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  • Have a look at the frame, some screws might have come loose. If it's the mattress, get a new one.

  • The conversation will be awkward to begin with, but like others have said, you'll find something to talk about pretty quickly. Maybe you should write down any questions you have that you want answered, so you remember to say them. I hope that it goes okay.

  • Re: Am I bi?[Male]

    SubtleInFiction - - LGBT


    Quote from hipster: “physically, yes. but otherwise there's not much of a difference; if you're turned on by "gay sex", there's a chance you may be bisexual. you probably won't know 100% for a couple of years and it can be pretty confusing.” I second this. But also, try not to worry about it too much. Just experiment and explore your sexuality. You're young, I had no clue who I was attracted to at that age.

  • Quote from justsmile: “It's completely normal to be curious about sex at that age. That's often when kids begin to masturbate and/or look at porn simply because they're curious. As well, she may not even really know what she's talking about, she just knows what she hears from other kids at school. When I was twelve I used to make my barbies have sex (I just layed them in bed because I knew that that was the only way they'd have a baby. By no means was I interested in having sex, …

  • Re: 2012

    SubtleInFiction - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LosingHer: “It's not gonna happen.. If we did, I spent my whole life in school >.> which sucks ass...” Ikr, I'll probably be leaving home around then. -.-

  • Crisps... again. I'm not an addict

  • Quote: “Pretty sure only a handful of scientists believe that the morning after pill works subsequent fertilization. The pill is a form of contraception” I stand corrected. Just had a proper look on the Internet, apparently it prevents the release of an egg from the ovaries. However it isn't considered a form of contraception, it's to be used 'where contraception failed'.

  • Quote from Alexia: “Don't get upset. You're judging me cause you think I'm implying something which makes you a hypocrite. I think it's unhealthy and signs of a weak mind but I never said it was for attention or for idiots. Depression is an illness and shows sign of a weak mind. Being weak isn't necessarily a negative thing, we can't all be strong. Majority of people are weak minded, but it doesn't mean they should resort to unhealthy things to feel relief. The 'natural thing' to do is jump at m…

  • Well you don't have to say anything if you don't want to. It's up to you. But although some people think it's trendy to be bi nowadays, that doesn't mean that everyone's going to think you're a trend whore. If you want to tell people, tell people. If you do decide to, good luck. Hope it all goes well.

  • Re: Encounters and unsure

    SubtleInFiction - - LGBT


    Imo this guy is probably bi but hasn't come to terms with it properly yet. Because he keeps saying 'oh I'm not gay', he hasn't come to terms with it yet, so don't push him. If he is bi, he obviously doesn't want anyone knowing about it. But he could just be experimenting with his sexuality, or just think it's a laugh. Give it some time.

  • Quote from LordOfTheBooks: “Simply put in my mind is this: Abortion is wrong UNLESS the women is raped and does not want the child (I mean who would?), or if it is to save the mothers life. If you just happen to forget a condom and bam a kid live with it either raise the kid or send it off for adoption. I prefer the raising it but not all do in this instance.” This. Quote: “ If you were raped then there is the morning after pill which apart from typical beliefs that it is abortion is actually ju…

  • Re: Asian Music

    SubtleInFiction - - Music


    Some j-pop isn't bad. I like some Visual Kei stuff + J-Rock.

  • Quote from Alexia: “ According to my reasoning: If you are using unhealthy ways to manage mentally, you're weak minded.” Have you not stopped to consider that some problems are extremely difficult to deal with for even the strongest of minds? EDIT- And I'm not going to respond to your most recent message, because there was no need for what you said. If you haven't got anything constructive to contribute, then don't post on this thread.

  • Re: The Senior Journey

    SubtleInFiction - - General Advice


    That sounds like an awesome idea, I imagine that could help a lot of people.

  • Unfortunately, I know of someone who's sexuality active and has just passed their 13th birthday. It's insane. If you want to talk to her about it, ask her generally - don't make a specific reference to the diary you found. She might know about what sex is, and about sexual acts such as oral, but I doubt she understands what it's all really about. You could tell your mum you think your sister could do with 'the sex talk'. Not the proper 'don't get pregnant' talk, but just to give her a bit of inf…

  • Quote from Megatron: “What about Toy story 3? That was a big Disney success. I actually liked it a lot. I went to see it with Starscream at the Cybertron theatre. Starscream didn't like it, but I did. My point is, there are still Disney successes out there, like Toy Story 3 and Up for example.” Generally anything by Pixar is an exception.

  • Re: Who Loves Lady GaGa?

    SubtleInFiction - - Music


    I love her acoustic versions. Tbf I prefer them to the standard versions of the songs.

  • Re: Austin TV

    SubtleInFiction - - Music


    The video's a bit strange imo. But not bad.

  • Re: Is this song gurly??

    SubtleInFiction - - Music


    -Listens to the song- I don't think you can assign gender to a song. It's definitely happy clappy boppy pop ness. XD As a song, it's okay. Nothing special though. EDIT- Also, what's with the lion in the video? :L

  • Re: Linkin Park

    SubtleInFiction - - Music


    I saw them live a few years back. One of the best concerts I've been to, they were awesome. My favourite album by them is Hybrid Theory, but I do like some of the heavier tracks from Minutes to Midnight. Hope their new album isn't too soft. EDIT- Just listened to the new song... I was waiting for it to get going. It never did.