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  • Hmm. I try to avoid having specific role-models and, if I am going to allow myself to be influenced by the positive behaviour of others (which isn't a bad thing at all if done in moderation), I'd prefer to scavenge titbits here and there from just about anybody who does something that I admire.

  • Re: Non-alcoholic beer and MIP

    Esmo - - Health and Fitness


    Maybe I'm missing something here, but isn't the law against the sale of alcohol? So non-alcoholic beer, then...?

  • Just because all of your friends find value in getting bladdered doesn't mean that they won't respect you or like you as a friend. I don't get drunk and all my friends still like me. Plus, watching drunk people is funny.

  • I'm afraid I don't like Passion Pit.

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “I don't understand why the British army just doesn't deploy to Ireland and arrest all of the IRA terrorists and any criminals while they are there.” That's essentially what we did. Didn't work out to well, if I remember rightly.

  • Re: Politics

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “even though this is the best known way to do things).” Source? Quote from DeaExMachina: “If under this system we put a bench mark that all those with what would, in this society, be the equivalent of a Bachelors (or perhaps Masters) degree we would limit the voting population. Those who have a Bachelor degree may not be able to do certain things better than those without one, however, the accumulated information of this individual is unarguably higher. With this accumul…

  • Re: disturbing

    Esmo - - Music


    Endless, Nameless by Nirvana was quite disturbing at times the first I heard it.

  • It looks as though, like me, you struggle on a daily basis not to break the Don't Ask For Repetition A Third Time Or You're A Racist Rule. The only thing you can do is make an extra special concerted effort to take in what the other person is saying. That usually works.

  • Tell her that you love her platonically.

  • Re: Politics

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “What is being missed here is that voting is not the problem, the problem is who gets to vote. With no constraint on what is required to vote you end up with mob rule. I am not opposed to the idea of every single citizen voting, what I am opposed to is that every simple citizen be allowed to vote even if they have no idea what they are talking about.” What is the benchmark for knowing what one is talking about? How do we arrive at it and who decides it? I'm all for great…

  • On top of my congratulations, can I just ask what you're doing in that first photo...?

  • Re: How can I talk to her?

    Esmo - - General Advice


    You won't look like an idiot. Joke about it if it's not true.

  • Re: Fake Space Travel

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions



  • Re: the death penalty.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from ByTor190: “Under no circumstances is it ok to take the life of another human being.” Pretty much this. Quote from Alejandro: “It should be noted that I completely am for the practice in morality terms, however.” On a philosophical base, I disagree. Just because someone has wronged us (society) doesn't mean we can then level the same transgression against them. Because that's hypocritical, as we then implicitly accept that the transgression is acceptable, even though we have publically…

  • Re: Politics

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “the ignorant masses who can't be trusted to run their own lives let alone the lives of millions of others shouldn't be allowed to muck up the system.” Who deems the masses to be 'ignorant' and 'untrustworthy'? They're not going to give themselves that label, so I imagine it would be the élite who take power. Isn't that conveniant? Quote from DeaExMachina: “What is popular is very rarely what is the appropriate course of action. If you look at any Democracy you'll find v…

  • Re: Favorite place to buy clothes?

    Esmo - - Fashion


    Charity shops and jumble sales. By far the best way to get individual and unique stuff. Although buying jackets can be annoying there though as the average donor of such apparel is usually rather middle-aged and too big for slim build :P.

  • Re: So tired of summer..

    Esmo - - Fashion


    Winter wear is undoubtedly cooler and more fun than summer wear.

  • Re: I hate my parents

    Esmo - - Friends and Family


    I watch this thread with interest in the hope that it doesn't turn into a troll fest. And JohnDoe, if you're being serious, then I think you are getting far too worked up over small things.

  • Re: Help please!!!!

    Esmo - - Friends and Family


    As the common phrase goes, some people have less than $1 to live on a day, not to mention that for my parents would never have had the finances to give me $100. Hopefully that puts things into perspective and you'll find it easier to get over your disappointment and be truly grateful.

  • Re: News Theme remix

    Esmo - - Music


    Surprised no one's mentioned this yet: [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]