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  • I think a lot depends on your current relationship with him and if you get a sense that he may be interested. I guess what I would do is get to know him better. If you are at the point of having a sleep over, that's where you can navigate toward that sort of conversation but a lot of it is having the confidence to take the risk and having him being responsive to what you are saying. If you get the sense that he isn't interested in that sort of thing, I'd steer clear but you need to first and for…

  • RIP Adam Johnson

    collin13 - - Sports


    Its horrible. I played hockey for a number of years and it's absolutely horrible.

  • yogurt with granola and toast with Vegemite.

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    Some more Papa Roach ... Leave a Light On. This is a deeply meaningful song and speaks to a very important cause. Love it ...

  • Surgeries

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Robrob12: “Quote from codymott: “i have broken my wrist when i was 7 when i slipped in the bath and when i was 10 i broke my shoulder blade after falling out of a tree so had have surgery to fix them ” how long did the shoulder take to heal? ” Sadly we will never get the answer to this inquiry. I can't imagine that would be something fun to heal from. I'm having a bad enough time currently with this stupid walking boot I have on!!!!!

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    Gearing up for a concert tomorrow night in the thriving metropolis of London, Ontario. I Prevail and my favourite Godsmack!!! Here's one of my favourites by I Prevail who will surely kick some fuckin ass!

  • I'm usually able to pick up on if another person is gay or not over time. It sounds like she is really nice. Have you asked her about past relationships she's had to feel it out a bit more? If you are comfortable enough in your own skin, you could tell her your preferences and see how she responds too? I think there is always a certain level of risk in anything we do, but I'd say for now follow your heart, continue to develop the friendship and see where things go? Don't know that I even really …

  • Long Curvy Dicks

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Quote from Robrob12: “Quote from kn1ves: “I didn’t know boys dicks were such a risk to them ” it is not very common, to fracture the penis ” My step dad has seen it a few times in the ER he works at. Crazy rough sex caused it. Said it was swollen three times the size it should have been and they needed surgery. Be gentle with your dongs!

  • Only 1 that I got for my birthday when I turned 14. iPhone 13. I had to edit this cos I initially said for my boyfriend. lol. That would be a pretty nice gift!!!!

  • Does anyone else like this?

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Robrob12: “Quote from collin13: “I don't know what BDSM is ... and I'm not googling to find out but absolutely not!!!!!! This is deranged! ” Think it has to do with inflicting pain on your sexual partner, in which I can not see myself every wanting to hurt a partner in any way ” Snuff? There was a move about that that was CRAZY !!!!

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    I'm in the mood for a little Ozzy this raining morning!

  • Surgeries

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    Just wondering since this is the health section what kind of surgeries you all have endured. Myself, an appendectomy and just yesterday an operation to fix a torn tendon and the plantar plate in my left foot. Ouch!!!!!!

  • Right now my favourite activity (and I'm still a kid lol) is playing with our golden retriever dog and new puppy! So much fun!!!!!

  • Does anyone else like this?

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't know what BDSM is ... and I'm not googling to find out but absolutely not!!!!!! This is deranged!

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    As much as I hate to say it ... this song kind of sums up events on the world stage currently. Sad times we live in.

  • Bullies

    collin13 - - Friends and Family


    Sad. Unfortunately a lot of times the only way to put an end to it is to take the matter into your own hands. I think bullies bully because of their own insecurities. If he pushes back and puts a beat down on them, they stay away. They seem to always only target those that they consider easy targets as harsh as that sounds. I don't think schools do anything to prevent it either. I hate to say it and promote violence but a nice punch square to the face usually ends it. Just like the scene at begi…

  • Nudist beach

    collin13 - - Puberty


    We have a walk in decline into our pool that's kinda like a beach and I've swam nude in that. Does that count? I'm a wee bit too shy at this stage of my life to be nude in a crowd, but then again haven't really experienced it other than group showers with other boys my age, its hard to say. If everyone is naked and in the same situation it may be alright. I've heard that they come in all shapes and sizes at nude beaches too. Lots of really fat old people. Might be gross.

  • multivitamins

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    Nope. Parents are docs and say we get everything we need from our diets alone. I've talked to them about this cos a lot of the guys on my team take them and they said it's unnecessary and pharmaceutical company marketing for profit and unnecessary at our age. If you eat a well balanced diet (and not just chicken fingers and Mac and cheese) you are good to go. Lots of fruits, veggies, and reasonable amount of protein and fats. Not a lot of sweats either, except fruit.

  • The Talk

    collin13 - - Puberty


    LOL !!! My brother, sister and I apparently came from a pick a nut farm. Or at least we believed that till we were about 10 or 11.

  • a change in taste

    collin13 - - Puberty


    I think around that time my what I like to eat expanded a lot. Same thing with my brother. I think it's just a willingness to move away from a diet of chicken fingers and Mac and cheese to more sophisticated things, or a willingness to try new things. Maybe it's all just a part of growing up? I eat a shitton more than I used to as well and gaining weight has always been an issue for me. I've been told to enjoy that now cos when we get older, the weight can pile on if not careful!