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  • I think the "for every month you were together wait 4 days before starting to talk to other people" line is idiotic. If that was something to go by then I wouldn't have been able to start talking to other guys for almost 5 months after my ex and I broke up. Questions for you. How many relationships have you had? How many were serious? What is the average amount of time you've spent in a relationship? Length or shortest relationship? Length of longest relationship?

  • If both of you are on the same maturity level and are completely fine with the age difference, then there's nothing wrong with it at all. It only becomes weird if you make it weird. I'm 19 and the guy who I'm seeing is 27, and so far the age gap has never made things weird for us. As with any relationship, just be careful and you'll be fine.

  • Quote from jessiegirl522: “I can see how that could be an issue. If I were you, I wouldn't go. You've only been seeing him for 2 months. How well do you really know him? What would you do if something bad happened?” I know him very well, we've only been seeing each other for 2 months, but I've known him for a year and a half, and he's someone who has been a very good friend and who I've spent a lot of time with since we first met. Define "something bad". If you were me you wouldn't go, but you'r…

  • Quote from chipsmith: “Go for it. Pack lite and don't let yourself get stuck at his place. You guys splitting rent? You have any jobs lined up out there? If you don't have something lined up for income try to get on your feet as soon as possible, if you're expecting a grad student to take care of all the rent and groceries your looking for trouble, it's possible but expect to learn 5,001 ways to cook Ramen noodles 10 of which aren't bad. Really though you're relationship is too fresh for one of …

  • Quote from ComplicatedMind: “Well, from what I have read and for you saying you have no reason at all to stay... First, make sure he is the type of guy you will be able to live with, and be compatible with. As I assume you two do not live together already as you have only been together for 2 months. Second, make sure you have a backup plan in case things do get bad. Such as moving in with family in the area or with friends.' Third, the fact that he is moving to go to graduate school tells me tha…

  • Re: Young girl & older guy

    onyxeyes - - General Advice


    A 32 year age difference is just insane.

  • I realize how short of a time 2 months is, I of all people realize it. Which is why I think I'm crazy for doing this. I want to do it because I don't want what we have going on to end prematurely. I feel as if I could fall in love with him and that he's someone who could be very good for me. He balances me out very well. I know that I have no way of knowing if things could work out between us, but that thought doesn't worry or scare me. What does terrify me is if he moves out there and I stay he…

  • I'm considering moving to a different state to be with a guy who is 8 years older than me and I've only been seeing for 2 months. He's possibly moving out there for grad school, he asked me to go with him yesterday and if he goes I'm probably going to go with him. What the hell is wrong with me?

  • Quote from hheartstrongg: “holy shit, SOMEONE FINALLY AGREES WITH ME. people fucking praise adam, but he is terrible. he gets his tongue sticking out and his wild screaming going .. i think he might be good for other types of music but not american idol. hes hot, but that doesn't make him a winner. kris is also hot, and also has an AMAZING voice. his version of that song from Once? holy shit, i damn near creamed myself. ” Falling Slowly...that was breathtaking. I was so excited that Kris has mor…

  • Quote from Ken_: “You didn't like that song? I thought he did good... I haven't heard anyone else sing though, I don't have cable, post videos of the other contestants and I'll listen too them. :)” No, I love the song. It's one of my favorite songs, his performance of it is horrible. You don't need cable to watch American Idol, Fox is a standard network channel.

  • Quote from Ken_: “What were those new pokemon games that just came out? And for what console? If it's DS I'm going too go get the rom and emulator too play it. ^^” The newest game to be released was Pokemon Platinum, and yes for the DS. I can't believe I've been playing Pokemon for over a decade.

  • Quote from hheartstrongg: “for once.. i agree with mvp. adam can't sing. i don't want him to win. i wish kris would win. adam is absolutely terrible.” I'm so with you on this one, mommy. I can't stand Adam's voice. He can NOT sing. I actually watched American Idol tonight(normally I just watch videos on youtube) and then called and voted for Kris over and over again. It will suck if Adam wins. Quote from Ken_: “YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. :)” Perfect example of how badly Adam sings. One of the…

  • I loved Crystal version! I wish they would do a remake of that as well.

  • I never finished that game. I got it when it came out years ago, played for a week or two, got distracted by other games, and then had to delete the saved data off of my memory card. I haven't played it since. It also appears that in the style of Pokemon Yellow, your starter pokemon will be following you around. Pokmon Heart Gold & Soul Silver - Pre-Release Screenshots

  • Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver

    onyxeyes - - Video Games


    The 2nd generation Pokemon games are being remade and are due out in Japan this fall. Is anyone else as excited about this as I am?! I still love Pokemon games.

  • Quote from captain_kurenai: “First off, Do you see anything that would meet high standards there? I don't. I don't know what you're talking about when you say your boyfriend has 'high standards'. So you don't sleep around, big deal? So you've got money ... and? Those are about the only 'good' qualities you've mentioned. If that's all it takes to get your boyfriend's eye, then wow what a shallow guy. I'm not wrong. Why? Because you have yet to prove me wrong on any of the points you didn't read. …

  • Again I'll say, pointed toes = ugly and uncomfortable.

  • Stop with the double/triple/6 posts in a row. There's an edit button for a reason. Do it again and you'll be infracted for spamming.

  • Spsending more than maybe $300 on a promise ring for someone you've been with a matter of months is so stupid and silly. Wanting your boyfriend of 9 months to spend 2gs on you, no matter how much money he has, really is on the selfish side. Promise rings don't cost 2k, engagment rings do. The ring you posted, is an engagement ring. Granted, I do think promise rings are stupid. They're also something I've been thinking about a lot lately. This girl at my work is 21/22 and has one. It sounds reall…

  • Quote from **Amb_91**: “Heya, thanks 4 the advice everyone I went 2 the doctors and he confirmed I'm not pregnant” I'm going to tell you the same thing that I told Loopy Loo in her thread. Were you told why a test came up positive? Also, did they do a urine test or a blood test? If it was a urine test and it came back negative, that doesn't mean you're not pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are a lot more sensitive than the urine tests that doctors give. It's incredibly rare to get a false positive(…