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  • My favorite beer is Miller High Life, but I've drank everything from Corona to Natty Ice. Liquor.. too many haha. Goldschlager, Cuervo Gold, Jagermeister, Vodka of course- Svedka is my favorite but we usually buy Skoal, it's cheap, $13 a handle. I also like Hypnotiq, Parrot Bay, and Tattoo. I could probably name more but I seem like a freakin alcoholic already.

  • Re: Need some food advice

    Jenn - - Health and Fitness


    Well, ginseng helps to eliminate fatigue, so taking a supplement (if you want) would probably help you out. Old-fashioned oatmeal (not the instant kind) will give you a lot of energy throughout the day if you eat it for breakfast, and will also keep you full longer so you're not constantly hungry. Peanut butter is a huge energy booster as well. Also, if you're desperate, you could try drinking a sugar-free Red Bull or some other type of energy drink, if you can.

  • Re: Alright i got a incest story

    Jenn - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't know if you guys know this, but Woody Allen (very famous director) adopted a girl named Soon-Yi Previn with Mia Farrow. Years later, he and Farrow got divorced, Soon-Yi was older, and Allen married Soon-Yi and they have about 4 kids. Not exactly incest, but sort of? Definitley freakin weird.

  • Re: The Lost Boys

    Jenn - - Films, TV and Books


    I have Movie Gallery and Blockbuster. Movie Gallery doesn't have The Lost Boys, but Blockbuster does. There's not a Hollywood Video around me so.

  • The age thing isn't the issue here, though. My Mom was in an abusive relationship and she always told me this: If a man yells at you, he'll grab you. If he grabs you, he'll push you. If he pushes you, he'll hit you. If he hits you once, he'll do it again. I know that's not true for every guy, but just be careful.

  • Re: Shout A Lyric !!!

    Jenn - - Music


    The deeper you stick it in your vein The deeper the thoughts, there's no pain I'm in Heaven, I'm a god I'm everywhere, I feel so hot It's not a habit, it's cool I feel alive If you don't have it you're on the other side I'm not an addict, maybe that's a lie K's Choice- Not An Addict

  • There's a big difference between noticing that your sister is attractive and be attracted to your sister. Personally, I don't agree with what you're doing. Honestly, I think you need to think about what's happening before you let things go any further.

  • I have 4 older brothers (3 of them step) and I can't even begin to imagine any of them in any sort of sexual way. I would completely and utterly embarrassed if I walked in on one of them masturbating, and visa versa. Not to mention the health risks involved if the sister in question got pregnant. I just don't think it's a very wise or moral decision.

  • Re: Shout A Lyric !!!

    Jenn - - Music


    She reminds me of the one in school When I was gutted she was dressed in white And I couldn't take my eyes off her But she's the one I took off that night She'll never cover up what we did with a dress, no. She says "Kiss me it'll heal, but it won't forget" I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles If I could stick to you, and you stick me too Don't break, don't break my heart And I won't break your heart-shaped glasses Little girl, little girl you should close your eyes That blue is getti…

  • Re: Smoking Ban

    Jenn - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Sleepy: “Having a smoking/non-smoking section in a restaurant is stupid. Smoke does expand, and will fill the whole room reguardless of if it's in the non-smoking section or not.” I smoke, and I agree with that whole heartedly. I hate the fact that there's a smoking section at the bar of most restaurants when the bar is located in the middle of the restaurant. That doesn't make sense to me at all. As a smoker, most people would think I'd be fully against the ban, but I think it has a …

  • Re: Greens???

    Jenn - - Health and Fitness


    Maybe it's a southern thing, I don't know, but living in Tennessee has taught me to love green things. I don't necessarily care for peas, but I love green beans, okra, zuchinni, stuff like that.

  • Re: Guys, best sexual experience?

    Jenn - - Teen Sexuality


    I had sex in a dressing room. Most definitley the best experience ever :]

  • Re: The Lost Boys

    Jenn - - Films, TV and Books


    This is one of my favorite movies! And Cry Little Sister was redone by a band a couple of years ago and everytime it came on the radio I thought of that. But yeah- definitely a great movie, Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, always a winner :]

  • Re: pleese help/ advice

    Jenn - - General Advice


    Hey, I went through the same thing my Senior year. I had a 4.2 GPA and my first semester I got a D, 2 C's, and the rest B's. Trust me- it's not going to drop you like 3 points or anything (that's what I was worried about, too) But you'll get through it, I promise :]

  • Re: Best music video ever?

    Jenn - - Music


    I don't know why I love this video, and it's an old song. But Smack My Bitch Up by Prodigy is a pretty crazy video. Also, Marilyn Manson's video for Heart Shaped Glasses (his new single) is pretty interesting. Here's the YouTube link for it.

  • Re: Fly away from here.

    Jenn - - General Advice


    Fay, I don't know you that well, but I've read a lot of your posts and you and I seem to be alike on a lot of things. Given that, I just want you to know that you seem like a very grounded, kick-ass person and I'm glad that you aren't changing for anyone. And you are beautiful darling, and you don't need a boy to tell you that :]

  • Strip Aerobics!

    Jenn - - Sports


    Ok, I went to a Strip Aerobics class at a gym in my town, and it was AMAZING! Seriously, one of the best workouts I've had in my life. And it's so much fun! I definitley recommend it to anyone :]

  • Re: Coke Whore

    Jenn - - Fashion


    Yeah, I agree. It kind of brings them down off the pedestal that they're on and I think that makes us all feel better.

  • Quote from FallenDreams22: “anything she wants to...” Awe. More guys should have that mentality :]

  • Re: Coke Whore

    Jenn - - Fashion


    I think also that they know they'll sell papers and magazines with it. For the most part, our culture can't resist reading about celebrities. I know I can't. So they're going to play up their faults because they sell more copies.