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  • I don't really see what would stop you from seeing her especially since she sounds really into you. Why would your aunt not want you to see her?

  • What's the benefit of being a test tube baby? You get a womb with a view. Ok bad joke, but my genetics teacher told us that joke and it made me feel better on a bad day. Anyway, it really comes down to meeting new friends, especially new girls. Try just starting out talking to someone new in your classes as that's easiest since you have something in common and then start branching out. I know its hard but you'll be amazed at how much it helps you get over a girl like it did with me. Also remembe…

  • yeah the best thing to do is just forget about her and move on

  • Well if you really live in Ireland I'm not really a fan of long-distance relationships since I really don't see the point in them nd if you ask her out wouldn't it be the same as talking to her now? But if you are really intent on doing this I would just tell her how much you enjoyed spending time with her and that you want a deeper relationship with her.

  • nobody responded to this so even though its old I will. It sounds like she definitely does like you and she doesn't sound that shy to tell you straight up that you're cute. But if she is, she'll understand about being shy and won't think any less of you because of it. Just keep this in mind, that she likes you, and after time you should feel comfortable enough to be yourself.

  • well you admitted you liked her to her best friend so chances are she knows about it already. Just wait and see how she responds before you decide what to do. As far as whether she likes you or not, can't really tell because a lot of girls act hot and cold like this and its gone both ways.

  • It doesn't sound like you guys are on such great terms and the party probably just made her feel more embarrassed about the situation so I would maybe just build your friendship but very cautiously and I wouldn't think about a relationship with her right now based on what you've said.

  • truthfully she probably doesn't know who you are and just notices you looking at her so yeah just talk to her. Start out by talking about the class you're in since its something you haver in common and then branch out to more topics once you guys become better friends.

  • I think you could have perhaps worded it better, but I understand what you're coming from. Other people are generalizing that you can talk to girls that you find ugly and not the attractive ones because that's the problem most guys have. However, you have the unique problem of not being able to talk to girls who you find have attractive PERSONALITIES, not necessarily looks. I don't know these girls, so I'm going to take your word for it that you've gotten to know them well enough to know that th…

  • Quote: “ Trust me. Hold off a little. If he is that jnterested in you, try a little longer to like him. If the girl I really liked gave me a chance, I'd be crushed if it only lasted a week. If you said yes to him, you have to stick with it for a while. ” The way she describes the situation makes me feel like she will never develop feelings for him. This is not true of all situations like this, because many times it takes a long time for such feelings to develop. But in this case, it just seems l…

  • I think you should just end it with him because the longer you put it off, the harder it is to do and the harder it will be for him. At this point, you haven't invested too much into the relationship. You need to remind him that he's a great guy, but you just don't have any feelings for him. Once he knows this it'll take some time but he'll get over you

  • Quote: “I've never really looked much at the mystery method when it came to pick up just mainly the basic concepts I stick with such like David Deangelo, style, and Swinggcat.” Style was Mystery's student so they pretty much have the same basic concepts

  • first you have to realize that you've had some bad luck in the past. It wasn't your fault the first girl turned lesbian and you certainly didn't make those 3 girls transfer. And that second girl is just a bitch haha. Hopefully this will help you raise your confidence a little. Before you think about getting a gf try to become friends with more girls so you're more comfortable around them. What helps is to just imagine them as guys when you're talking to them until you're pretty close to them and…

  • All you can do is say that you're different people and seeing someone so infrequently isn't good enough for you and reassure her that you always had feelings for her its just the distance that makes it not work. If she doesn't accept this, I would still do what makes you feel the best, which is to go through with the breakup. Don't worry, most likely she will get over it after she has some time.

  • Yeah same in the middle a girl who doesn't jump me like everytime she sees me but also shows that she's interested without all the mind games..but when that does that ever happen? I do prefer more of a chase though

  • haha thanks guys but those seem a little forward

  • um touch them in certain areas that make them more turned on? haha its more of a in-the-moment thing in my opinion

  • Re: help?

    kungfumaster - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I dunno to me it seems you don't really like Justin that much cuz you said no at first and now you want out after only a month of dating. You even mentioned that he might just be a rebound from Daniel. I would just tell him that you gave it a shot but don't think its going to work out. As for the other guy, 5 and a half is a big difference, but I think the bigger problem is you only see him for a couple weeks per year and its hard maintaining a long-distance relationship.

  • yeah seeing them off at the airport would be a really kind thing to do and it would impress them also you have your cousin's msn so why don't you just ask her for her friend's msn when she gets back to Germany? If you guys keep in contact it could lead somewhere when she comes back for school

  • When a girl says, "I could kiss you" what should the guy say? Yes Please? I just laughed it off but now I'm wondering what a better response would be