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  • Some weeks i feel super charged n horny but other weeks i feel normal and just have some sexual feelings but if i don't want to do anything like jerk off then i dont. Reasonably horny and super horny on some days

  • Morning wood

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Blake_VZ: “I usually just tuck it into the waistband of my boxers. Then either try to take a piss or jack off. ” I thought peeing was impossible for you guys when you're hard? ” As others said not really. I rarely pee when i'm hard and ofc i'd never pee while hard at an urinal. I can pee while hard but it takes 2x concentration. Most guys would jack off quickly or wait till partially soft. Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Blake_VZ: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from …

  • Wet Dreams

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from HeyCameron: “I still get them. Kind of surprised that I still do. They're rare now but they happen every now and then. I usually just use a tissue and then get in the shower quickly. Not gonna bother changing underwear before that. ” Lmao yeah. I know adult still gets them- My adult friends used to get them a lot and said that even as an adult stuff like random boners, being horny and wet dreams are still common

  • Thoughts on nudism

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from Maxsmith: “It's too cold where I live. I'd try it ” Ngl it bein cold would be why i'd be a home nudist XD

  • Dick slip

    DragonV2 - - Gay


    Quote from Benny973: “Quote from Benni90er: “Quote from Benny973: “Quote from Benni90er: “Quote from Benny973: “Quote from Benni90er: “Had a swim shorts that was too short and when sitting and spreading my legs my dick was vissible. ” did someone see? Or were you able to notice before anyobe saw? ” A friend saw it and told me later. But i have no idea if somebody else saw it. ” wow, I would die from embarrassment ” Not worth dying for I didn't really mind since it wasn't on purpose. ” True, but …

  • Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Anastasia T: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Anastasia T: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Anastasia T: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from SouthernDude: “If he's actually alive, I really hope so. It's been over a year since he's been around, and this place needs a serious deep clean. ” He's got plenty of work ahead of him if he returns. xDhe was here 6 days ago, but he didn't say anything .. it was good that he turns to you as moderator and like others here who hav…

  • How mature do you think 13+ teens are?

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    I felt mature when i was 13 lmao. Now i look back i realize I wasn't and that 13-year-olds can have some maturity but they arent the super mature young adults they imagine themselves to be. You seem to be doing better so i'm happy for you. Focus on yourself and how ppl that care about u feel not how random ppl who are older feels.

  • Dick slip

    DragonV2 - - Gay


    once although im not that big

  • Thoughts on nudism

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Im a modest person but when i feel naked I just feel free although it can be embarrassing. I'm impressed by those who are nudist and admire their confidence.

  • Wet Dreams

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Occasionally get them. Weirdest dreams ever really lol. Depends. If u don't sleep naked then just clean the area, put on something new and get the sticky clothes washed. Dont be embarrassed, its normal and its just happens. I doubt ur parents will care unless they're dumb or strict.

  • Sorry!! I couldn't help it. What's hard, long, and full of cum? 92231011_0_640x640.jpg

  • why was my cousin ask about my dick

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from TracoXX: “Quote from UwuThemCheeks: “Quote from Ashley2004: “this sounds fake to me. If it's not you still shouldn't show her. That's messed up. ” Look at my reply and see how it has 3 dislikes because of how logical and non messed up it is. Some of the people here get off to the idea of showing their dick to people and imo it fucked up that they want a 14 year old to show their dick to someone half their age (6).I wonder if they realise that little kids cant keep secret and often peo…

  • Coming out story

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from xols: “Although this is the LGBT+ group, I'm posting anyhow. Reading TaylerL's post and hearing from others, makes me very aware of a stress I've never had to experience. ” Being straight doesnt mean u arent welcome to LGBT+ places You can be an Ally or simply a person interested in LGBT. I'm not apart of it. Its good that you're being more aware of stuff and stuff that others go through. Lots of kids struggle with telling their parents, close ones or friends that they arent straight …

  • Quote from thekooljoey1010: “idk if being able to kinda cum counts. but im 10 so if not I dont think i have yet cause i have no hair yet or my boy part hasn't grown yet ” If you can cum (make white stuff or clear liquid) when jacking off then you hit puberty. You're pretty young so you probs have hit it early.

  • I dont think people should hurt other people physically unless its self-defense or a valid need that both parties understand. Furthermore the balls are a sensitive place and they are what lets men having children, by attacking it you're causing the guy unimaginable pain and potentially ending his family line (this is important to ppl) and ruining his chance to have his own children. To me this is as equally as bad as murder and obviously assault. Girls and guys shouldn't hit each other in the pr…

  • Quote from Gazebo_: “Hi I’ve been trying to see how long I can go without masturbating and right now im at 4 days whats the longest you’ve ever went and how did you do it? My duck is getting really hard all the time now and it’s so hard not to masturbate so do you have any advice? Also is my duck normal? Girls- would my duck fit in your pond or is it to small? XX2ZwGC.jpg ” Nice duck dude!!

  • Anal?

    DragonV2 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from UwuThemCheeks: “Quote from BlackParadePixie: “fucking ROFFLE can't have sex in my vagina because its a sin....but hey, in the butt? NO PROBLEM! ” If im honest i agree. Anal and Vaginal sex are practically the same. Shes just desperate to look for a way to have sex and grasped onto the idea anal sex is fine when it isn't in terms of religious beliefs. ” why? because if you do anal you're still technically a virgin? You're really're still having s…

  • Anal?

    DragonV2 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “fucking ROFFLE can't have sex in my vagina because its a sin....but hey, in the butt? NO PROBLEM! ” If im honest i agree. Anal and Vaginal sex are practically the same. Shes just desperate to look for a way to have sex and grasped onto the idea anal sex is fine when it isn't in terms of religious beliefs.

  • Coming out story

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    that was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with us

  • Anal?

    DragonV2 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from mixel19: “I always find that if it's the girl's first time taking anal, if we do it where she's riding me, she's less nervous. The girl is in control of when I enter her, how fast or slow we go, and how deep my cock goes. It's a good way to build our trust further (which is obviously already pretty good if she feels comfortable to try anal with me) and to prove that I'm not going to keep going when she needs a break, and is she wants to stop altogether, I'm not gonna be mad or even up…