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  • Quote from Tootsie: “Okay so I'm 15, I lost my virginity August 20. I did it twice that same day. The first time hurt the second time hurt like HELLLLL! It wasn't with my boyfriend[don't judge me]. I didn't have one, but two weeks later I did. He fingered me and that did not feel good! I've also tried fingering myself but no luck. So I recently had sex again about a week ago with the same guy I lost my virginity to and instead of it hurting I couldn't feel ANYTHING i felt him going in me but aga…

  • Quote from Kat_B: “So what should I do?? Pull away a bit?” Yes, pull away. Let him initiate the convos and texts and emails. You initiate it one week, then he should do the next one. If he doesn't, then you will know if he is cheating.

  • Re: I m worried!

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ManojA: “Hello, I was watching a steamy scene in my mobile. Suddenly i got aroused. I sensed it was urine only. But when i got to the bathroom it was white-green fluid. Maybe semen. I just washed it off. Anything harm? It was my first time. So i am asking.” It's normal. Tootles.

  • Quote from Kat_B: “My guy & I have only just gotten to the "I like you a lot" stage and I happen to trade Direct Messages over twitter with him everyday. Usually it's 5-8 messages, I find out how he's doing & stuff. Some days it's 20-30 messages (but that's flirty discussions.) We have a long distance relationship & I miss him a lot when I don't message him (Im usually the one that messages first) ... Am I being needy or clingy by doing this?? Thanks” Yes, it is. As a guy, I have been in situati…

  • Quote from neji49: “I was planning to ask somebody to an upcoming dance, but now found out they are taken. Due to a bit of carelessness on my part, most of my friends learned about this. I want to ask one of them, but I know asking somebody as a "second" option is considered disrespectful. Because of this can I ask out my friend without it being weird?” Obviously you can't ask the prize. So just go for the second place. BUT, if you are going to ask her, ask yourself just these 2 questions. Do yo…

  • No. Go to doctor.

  • Re: Sexting!

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Sexting, no. Cuz the texts are not that big. I prefer MSN or real life, obviously.

  • Quote from cowgirlyehaa: “I've been thinking a lot the past few days about a guy I just met. He's seems too good to be true. I've been in bad relationships before, cheated on, used for sex. Most of the time, played like a harp. I believe the reason is, I am honest. I'm one of the most honest, nicest girls you'll ever meet. (Even when I'm not nice, I'm genuine) So, I think men sometimes uses this against me to get what they want. I've only been out with this guy once, but I don't want to waste my…

  • Quote from Byonchi: “I'm a 17 year old guy, turning 18 in a month. I've got a pretty good sex drive, it's pretty healthy, but I refuse to have sex with anybody until I've got my own place, which will probably be around when I'm 22 and am going away to Law School. I mean, when I get aroused I've always just gone and had a jerk, and it seems to work fine. I don't wanna risk teen pregnancies, or my religious parents getting mad, lol But what I'm wondering is, will girls think it's weird when I'm 22…

  • Quote from Robbin_son1991: “So here is the skinny. I am nineteen and never been on a date before ( haha get your laughs out lol) mainly due to the fact that I am extremely shy. Well I have a first ever date coming up and I am completely nervous as to what to say to her. I have no issue with just being me however I am not exactly a conversationalist. I don't want the entire date to consist of "sure is nice weather we are having" so any tips would be much appreciated!” You have to overcome that fe…

  • Your Personality Is Like Marijuana marijuana.gif Post it now! facebook-40x40.jpg myspace-40x40.jpg twitter-40x40.jpg su-40x40.png Your Personality Is Like Marijuana You're laid back and easy going, so much so that taking a shower is often too much trouble for you! Nevertheless, you're quite popular, and many people enjoy your company. You're rarely turned down. You're prone to giggle fits, paranoia, and forgetting where you are exactly. At your best: You're relaxed, mellow, and without a care in…

  • I loved broads who are sweet and good looking who are not shy to do shit. Wild girls is fine, but I don't like girls who worry about everything. Like a girl masturbating me at the movies is good and willing to have sex right and there. The shy ones don't even masturbate you at the movies. I mean come on!

  • Quote from FallenAngel: “Being rude to him isn't going to help or make him change.” No one is being rude to him.

  • Quote from Peter37: “I would appreciate it if you read all the posts instead of contributing the same bullshit as everyone else. Holy shit, this is a change to hear. Now I feel like a totally fucking prick, which I am of course. I really don't know what to do from here. All of her friends hate the shit out of me as well, which really doesn't contribute well. What the fuck do I do man, I've fucked this shit.” I read the 1st post and my post. Tootles.

  • Quote from mjames: “i hate my life, my parents hate me, i cut, my friends betray me all the time, i dont even know if life is worth living anymore, i talk to my friends but they dont help me they make things worse, i dont want to live anymore!:(” Calm down. If your friends can't help, then make new friends.

  • The problem is simple. You said it, you treat her bad. So what do you expect? Do you expect her to fall in love with you over that? YOU are the problem. She does not want you as a b/f. You need anger management and thank god, she is not that dumb to fall for you. Tootles.

  • Quote from whelan99: “So how often do u look at porn, what kind do u like, ever watch it with anyone else i look at it ever 3 or 4 day i like dorm dare the best and i never watch with anyone else” Every day!

  • Quote from gabzas331: “Hai So! basically there's this girl i like in my class at school and I'm writing her a loveletter. Could you guys help me?:confused::hugs:” First rule! Do not call it a love letter. Just because you like her does not mean you love her. What you want to do is, make your feelings noted, but not "love". Explain to me, if she likes you? Do you know if she does?

  • Re: Do you sleep naked?

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Yes, I love sleeping naked and the girl too. So when I wake in the middle of the night, dick is hard and goes straight inside.

  • Re: Rapist on my bus?

    username #88 - - General Advice


    Quote from shadowsnip: “I've heard stories about this kid raping a girl. He rides my bus and everyone was telling me how he raped his girlfriend. I filed a anonymous police report and told them the kids name and that he goes to my high school, i also go the victims name and told the police that to. The sexual assault happened almost a year ago. I know very close people that this has happened to and it upsets me. For the record i live in a upper middle class place where crime rate is very low, wi…