watching a movie such as The Blair Witch Project was best viewed in a movie theatre or with other people. On top of everything else, you are under the knowledge that the movie is several years old and the "horror" was fabricated. Psyche plays a lo…

  • I will say what I said in a previous thread. Anger simply complicates matters and only brings more problems upon you. Did you think about calling her instead of sending text messages? Did you ask her what the reason was for ignoring you over the two day period? Sometimes, there are deeper reasons that you should seek to root out before allowing anger to be the first emotion you feel. That being said, I do not believe you were out of line for being upset. You had just given this girl another oppo…

  • Re: What?

    TheFunkyBunch - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Æxitosus: “no. but when people refuse to date you then decide that you are worthless and they are god, then its okay” I apologize but I don't seem to remember (Secret) including this in his post. This could very well be a case of a misunderstanding. Jumping to a very hasty conclusion causes nothing but more difficulties. You seem, excuse me saying, a little jaded.

  • Re: What?

    TheFunkyBunch - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Æxitosus: “ignore her. shes just being a bitch. believe me you really don't want to date her. been there, done that. not worth it, if they dont want to date you just let her get over herself.” So the best thing to do to people who choose they don't want to date you is cast them off as a terrible person and disassociate yourself with them?

  • It's simply human nature to lie. The act is not restricted to a gender. The amount of lies told is not directly correlated to the gender of the person telling them. It's painful, but that's the way things are. Some people do not think of others before they do things. It's a shame, but that's cold hard fact. I'm sorry you feel so bad.

  • Re: What?

    TheFunkyBunch - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Could it possibly be that she does not understand why you would ask her out and then not make an effort to speak to her? These kind of things can be rather delicate. Perhaps you should ask her instead of asking us? I am doubtful that many of us could answer a question as well as she could.

  • Maybe getting angry simply isn't the right way to go about expressing the issues to her. People do not respond well when they believe they are dealing with someone who is fuming with anger over something they did. The right way to deal with the situation would be to explain, in vivid detail, to her that the reason you are upset is because you have passionate feelings for her and you cannot seem to understand why she seems distant when you are not speaking together through the computer. Communica…

  • I believe nearly everyone wishes they could rid themselves of conscience fears and social anxieties but they are all deep rooted in every single one of us. I, too, was homeschooled but I don't really have these issues. I understand why you do, of course, however. The best thing to do is to tackle these sorts of things head on. Don't be afraid of being intrusive upon anyone. This doesn't mean you have to get directly involved in their business, but a simple introduction can go a long way. Most pe…