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  • Re: am i a whore

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    Yeah, I'm going to go with whore. My best advice is to avoid parties, and keep it in your pants.... Otherwise, they sell these little dick lock box things, you could leave the key at home and lock your dick in so you can't fuck someone, the only problem is it's going to hurt like hell if you get hard.

  • Re: Abortion v. Adoption

    Ken_ - - Debate and Discussions


    Personally, I believe the women should be able to make her own choice. Everyone says put a child up for adoption, I have many friends who've gone through foster home to foster home, and it sucks. Sometimes they get abused physically/verbally/sexually, it's just a load of shit a kid shouldn't have to deal with their whole entire childhood. In all honesty, I'd rather my parents abort me instead of dropping me into a foster care where I'll have that chance that I'll never ever meet them. That's jus…

  • Re: Penis stuck in vagina

    Ken_ - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, I think it would be possible if their vagina looked like this. Yes, this is a Fleshlight, lololol. 500x_vampirefleshlight1-1.jpg Or if their vagina looked like this. 3685171545_9ffe67bd7d.jpg Otherwise, I believe this is impossible. :cool:

  • No I haven't, but I probably would.

  • In a short answer, I do not like, and never will like, boobs. I'm also gay, so I guess I'm just one of those people who don't fit in. :cool:

  • Re: I'm out

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    My dad definitely isn't too happy upon the subject, but I don't care what he thinks. I am who I am, I like who I like, and if he doesn't like it, oh well. I live with my mom anyways, so I don't have to deal with him.

  • Re: I'm out

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    It went well. I walked in the door on Thursday night, she tried to physically talk to me but I ignored her... I then texted her, and we talked through texting about it. I'm a wuss. XD It all worked out well, she doesn't care, she said she had a feeling I was gay.

  • I'm out

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    For those of you who remember me, you quite clearly know that I was not out. Well, there finally came a time in my life where I had reason to ask. Everyone says to tell them face to face, well... I was a chicken. :rolleyes::cool: I typed a 7 page document, printed it out, placed it in a letter, addressed it to my mom, and left for the week. Now, what you may be curious about is, what was the reason I finally decided to do this? Well... Someone from out of country is moving in with me(Possibly). …

  • Roughly +/- 3, I'm not picky, luff is luff.

  • Re: Haha, my first "experience"

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    Quote from SLA: “I know right? I don't do heights dude. The heighest one i'll go on is the white wooden one lols.” Me either. I'm terrified to death of heights.

  • Re: Haha, my first "experience"

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    Quote from SLA: “no way dude I went today too LOL” O____________O Talk about a major coincidence! O______________O I was too chicken to ride Goliath, I want too so damn badly.

  • Re: Haha, my first "experience"

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    It was just blow jobs, lol, no sex. xD They were very attractive as well.

  • Re: Haha, my first "experience"

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    Quote from Dead.: “Was it fantastic?” It was beyond fantastic. The point that we were in public sorta made it more fun, lol. SLA I'm going back to Six Flags again tomorrow as well.

  • Re: Haha, my first "experience"

    Ken_ - - LGBT



  • Haha, my first "experience"

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    I got a blow job in a bathroom at Six Flags. :cool: Lol. xDD Anyways, yeah, wooo first one.

  • My friend is having heart issues, the doctor told him if they can't find him a heart to transplant in 4 months, he's going to die. His insurrance doesn't cover prosthetic hearts, and he can't afford one. He's moved out on his own, he's 18, and his parents refuse to pay for it for him. Does anyone know of any charity that can help him? I obviously don't have 350K to hand him, but in all seriousness, I need help finding a charity that can help him. I've been searching, but I can't find anything; a…

  • :rofl: This thread gave me lulz.

  • Re: suck yourself

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    I can.

  • Re: New hair, how is it now?

    Ken_ - - Fashion


    :eek: Killer.

  • Re: Post Your Desktop!

    Ken_ - - Technology and the Internet

