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  • That has nothing to do with urges. That depends on personality and how somebody is raised. Especially guys don't get taught limits often enough.

  • Males lust for females and females for males because if both sexes have sex, children can be born.

  • It's society bullshit. For some people it's important, some just prefer one or the other. But in the end, it doesn't really matter.

  • Quote from James_is_Grounded: “As a Christian i think masturbation is a SIN and as such punishable by God. I therefore choose not to do it, its hard because the temptation is there and i did it for a few years in early teens and enjoyed it but i serve God and i knew i had to stop so i can't ever masturbate again. As a 16 year old boy i sometimes wish its not a sin but its not worth getting punished for. ” Don't start with "as a Christian". I know Christion who think masturbation isn't a sin. Don…

  • You can have an orgasm without an erection. But i'd say in most cases you have the erection before/when you orgasm.

  • I hope so too. Have fun

  • Hi. Expect to feel something new, you maybe never felt before. It can feel warm, comfortable, unknown. You feel something "coming up" when you are close to ejaculating. But it is possible you don't understand that feeling the first time, because it's new. When you are relaxed you should be able to orgasm the first time. But it also can happen that you don't. In that case don't worry and try again another time. Also you may not ejaculate. Every guy starts ejaculating at a different point in puber…

  • Wet dream while awake?

    Benni90er - - Teen Sexuality


    This wasn't a wet dream. For a wet dream you have to be sleeping during the orgasm. This was just an orgasm you got from getting aroused by the porn you watched. Don't worry, this is normal. In the beginning even just looking at porn can be enough to make you orgasm.

  • Erection direction

    Benni90er - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from KillerD: “Is there an advantage or disadvantage to a curve? ” Certain positions can be easier or harder to do if your penis is straight or curved. But in general it doesn't matter.

  • Quote from Anastasia T: “don't be angry because of me !!! ” Don't worry. No one is angry because of you

  • Quote from professional retard: “people that aren't native to English usually don't make sense so yeah it's totally logical how I perceived it and I don't care how rude I'm being either this is the internet people are allowed to make jokes suck it up bud it's not that big of an issue to cry about PS I'm a very direct guy I won't bullshit you about anything even if it's rude it's the 100% truth ” That's not being direct. That's just being rude. You can be direct while still being nice. You just l…

  • Quote from professional retard: “Quote from Benni90er: “The context is, that freezing temperatures aren't hot. With that knowledge you can understand her sentence perfectly. Also i misspelled a word from a language that is not my native one. You still understood what i wrote. So it's not a big deal. At least you can detect spelling errors ” no that's not the context. it can be perceived in multiple ways due to the lack of commas ” And you choose to perceive it in the way that makes the least sen…

  • The context is, that freezing temperatures aren't hot. With that knowledge you can understand her sentence perfectly. Also i misspelled a word from a language that is not my native one. You still understood what i wrote. So it's not a big deal. At least you can detect spelling errors

  • Quote from professional retard: “ah yes freezing temperatures that are hot ” You red that wrong. She meant her blankets, which are mode for freezing temperatures, are hot. Therefor she can sleep naked even during winter. She struggles with English. Just use your brain a bit and you would understand

  • Break ups

    Benni90er - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Try to live your life. Go to school or work, meet with friends, do your hobby(s). Talk about it with someone. And if you feel sad: cry. Let your emotions out. With time, your pain will drift away and you will be ready to meet someone else if you desire to.

  • Masturbating after a wet dream?

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    Depends on how much time has passed since the wet dream and how fast your sperm is reproduced. But i guess you will be able to ejaculate.

  • Masturbating after a wet dream?

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    You can start when ever you feel comfortable. So yes, you can start masturbating if you're having wet dreams.

  • First Dildo

    Benni90er - - Teen Sexuality


    "We" are more understanding. Those few who aren't are just loud. That's why i countered him. To show that it's accepted.

  • Groped / Rubbed against?

    Benni90er - - General Advice


    Quote from hearts+halos: “I've been groped once in middle school, the dude did it on purpose and afterwards him and his friends laughed. I felt extremely uncomfortable and i wanted to cry, which is exactly what happened afterwards. I didn't hurt them because i felt very powerless against them because they weren't alone, they had friends and at the time, barely anyone knew me. And another reason why i didn't hurt them was because, that isn't how i deal with things. I did tell on them but they wer…