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  • Quote from Milton: “Thank you, I'm not the only one. lol!” Wait, like wait a minute. Thank you, I'm not the only one!

  • Quote from Bradster21194: “Im sorry if I caused any trouble, hopefully we can work this out =/” You didn't cause trouble. I don't take what uninformed people say on the internet to heart. You shouldn't either.

  • Go with the flow. Don't force a girl to do something she doesn't want to do. Seriously, if a guy tried anything slick I would cockblock him in a heart beat. As for masturbating, watch porn, think of sexual things and so on. It's easy once you get into it.

  • Quote from Bradster21194: “Ofcourse not! Please dont take this the wrong way, I have absolutely no idea what its like to cut myself. Just saying thats what I would do if i was.” So maybe you shouldn't speak on the account of something you know nothing of. :]

  • Quote from Bradster21194: “I can definently tell what you mean, ive never cut myself nor found the need or want to. I've been depressed before and not talked to hardly anyone in over a year. I don't understand why some people do it but dont be down about it. Its nothing for me to tell you what to do since i don't do it myself. All I'm saying is from my opinion, you need help.” Are you attempting to bash me?

  • Try having a father cheat on your mom for two years after being married for twenty three. Then having him run around town with the whore down the street to get married to her and then leave her for another woman. Don't blame yourself, it's not worth it. Sometimes people fall out of love. And it hurts not just the parents but it hurts the kids too. I personally know. I was close to my dad and for a split second I never saw it coming. He told me that he never loved me nor cared about me. And my li…

  • Let me start off saying that I have been cutting for nearly three years. Right at the moment I am trying to stop but not for myself. But for other people. I was thirteen years old when I made my first cut. It was just a simple pocket knife and it wasn't a bad cut. It was more of a scratch. A scratch that I blamed on everything. A nail sticking out of the wall, my cat playing too rough with me, me falling down stairs and just about any excuse that you can think of. It was kept a secret from every…

  • I have snake bite piercings. And one smells really bad. Like it's not the inside but it's the outside of the hole. I wash it out with non alcohol mouthwash. I clean around the hole and everything. But it ends of smelling again. Help?

  • I think people hate her because she didn't regain that little girl look like she did in the Parent Trap. She grew up, she stopped letting people push her around and I personally think it's mature and important. I don't hate her but I hate the things she does.

  • Bikini or my surfing shorts. My bikini is black with white skulls. it_411541.jpg My surfing shorts are like this. But they are black and red with no writing.

  • Only to you, dino, only to you. Ily.

  • Dinosaur, you know I have told you this a million times but you deserve to hear it again. You're amazing, truly amazing. And you know what, you deserve someone better than her. You know that. I know that. Now, I'm going to cheer you up if it takes years. I will do whatever.

  • Re: Should I..?

    xxXRawrHelloKittyxxX - - Teen Sexuality


    This is the advice I would give. I would personally keep it a secret that you don't want to do those things. And date him. But in the process when it starts getting heated, push him away. Tell him you don't want to do those things just yet. And if he really likes you then he will leave the subject alone. And if he breaks up with you then you know that he was just in it for sex. Or you could just straight out tell him that you're not into that. And if in doubt that those things won't make you hap…

  • Quote from someonestoleme: “if you would have read my cousin's first topic explaining her problem, then you would have enough sense to think, "Hmm...maybe her problems are the reason why its so difficult for her to stand up for herself." but no. you have to go and be a cunt and cuss her out for asking me on how to handle it when she practically cant. not only that but you're so closed-minded about everything and so easily blinded by anger that you cant see what else is TRULY in front of your fac…

  • I'm gonna puke, oh my.

  • There should. Lmao

  • Re: Annoying...

    xxXRawrHelloKittyxxX - - Teen Sexuality


    Damn Josh, I'm on my way. And you better have that slide ready.

  • I hate when people walk around calling people retards. Because it's a term for mentally disablied people.

  • I love how she changed because it was something that she wanted to do for the first time in her fucking life. That seriously makes me look up to her.

  • I don't know why but for some reason I hate that term. People use gay to replace words like, uncool, stupid, ugly, etc. The list really goes on. But it bothers me because it's aiming towards gay people. Why can't people go, "That's so straight"? Seriously, I have never seen someone say that in my lifetime, well the life that actually counted. It shouldn't bother me but it makes me think the world is so narrow minded. I blame straight people, seriously. Does it bother you? Explain and enlighten m…