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  • Normally it's pretty easy for a girl to pick up that a guy likes her. Do you smile a lot around her? Do you blush? Just talk to her more, give her compliments, ask her how her day is going, ask if she wants to hang out, etc., and she'll probably discover that she likes you as well.

  • Re: fucked

    missmusic28 - - LGBT


    As many of the others have said, wait until you move out, and then tell them. They can't actually hate you. They've lived with you for sixteen years and didn't know, haven't they? They have to accept you for who you are. Just wait to tell them; I can't imagine how confused and sad you are. You are who you are, and you can't change that. Good luck!

  • Re: Your Favorite Song(s)

    missmusic28 - - Music


    I like pretty much any song that is--i know how girly this is--pretty, and has meaning. So that narrows it down to pretty much any Celine Dion song and the break-up songs like Lips of an Angel. Currently, Lips of an Angel is my favorite and has been for a while.