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  • Quote from armyforthebroken: “Well, an ex-boyfriend of mine would sneak over and sleep over almost every night. This was because he was homeless and he'd stay in a youth homeless shelter. So, I know how you feel, lol.” awww thats like taking in a stray cat or dog, except for the sex

  • Re: the morning after pill

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    did you use any protection at all?

  • Ok i understand that it might cause a few issue's for your future, but your well-being comes first, remember that. I think it will hurt him but you have to tell him, dont keep it from him, just get it over with and you can start on trying to fix things, obviously there is a gap he needs to fill to make you fill a bit more desired or loved. I think it would be a good idea to go, just stay brave, and PUSH yourself to do it, i suffer from severe anxiety, you set yourself a plan and you STICK to it,…

  • You shouldnt be so against medication it can really help you, if a doctor thinks its in your best interest to be on them, then it would be wise to follow there instructions and I think you really should see a doctor about the breathing and sleeping issue, there quite major. You should always be honest with your boyfriend, I think holding this from him is just another weight on your shoulders and you should just get it out, also with Zac i think you really need to think about your relationship wi…

  • ok hun well lets run through a few things: so are your breathing problems all the time? what about the sleeping issues? I think it would be very wise to consult a doctor, if they do say its anxiety then they should start you on some medication to tone down some of the physical issues. I think the stuff with that other guy and on chatroulette is you wanting to be desired and loved, its more common than you think. what caused you to break down? there seems like some underlying issue that is causin…

  • Re: Boys...

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Is there any reason why you want to know? I voted 7, i know its around that mark

  • Patrick has a good point, i think she was suprised/stunned in some way, maybe good, maybe bad but if she was staring then im guessing it was good buddy

  • has he ever told you what he see's in this girl over you, like saying 'oh thats just like Taylor, she is so caring' or something along those lines. Obviously she gives him something your not and thats why he is in love with her and not you, maybe you need to talk to him about the whole situation. Also, what are you feelings towards her and do you tell him them?

  • wow im having trouble recreating that in my mind. I would say you most likely just took her by suprise more than anything, although I guess she could have been more polite, i guess its a bit of a hard situation to look into without being there

  • dont think ive ever seen one, i generally avoid movies with lots of sex etc, im more of a war movie kinda guy. I saw a documentry called 'the perfect vagina' im pretty sure it was called, one bit when they were filming vagina surgery and the chick was still awake, god damn, because she wanted her 'lips' trimmed so they were shorter/tighter. I was hiding behind the couch watching that one and im not even a girl :o

  • Re: Just a memo

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    ok then? :confused:

  • Re: Just a memo

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    yeah there are, but you joke around way too much and it makes other people uncomfortable when they are asking serious questions and feel like your making a joke out of them, it can be very hard for some people to discuss sexual stuff. This is the sexuality section, people can ask what they like, as long as there not asking or posting pics or asking for addy's etc then its ok. They can say what they like or what works for them because thats the whole point of this section so people can discuss it…

  • Re: Male Contraceptive Pill

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from SugarLips: “You had to ruin it, didn't you. Lol,” nah you did long ago

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from louiebugooey: “It's kinda unpredictable. If you're worried about mess, put a towel down or go somewhere the mess won't matter, like the bathroom” yeah just do it in the bath or shower and it wouldnt be an issue

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    well this is from the best of my knowledge although ive never really looked into the subject much. When a girl stimulates her gspot enough and rarely her clit, the female prostate or a certain gland (im not sure which, or which term is correct) fills with fluid and then when she orgasms or releases it, it squirts out, the fluid i think its the same as the stuff that makes her wet. again this is just a real long shot as I dont really know much about it at all

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    what? sounds messy

  • nothing to worry over, you have the higher chance of winning the lottery than her being pregnant what you need to ask yourself is are you ready for sex if your gonna get this worried after?

  • Re: Squirting

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    I think its something every girl should experience

  • Re: please don't

    ben101 - - Teen Sexuality


    I think more people have a bad first time than those who have a good first time