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  • Good luck dude! Why did you decide to do it? I think you should tell her the reasons you like her so she doesn't think its all physical and tell her you want to spend more time with her so she doesn't just go, "" when you say you like her. Make sure you act confident and look her in the face and not at your feet and I'm sure things will go great.

  • I know how people always say "you can never be in love when you're that young" but there's always exceptions. Also, he seems like a great guy to say that and honestly mean that so its awesome that you guys found people so compatible for each other and provide hope for everyone else that there is someone out there.

  • 1. She may or may not like him can't really tell. Chinese people just really like spending time with other Chinese people and feel more comfortable around them so they could just be hanging out. You might just interpret it as flirting because we often see the worst in situations. 2. Honestly, I don't think she likes you and is just trying to be nice. In order for her to like you, I think you need to act differently around her, and like other people said stop acting like the world revolves around…

  • How the heck are us guys supposed to know what girls want? We always act the way we think we should act and they get all mad like we were supposed to know better.

  • I think your friend is contradicting herself here. She says she doesn't want a boyfriend but then tells you to work for it? Maybe she means you have to convince the other girl to overlook the fact she doesn't want a bf. She already likes you so that's good but you'll have to take it up a notch. Flirt back more I guess?

  • well it sounds like she doesn't know how to feel like she said. She does like you, but doesn't want to because she doesn't want to be tied down. At this point, there's not really much you can do without trying to totally change her views, and that could make you seem pushy. I would just keep hanging out with her and showing her what she could have. If she doesn't change what she wants, then it just wasn't meant to be.

  • hmmm...I don't think you really need to impress them or anything. Just be yourself and talk to them and get to know them better. If you just do that you won't find yourself trying too hard and I'm sure someone will fall for you just the way you are.

  • I agree that its going to take a long time for her to let down her barriers as it seems like she's had a very tough past that she had to deal with. It really sounds like you're different from those other guys, so just keep showing that to her and hopefully she will change. Some people are also naturally guarded and its hard for them to open up even if they try. If things don't change, communication is very important, so I would talk to her about it, reminding her that you want to be there for he…

  • hmmm yeah but I'm sure you're not that scary a person so you won't freak him out. As long as you don't push it too hard you should be fine and you don't always want to wonder what could happen if you don't try right? He already said you had a chance so I think all that stuff about the other girl doensn't really apply to you

  • haha I'm wasn't saying that you were being a jerk I was saying in those kinds of situations when a girl is like walking all over you, confront her about it but don't like make her cry

  • I think he definitely likes you cuz us guys do that when we like someone. We tend to get quiter and more shy around people cuz we don't want them to know we like them and don't want to make a fool of ourselves. And he knew the thing about the Mustang which is a really good sign too. I know you already have tried to get him to hang out with you but next time maybe just make it the two of you? Hopefully he gets the hint.

  • I disagree with you on your first point. Relationships are supposed to be exciting because you want to be with that person and push you to stay with them. Of course all relationships become predictable with time, but your partner should still do thing to keep you interested otherwise why are you with them? Its certainly true that not all nice guys are those things, but a lot of them are, so people stereotype. Just like if you see a really short person, you're going to assume that he doesn't play…

  • Why weren't you interested in her before?

  • well you can still hang out with her if she wants but let her know you're getting together with another girl so it'll just be a hang out. You're not being mean as long you fully explain the situation and where she stand to her. Even if you guys don't go out and you really don't want to go out with her, just tell her you just want to be friends.

  • I agree with Sarah. You should probably get to know her better/hang out with her before telling her you like her. I remember you asking about this girl before and how she rejected you when you asked her to go to the library. She probably didn't recognize that as you asking her to hang out, so this time you should probably make it more clear that you want to spend time, just you and her, to really determine how she feels.

  • Is the problem with the girl you love distance? And are you guys together or are you trying to go after her? As for the date, don't feel like you're doing it out of pity. Just go out and have fun and who knows you might be pleasently surprised. If you're still not feeling her, just try to give it a more friendly vibe. You can still have fun with her even if you're not interested, and you might find another good friend that can help you with other girls, like the one you love.

  • As everyone else said, you're not a bad person if you still care about his feelings. A real whore would just move on to the next guy without remorse. Obfangirl, I don't think she still likes him. She just feels sorry for him, and staying with him for that, and him finding about it, will hurt him more. Just ignore his phone calls and texts and he'll get the message. If you still are worried about him, just send him one last message saying you guys want different things in life so it won't work ou…

  • ok you guys are right. They should talk it out instead of her just hitting him.

  • you're lucky I've never seen a girl do that before so obviously. I'm a little confused though. Do you know her from somewhere else or how does she know where you live? But anyway he may not be her bf and they might just be hanging out and it happens to be around your house. It could all be in your head. But until you learn exactly what her deal is, its hard to speculate. She could very well like you and use him to make you jealous.

  • As everyone above me said, it was probably just innocent flirting from her end. And its not bad, I just wouldn't recommend it. 12 year olds are still very young, and most have no idea what a relationship realy is. Theres a huge chance that she and her bf are just that by title because everyone needs to be together in junior high. Either way, I think its better to find someone more of your age and more similar to you in where you are in life. Trust me you WILL be able to find someone