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  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Benni90er - - General Advice


    I don't know him or his situation/state of mind. I know you want an answer on what to do. But i can't tell you what is right and what not. What hurts him more. Sometimes a person doesn't need to know to truth. In this case, i think it would help him. Maybe it could help to seek help from a professional therapist - for both of you. Maybe even together at some point. If he did the same to you: What would you want him to do? By the way: never fall for a guy like 'the first' again. Those bad boys ar…

  • Am i such a horrible sister?

    Benni90er - - General Advice


    This is a looong story. No need to be sorry about the length. This way we get a lot of details that are important to see the full picture. I am not one that writes much, so i will keep this short i think. Short answer: Tell your brother what happened. Everything. A little bit more about my answer: He tells you he can't trust no man anymore. Humans are strange... it was just this one guy and not half the population of this planet who 'betrayed' him. Still, this story is the reason for that. Espec…

  • Because it happened before we learned anything about it in school, i was surprised that my penis got hard and longer and that white stuff came out

  • That's what i call a well-founded answer!

  • Penis growth spurt

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    That is different for every boy. Mine started growing at around 10.

  • Erection

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    Quote from Hunteriscool: “Quote from Benni90er: “Quote from chloeglowy: “That’s so funny Must be a big one ” Not the topic of the thread. So should you wanne know send a pm or look at my posts. ” Who cares are you teenhut police? ” I care and no i'm not. I just said why I personally didn't want to write that here. If anyone else would write that i'd be fine with that.

  • Erection

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    Quote from chloeglowy: “That’s so funny Must be a big one ” Not the topic of the thread. So should you wanne know send a pm or look at my posts.

  • Erection

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    Quote from chloeglowy: “Hang wash cloths on it for your shower buddies so at least it’s useful ” Good idea, but soaked clothes can be pretty heavy so you can't hang too much on it I didn't take clothes on it inside the shower but sometimes i carried my towel that way

  • SouthernDude is correct. I made a mistake and forgot about the naming of the fluids.

  • Every boy starts producing semen/sperm at a different point in his life. And yes, it's possible to produce semen without sperm in it.

  • how thick is a thick penis?

    Benni90er - - Puberty


    That depends on who you ask most of the time. But if you look at the statistics, 11.57 cm or 4.55" are the average girth for grown men(measured around the thickest part of the penis). So if it's significantly above average it's thick (but also that depends on who you ask).

  • I make a mistake, again.

    Benni90er - - Friends and Family


    Tricky situation. First ask yourself why you want someone back in your life: Do you want to be there for that person or do you just want someone in your life. If you want to be there for the other person, contact this person on social media and either ask to meet up to explain anything or write a 'letter' on social media, telling him how bad you feel and that you made a big mistake by letting him down. If this person doesn't want to talk to you or read your messages, leave this person alone.

  • Sorry you have to go through this. Dress as you like as long as it meets the requirements ( i am talking about certain events where you dress up more ). But for everyday live wear what you like. Maybe she will give up at some point. It sounds like talking doesn't help, that's a shame. But very good you tried that. I wish you the strength to ignore her on that topic.

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    Benni90er - - Friends and Family


    Quote from xols: “Quote from Benni90er: “I have the same feeling as Alberta. Sounds like he doesn't really love her. Lets be real here: you are not secretly together with someone who has kids without telling the kids anything until one week before living together. I don't know where you live, i wouldn't know the law there anyway, but i guess if she doesn't say anything there is nothing you can do other then talk to her and show her that this is not fair. If he earns way more then her, he should …

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    Benni90er - - Friends and Family


    I have the same feeling as Alberta. Sounds like he doesn't really love her. Lets be real here: you are not secretly together with someone who has kids without telling the kids anything until one week before living together. I don't know where you live, i wouldn't know the law there anyway, but i guess if she doesn't say anything there is nothing you can do other then talk to her and show her that this is not fair. If he earns way more then her, he should provide more for the family. Otherwise he…

  • Not a nice situation to be in... To answer your questions a bit: Only she knows the reason why she doesn't like you like before. No one on here can answer that for you. So just ask her. If she says it's just because of the distance and the lack of contact you 2 could just text again and meet more often and see if the feelings come back. You only do this if she wants.

  • Underage Sex

    Benni90er - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Alberta: “The sex can be good is the boy knows what he's doing but how does a teenage boy get to be good? Through practice. So who is he having so much sex with? When the girl I know asked him, he admitted having sex with lots of different girls and after he had sex with her he had sex with someone else even though he pretended like he only wanted to be with her because he loved her. Then she found out that he said the same thing to other girls. She gave him her virginity because she …

  • My first idea: Get your old job back so you can pay your bills and THEN think about what kind of business you want to start and where to get your team. You want to start a business so it's your job to come up with an idea.

  • Getting Spanked by Uncle

    Benni90er - - Friends and Family


    Tell your parents about that. And if they are ok with that tell a teacher. They can help you tell your parents that this is wrong.

  • Internet

    Benni90er - - Technology and the Internet


    Just follow the instructions in the manual.