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  • can somebody tell me how you are supposed to figure this stuff out?

  • Re: Do you sleep naked?

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    I sleep by myself in my boxers I live right down the bottom of the earth in New Zealand

  • yeah thats good man, you should have a safety word or something, just in case. But if it happens again maybe you need to talk to her about it and figure out what exactly is causing it and try to fix it

  • i think its something you guys need to talk about and figure out what stuff you shouldnt say etc, also see what things worry her and if there are still any issue's she is dealing with and help her overcome them

  • just say your not ready at the moment? there arnt any other way around it, just be honest, honesty isnt being mean, saying 'im not ready for a relationship' isnt being mean, its being honest.

  • Re: Glory Hole

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    and somebody is waiting on the other side with some of these: hedgeclippers.jpg

  • Re: Womb Shifted

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Womb Shifted

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    hahahahahhahahahaha awesome or you could go get a thermo nuclear pie?

  • Re: Womb Shifted

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    get some fish and chips bro!

  • Re: Hooking up

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    meet somebody and become friends say you wanna be more than friends, but you dont want to be in a relationship set the rules and stuff have fun simple, you can thank me later.

  • Re: Your pics

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    dont be mean to her, I used to have a big collection of pics of emo girls, it was a joke me and my friends had in high school, so I made my 'emo jackpot' and just started putting pics of heaps of scene girls in it, lol it started getting out of hand, and now i have 350 pictures over 2 years hahaha, although ive kinda gone off them now so its just amusing that I have such a massive collection

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    sorry boss, just being a detective lol, I solved the case :cool:

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    ahh ha! so you are a guy! I knew it!

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    because you didnt take my advise lol

  • Re: Is it normal...

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from louiebugooey: “If it's your actual stomach, I have no idea. General abdominal area could be that your muscles aren't used to being used so much or that the guy is "too big" and is pushing on your cervix. Sometimes that can hurt.” What I was thinking, although you think she would really know about it if he hit her cervix

  • Re: Womb Shifted

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality



  • Quote from Goddess of Judecca: “If you have no confidence everyone's gonna pick up on it. It's a huge part of flirting but it's also just a huge part of being attractive to other people. I dunno how to work on that one either, though. =/ ~Maggot” yeah thats what we are working on in the pm's, she needs to raise her confidents first and then move onto other things

  • Re: Cheating..?

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Cowpiepk: “So, basically your saying all guy's are creep's, so you want her to cry on your shoulder? wait what?! am I missing something?” he is sorta like a puppy, never thinks stuff through, most vicious in-bred fox terrier should be his name lol Nancy, that story was very sad, if you ever want to just talk stuff out or need advise, send me or one of the other support leaders a message

  • alright then, some basic tips on how to flirt: Verbal: smile and be fun to be around, laugh lots, and have fun, ask her lots of questions and get her to laugh Physical: be close to her and stand and sit close to her, make small light touch's here and there just to see how she reacts, like say you want to show her something and grab her hand and take her over to it Those are the two things you really have to do, this is super basic but it should give you a somewhat decent idea

  • Re: Were they?

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    i was a virgin and she was hugely experienced