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  • Re: Gay or not

    username #88 - - General Advice


    Quote from nalter: “I really really want to get my ears pierced and my parents won't let me how do i fucking convince them to let me do it. I really really want to and they won't let me and they keep saying oh its gay and shit. What do you think and how do i persaude them to let me?” It is gay!

  • Re: gay people

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “hahahahahahhaha oh man, so scientists proved that gay men have a disease but gay women dont? :rofl::rofl:” No. Scientists proved "homosexuality" is a disease. I just support that the men are 100 percent diseased and contagious than women. Women are fine in my opinion. Do you smell what THE MVP is cooking?

  • All of you may be curious, but I am not curious about another male. Fuck that! I SUPPORT SCIENCE!!!!!!

  • Re: gay people

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ariel95: “i think that there is wayyyyyyy more ways i could have written this thread in a meaner way!! i wasn't trying to say that gay people are stupid or whatever, i accept them for who they are, i don't judge people on their sexuality, i simply disagree with their lifestyle. im sorry again for anyone i offended with this thread, i really wasnt trying to insult you with this!!” Don't worry. I disapprove of their sexuality. I agree with the scientists when they say it is a disease. N…

  • Re: gay people

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from crazyblue93: “Everyone has their own opinion, if she thinks homosexuality is disgusting it's her choice, but it's best she accept it otherwise it will be harder for her to make friends, her opinions about homosexuality may cause her inconveniences, for jobs or school and anything else.” What a bunch of crock. I am beginning a government job in a couple of weeks and trust me, I did not need to associate myself with homosexuals or any of their kind to get my position. And even if I see …

  • Quote from Batgirl: “You can't have an opinion on her life when you know nothing about it. Not all 16 year-olds who have kids are irrisponsible. A lot are , but not all.” 99 percent are irresponsible babe. 1 percent may be not.

  • No! What the fuck! No No No No No No NOOOOO! Geeeeeeezus fucking christ!

  • Re: gay people

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ariel95: “okay let me just clarify that im not trying to be rude at all, but why are people gay?? i mean ur not born like that, and its kinda gross, just wondering please dont bitch me out” Gay or Homosexuality, whatever you call it. Homosexuality is a disease. It is scientifically proven. GOOGLE is your friend. Scientists are trying to find a cure so no more diseases come from them. And I agree with them. So that is your answer to your question and my opinion. I should clarify that, …

  • Quote from jocelyn_miss: “But why curious/pay attention to my under arms? strange?” Because maybe he has a hair under his arms and wants to know if you have hair under your arms. It is just curiousity. But now you are just being ridiculous. Everything your brother is doing is normal. It is you who has the problem and wants to make a big deal out of it. You were probably that curious when you were 11.

  • Quote from Tombgeek: “No. Everybody in a sense is abnormal. Homosexuality is as abnormal as cabbage. It was scientifically proven to be natural, and it exists in the wild among animals such as lions, elephants, dolphins, etc. (Trust me, I live in Africa, I know). I believe homosexuality is natural, and I don't give a shit what Christianity or whatever religion says. As far as I am concerned, Science is right, Christianity is wrong. You can't choose to be gay or straight, it is something that is …

  • Quote from ufo: “Ok. So for those of you with kids (like me) or who had abortions: (really anyone actually) 1. What is your view on abortions? 2. Adoptions? 3. Going through and keeping the kid? 4. Do you want to get pregnant? 5. If you did, how would you tell your parents? 6. Opinion on keeping the kid (Effects on a teen's life) 7. Social Pressures: A. Were you pressured to be sexually active from a young age? Did this harm you? B. If you have been prego, did people look at/ think about you dif…

  • Have your mom talk to him about the changes he is going to experience and the curiosities he is going to have. Let her be the one to tell her. But just don't scare him. Tootles.

  • Quote from Batgirl: “LOL Man, I love you.” I love you too sweets.:kiss:

  • Do you wanna have sex with her? And it is obvious both of them were wrong for eachother. Her cheating and him lying. So just tell her, he was not worth it and there are plenty of dicks in the sea.

  • Quote from itrainsinheaventoo: “Is this normal? I am 14 years old and I am not attracted to anyone. I don't believe in love. But this is ridiculous. I don't like guys, I don't like girls, and I don't like the in between. I never really show many emotions but I still have them. But love is one emotion that I can't show because I don't seem to like anyone. I have never had a crush. I have never thought about anything of that sort. Whats up with that?? ” You're only 14. Relax. You have many years t…

  • Quote from Batgirl: “LOL I hope there's no cure for my finding girls attractive.” I approve of girls and girls are acceptable. Man with man is diseased.

  • You Are a Rook rook.jpg Post it now! facebook-40x40.jpg myspace-40x40.jpg twitter-40x40.jpg You Are a Rook You are good at both looking forward to the future and looking back to the past. You tend to make bold, dramatic moves. You can act quickly and cover a lot of ground. You are good at taking out opponents in your field of vision that may be a problem later on. No one ever seems to see you coming, even though you're always right there watching them.

  • Quote from kurtis49: “This is a serious thread. I am interested to see whether people believe that being homosexual is considered also being abnormal in society. Also interested in opinion on whether gay could be classified as a mental condition? As i know until recent times it used to be. Discuss.” Quote from DR.Hamza: “they can not be called abnormal but they are disgusting :)” I have to agree with Hamza. But in my opinion and with the articles that I have read by SCIENTISTS and PSYCHOLOGISTS …

  • Quote from Shikii: “I'm going to assume your being serious and answer seriously... Trauma won't turn someone gay, but it can turn them off relationships, and women, but it's not just black nd white, if you no longer have an intrest in women, it does not make you automatically like men, it makes you avoid women. If someone is homosexual and then has a traumatic incident with a woman, then gets a boyfriend it's simply cooincidental. It's like... If you had a traumatic incident with fire, you will …