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  • varies... though its always curved back a bit... sometimes its painful and huge and sometimes its just normal.

  • xD lyposuction sorry =P

  • no, it wasnt harsh. people who know me well may tell you that I am hard to offend. I see where you are coming from, but this is more than a fettish; No, I am not going to act on it, but keeping it to myself is lying just the same, if I claim to tell my close friends my thoughts. If I continue to develop a close relationship and someone finds out somehow without me telling them, then it will hurt both of us more than if the friendship develops with the knowledge.

  • My reasoning is this: I hate secrets. from all of my experience, secrets are the worst thing for any relationship. By telling everyone I love(and I have to be extremely tactful about how and when I do it) Then I am saving them in case for some currently unknown reason, it gets out. If everyone you care about already knows something, then it cant hurt you nearly as much.. And if they stop loving me because of that then sure it'll hurt...but it would hurt even more later. I now have friends that a…

  • sometimes when you're talking to someone, they don't know HOW to communicate... it may seem obvious to you, but you may have to work it out of them and show them how... Firstly ask if he wants to talk about it and ask if he minds you asking him questions to help him answer. He may just not know what you want. ask him about whatever is relevent. his take on the relationship, the problems he sees, solutions... even ask if he has anything else he wants to talk about. does he have any past issues? a…

  • Quote from Lachlan: “This is really creepy to be honest :o” ya think? imagine having that INSIDE your head all the time... Quote from Kevmo7: “Sometimes when I masturbate I imagine young naked children. | JackinWorld wow what a title, anyways, basically what jackinworld says to everybody is, its ok if you keep it a fantasy, think about whatever you want, its safe inside your mind as long as its not effecting you in reality and as long as you dont do it in reality (if its socially unacceptable or…

  • Re: Curly or Straight?

    Sharxbyte - - Fashion


    th_IMG000055.jpg…iew&current=IMG000055.jpg curly hair(I went to bed right after showering)^ th_IMG000058.jpg…iew&current=IMG000058.jpg straight hair^ th_kadcrpped.jpg…iew&current=kadcrpped.jpg longer curly hair^ How to tie a bandanna: th_IMG000059.jpg take the bandanna square th_IMG000062.jpg fold a corner in(diagonally, about half way between the top corner and the widest point) th_IMG000063.jpg pull th…

  • Re: Nightmares every night

    Sharxbyte - - General Advice


    Im glad =]

  • *waits patiently for link*

  • We are here to glorify God, and improve the lives of ourselves and others. Even if you don't believe in God, then the other fact remains. Work your way up to both motivate and facilitate the same for others. Help the helpless. "What man is a man who does not make the world a batter place by the time he leaves it?"

  • Re: Curly or Straight?

    Sharxbyte - - Fashion


    heh... your hair is almost identical in attitude to mine. IMO, let it keep growing and straighten it.. or wear a bandanna like I do. helps people not to notice it as much while it grows out, keeps it protected while you sleep, etc. get a camo one so it cant be confused with a gang-y thing. i may post pics later

  • wow... try to google multiple orgasms for men. there are ways to practice.

  • I wear black hoodies(preferably pullover but I'm getting into zippys...) camouflage cargo's, or skinny jeans(boot cut... can't stand tight) ankles depending on my mood, trench-coats, boots, or converse, or running shoes, black stretchy shirts)long sleeved) or whatever's closest depending on the day(tshirt or long sleeved cotton are good too)... my identical twin brother wears primarily blue jeans, (not skinny) white zip hoodies and tshirts basically all the time... When we dress up i usually wea…

  • straighten once or twice a month(usually so it soesnt afro if i took a shower just before bed. or it straightens out if i wear a bandana while I work. not gay.

  • Re: Just a question

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    Abortions, IMHO, should only be considered if the mothers life is at risk from birthing the child, or POSSIBLY in situations of rape. If you choose to have sex, you get pregnant, its a risk that comes with the pleasure.

  • Re: whats with sluuts?

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from kiwinall: “I love this, it's so true.” dicks aren't keys or they would be kept on a ring. for those dumb enough to have a dick ring, you're excluded if you wish.

  • Re: Changing

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from A-Trav: “Even in morse code it's all SSSSSSSS” xD funny man =]

  • Re: sex?

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    =] sorry I derailed the thread =P um... do you feel pleasure when masturbating? has he tried rubbing with your clit while you're making love?

  • Re: sex?

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    jah-mey-kahn mahn its kreol

  • Re: Changing

    Sharxbyte - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Attila518: “That would include you too then. :cool:” *doesn't deny it* theres a first for everything =P