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  • Your Dream Engagement Ring Has a Pear Diamond You're personal style is a mix of classic and contemporary, reserved and outgoing. A pear diamond matches your charming personality - and is perfect to show off. You've also got an elegant side, which is complemented a tear dropped shaped pear. It's the perfect mix of Liz Taylor and Jessica Simpson - both wearers of this ring

  • Been to the beach Of course. Swam in the ocean Yes Played paintball No had surgery Yes been in the hospital Yes. made out with someone in the shower No taken over a hundred pictures in one day Possibly. been grounded Never. been beaten up Never. beaten up someone else Never. bullied someone Never. been bullied yeah. gotten a piece of gum stuck in your hair yeah. failed a grade No. failed a test Probably. spent more than 4 hours online at once Probably. broken a bone No. broken a glass Yes. been …

  • Your Taste in Music Says You're Cheerful Your musical tastes are upbeat and conventional. You are an easy going, optimistic person. Family and friends are very important to you. You enjoy caring for and helping other people. You thrive in a tranquil environment, and you do your best to keep things peaceful. You enjoy your life. You have your priorities straight.

  • Do you put candy canes on your Christmas tree? Never. Have you ever written/drawn/painted random stuff on your bedroom wall? Sort of What do you currently hear? Mother shouting Do you get snow where you live? Occasionally What's your favorite flavor of Doritos? Cool original Do you prefer to listen to songs with meaningful lyrics? Yes What's one language you wish you could speak? French/Chinese. When was the last time you went swimming? It's been a while. What's your favorite movie genre? (Actio…

  • Re: Who Loves Lady GaGa?

    Carforce - - Music


    I love her music and i'm sure she is great live. However, I do think she's extremely overrated.

  • I regret doing it - when I did years ago. I don't know whether I'd say its a bad or good thing because I must have thought it was good at one point, even if I don't now :/.

  • Re: Paul, Octopus Gott

    Carforce - - Sports


    Haha, my mum told me about this. I didn't think it was a real octopus lol, I thought she meant a person called octopus paul.

  • Re: Post your shoes!!

    Carforce - - Fashion


    ubte0.jpg I took this picture the other day..I have more than 3 pairs of shoes, so i'll take one of all of them later:).

  • Do you drink Mountain Dew? When I'm in America. What is your biggest fear? Heights - but it's more complex then that. Who was the last person you texted? Will, i think. Do you know your moms maiden name? Yea. What did you have for dinner last night? Ermmm, spaghetti bolognaise. . If you could be anywhere right now where would you be? Somewhere foreign. How has your day been so far? Tiring. Do you have any weekend plans? Yes, shopping, football & bbq. What is your favourite candy bar? Galaxy. Are…

  • Re: Concerts

    Carforce - - Music


    Cool :]. Erm, I've been to a few rather embarrassing concerts when I was young. Recently, I've seen Scouting for girls, Kaiser Chiefs, Calvin Harris & Mr Hudson, then last night I saw P!nk. Which was amazing, i love live music.

  • Okay, thanks Matt. I'll try the safe mode but I think I have tried it already if that fails I'll just msn you, if that's cool.

  • Thanks, I think I've tried one of their suggestions already but I shall give the others a go. The only problem is that these articles are from 2008-2009, so I don't know if they are about a different problem to the one I have.

  • okay, I think this is the right section I always forget. So, a week last thursday my laptop did some automatic update and is now in a continuous loop. It gets to stage 3 of 3, waits about 10seconds then shuts down and restarts. I've tried the F8 reboot things, and a vista recovery disk - however neither has worked. I don't have a recovery point or back up disk. If anyone has had this problem or knows of a way to fix it then I would appreciate it :).

  • Re: Should i get my hair like this?

    Carforce - - Fashion


    lol, are you a big fan of the Jonas or something? I do like his hair though, everyone needs a change now and then so go for it.

  • Re: Miley Cyrus

    Carforce - - Music


    I don't like her music or her tbh - that isn't because of what she has done, it's just cos her voice annoys me. Also, she doesn't have much talent, she just got a leg up because of her father. But just like someone above said, don't believe everything you hear in magazines/newspapers.

  • Your Shopping Stereotype is Unique It's hard to stereotype you, because you simply buy what you like. You are a true individual. Sometimes you go high end. Sometimes you go low end. But you almost never go with the crowd. You don't settle until you find the perfect item. Shopping is one of the ways that you express yourself. You're proud of what you own, and if you change your mind about something, you immediately get rid of it.

  • You Should Never Date a Cancer Clingy, emotional, and very private - it's hard to escape a Cancer's clutches. And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they're anything but open in return. Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius

  • Re: all for nothing

    Carforce - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Do you remember what you were like a year ago? Indeed Are you growing apart from someone close? Yes. I believe so What was the last thing you drank? Bacardi Breezer Who sings the last song you heard? Abba What's your favorite color? teal Honestly, are you normally a happy person? Yes, i think so Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? Yes Has 2010 been good for you so far? It's been okay Do you have a brother? No Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex? Dark You'r…

  • Re: share

    Carforce - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Your current relationship status? Single Does your crush like you back? Yes what is your current mood? Tired what color underwear are you wearing? Red what color bra are you wearing? cream & black if you could go back in time and change something, would you? Yes. Ever had a near death experience? No Ever had a 1 night stand? Yes Something you do a lot? Listen to music the song stuck in your head? that spin my head right round one. Name someone with the same birthday as YOU? Erm..Bill Gates When …