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  • Re: I deserve a medal!!!!!

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    i would just leave the girl that tells me 'cant you just masturbate' I duno man, that story came off weird for me for some reason

  • ask her 'is that how you make a baby?' lmao nah I would just let everything chill for a few weeks and then things should get back to normal

  • Re: So.

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from louiebugooey: “That's okay. I'm sure you have some sheep to keep you company at night, haha!! But thanks =D” ohhhhhhhhh no you didnt girlfriend!!!! go jump on the back of a crocodile lol

  • well obviously this seems to be coming from the break up, tell me about it? why was it so bad? how long were you going out?

  • Re: So.

    ben101 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    well I would say you are very good looking but then I realised your australian lol and people dont get phyco at me, its a culture thing down here lol but seriously, you look good 'shela' hahahahhahahaha

  • Re: Today,

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from SugarLips: “Turn Omvek around ;)” and it spells my name :confused:

  • Re: Viagra

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    hes my alter Ego, its like im looking in a mirror

  • Re: Jenna's Story

    ben101 - - General Advice


    wow thats quite a story, he sounds like a great guy, I take my hat off to him for sure, expecially how he seems to handle situations really well, take charge and make sure things happen so you start to feel better and feel cared about, a quality not many guys have.

  • Omvek is Kevmo backwards?

  • You ARE a normal person so I wouldnt talk to you any differently Well I think its great that you are exercising, it should really help and its great that your not self harming anymore, its definitly a step in the right direction. I think with the crisis thing, its up to you, if you feel you need too, by all means go along, its a personal choice that I cant make for you, but I certainly think it wouldnt hurt to go. You just need to tell him, just say that you did it, say that you regret it and gi…

  • yeah I hate it when that happens to me

  • Re: Want a laugh?...

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from dusk: “tell her to give you an orgasm at the dinner table :D” hahahahahahhahahahahaha

  • one person can help you more than you can imagine, they can guide you through it and find out what the problem is and how you are gonna fix it through changing things in your life. I think your father is most likely the underlying cause of all your problems and pain, but thats just a hunch I have. Self harm is a way of coping, but there are lots of other ways and still in my experience the best way is exercising and working out, it just works so good as a way of dealing with it and releasing it,…

  • some good infomation there even if its a wall of text lol

  • maybe if your talking to him all the time and stuff he gets 'too' much of you You might try talking to them less, letting them talk to you first or making them 'chase' you more

  • Re: feeling broody

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    I think every girl has times when they really wanna get pregnant, also that there body is telling them to get pregnant before there period too

  • Re: Oh my..

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    what is it that they are putting you on? All the SSRI anti depressants i tried made me feel less horny and even if i tried to masturbate I couldnt cum so i just didnt bother

  • Re: the morning after pill

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    yeah generally its better to just get tipsy in my experience, thats all I ever get anymore. You are still in control, its fun and you dont get hungover Just a lil tip

  • Re: the morning after pill

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from SugarLips: “You didn't pull her aside and say that, you 'yelled' it in front of everyone. She already feels bad about it, obviously, so stop shoving it in her face because it wont do anyone any good.” Yeah I agree Everybody makes mistakes, the thing is she needs to learn from it, and im pretty sure with this pregnancy scare, she is going too :wink:

  • Re: the morning after pill

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    why dont you remember?