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  • pngtree-teenage-haven-a-comfortable-and-chic-room-with-ambient-night-lighting-picture-image_5824864.jpg

  • Personally, I'd have an abortion because I wouldn't feel the desire to keep the baby, to become a mother as a teenager. Something that would scare me.

  • Insidious 2

  • Something wrong with me :(

    Owl Blue - - Teen Sexuality


    I just wanted to say that. What kind of sickos are these? They think we're stupid and won't notice that they're pedophiles. Frankly, it's disgusting, I felt nauseous reading it.

  • It sounds like you're feeling guilty about something else concerning your father. At least that's how I feel, but I could be wrong. You seem to feel a great emptiness since your father died, you feel rejected which leads you to want to do this to yourself. Forgetting his birthday doesn't make you a horrible person. I think your mind is caught up in grief and that's made you deeply depressed and self-loathing. I think you need to talk about it, perhaps with a specialist if you feel more comfortab…

  • What colour bra are you wearing

    Owl Blue - - Fashion


    Red and black

  • Last thing you cooked?

    Owl Blue - - Health and Fitness



  • Surfing

    Owl Blue - - Health and Fitness


    I tried it with my boyfriend, who's a real Californian and surfs really well. I don't have good balance on the board, but we had a good laugh.

  • Yoga

    Owl Blue - - Health and Fitness


    I do yoga every day and I like chaturanga and Sarpānasa. I also like ujjayi breath. My boyfriend also does yoga and sometimes we do it together.

  • pubes

    Owl Blue - - Puberty


    Some may have more hair than others. I've read that hormonal activation causes boys to secrete testosterone, which induces germ cell proliferation, leading to the appearance of hair. It can also be hereditary.

  • How Did You Come Out

    Owl Blue - - LGBT


    Quote from B59: “the boy I am attracted to noticed and pulled me to the side and called me out. The air clear now. ” The attraction is mutual? If so, so much the better.

  • How Did You Come Out

    Owl Blue - - LGBT


    I'm a girl and even though I'm straight, I don't think it's really hard to know when you feel attracted to the same sex as you. You feel an attraction, that's all. One day, you look at a boy or a girl differently and you feel deep down that you like him or her. Whether you tell your parents depends on how you feel, whether they're open-minded, whether they'll accept it or not. When you think about it, parents shouldn't even react badly because their son or daughter is attracted to the same sex. …

  • Being insecure?

    Owl Blue - - General Advice


    I too felt uncomfortable in a swimsuit, especially when we went to the pool with my class. And I wasn't the only one, so it was like supporting each other. Beauty stereotypes make us feel self-conscious. So when you're a teenager, you can be very sensitive to that and become complexed because you tell yourself you're not tall enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough compared to the others. When you think about it, it's ridiculous because we are who we are. Just because you're not tall or a siz…

  • How tall are you?

    Owl Blue - - Puberty



  • No crushes?

    Owl Blue - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Your friends seem to have had a lot of experience. Your friend A has had like 20 boyfriends and your friend C Quote: “has a boyfriend/ “husband” (they're not officially married their 13 and 14) . ” Well .. Not officially married ... 13 and 14 .. That's for sure.

  • Rice salad, soup, applesauce

  • In two weeks some things seem to have improved for you. When you have suicidal thoughts, when you're in emotional distress, people often feel panic-stricken and seek help urgently and at all costs. If you don't want your parents to know, is it because you don't get on well with them, because they don't understand you, or because of a cruel lack of communication? You know, even if you're feeling better, that distress can come back. If you really don't want to talk about it with your parents or yo…

  • Worst movies you've seen.

    Owl Blue - - Films, TV and Books


    Fifty Shades Of Grey. I wanted to see it out of curiosity. At least it made me laugh. It was so boring, poorly acted with stupid dialogue. A piece of crap.

  • It reminds me of topics that some authors start, thinking they're fake.