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  • Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? open Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? nope . Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? out . Have you ever stolen a street sign before? aha, it was on the ground.... Do you like to use post-it notes? no... Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? never cut them out.. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? bear . Do you have freckles? a few :p Do you always smile for pictures? ra…

  • Re: .So.Bored.

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    The person you fell hardest for texts you at 4am saying hey probably How tall is the last person you kissed? 5'9''ish. When will you kiss someone next? i.don't.know. Do you forgive easily? too easily. What do you want right now? i dunnno. In the past five days, what would you go back and change? nothing. Do you love someone? not now. Do you walk around the house naked ? haa, no. towel ? Did you see your best friend today? i did Is there anyone that can always make you laugh? a few How long have …

  • Is there a girl that you truly hate? nah. Do you have any candles in your room? yesh. Do you miss someone? sort of. What are your plans for tomorrow? schoool Ever done something you regretted tremendously? kinda. Are you wearing something that someone gave you? mhm. Did you have a good day today? sure . Would you rather have long or short hair? long. Do you and your best friend look anything alike? nope. Is it possible to be single and happy? yeah ? Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hour…

  • survey<3

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Do you have any pets? two:) What color shirt are you wearing? white. Name three things that are physically close to you: phone, computer, remote. What is the last book you read? Candor. oh no, breathless actually. Are you or were you a good student? can be. What's your favorite sport? tennis,volleyball&cheer:) Do you enjoy sleeping late? very much. What's the weather like right now? sort of cold. Who tells the best jokes? kourtney/brittany:) What was the last thing you dreamed about? hahahh it w…

  • You Are a Doll You've always been a nurturing person, even when you were too young to nurture anyone else. You tend to be very socially oriented. Other people matter to you, and you are very compassionate. You are naturally intuitive and understanding. You love people for who they are. It makes you feel valued to be needed. You like have others depending on you, and you're always happy to lend a hand.

  • Honestly, what's on your mind right now? a lot. Honestly, what are you doing right now? listening to music, doodling. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? sometimes... Honestly, have you done something bad today? nope. Honestly, do you watch Disney channel? used to. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? nah. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? my friends, and certain music. Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment? a few people. Honestly, do you have a de…

  • surv.

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Promise to take this without deleting any question? i do. You're single, why? i am not. Would you kiss the first person you kissed again? nah. Did you drink any alcohol this week? Did you get drunk? yes, no. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? don't keep count.. If you could go back in time and change things, would you? maybe some things, but not for the most part. Do you like to cuddle? yep. When did you last talk to your number 2? yesterday. Are you doing anything tonigh…

  • Re: click

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    What type of day are you having? stressful. Was there anyone who "made your day"? i guess.. Are you liking how you look today? not so much. Do you have anyone crushing on you? yeah.. When was the last time you kissed someone? 4days ago What was the last gift someone gave you? a necklace. Do you appreciate that person? yep. Are you on any type of drugs? nope. Are you in love? i dunno.. Have you ever been in love? i think soo.. Do you even believe in love? yeah. How many things are you really thin…

  • You Are a Pencil You are a flexible, easy going person. You go with the flow, and you don't mind making a few mistakes along the way. You don't like paying attention to details, and you feel constricted by rules. You are a free spirit. You wouldn't want to predict the future even if you could. You love that life is full of surprises. In fact, you surprise yourself every day.

  • Hi [: If you're having suicidal thoughts, then there must be something that you think is wrong. Like Jesse said, what do you think when you are having these thoughts? It's all very confusing, I know. But for you to go as far as attempting suicide, there must be something you think is going wrong in your life. I know how you feel, honestly. I would love you help, please, feel free to PM me anytime you want to talk. I hope to hear from you soon.

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “I was thinking the same thing :confused: damn spammers” lol [:

  • Re: Runway Fashion

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Fashion


    i like the 2nd and 4th one on the right side of the big picture

  • Re: Lady GaGa vs. Ke$ha

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Music


    I really like Kesha's song, but Lady GaGa has soo many amazing songs, so her for sure She's so different, you gotta love her.

  • Re: A Memory

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Creative Writing


    wow, very good.

  • If you know she likes you then there's nothing to be afraid of, why not go for it? If she really likes you, she isn't just gonna give up. If you don't plan on asking her soon, just make sure she knows you still like her and you're interested, so she doesn't think you just don't like her anymore. Good luck xx -Hanna

  • survey.

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Lets start out with something oh so clever, can you jerk? haha yess Where is the boy you love most? home . If there was a large spider in the room, what would do? scream . Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? more than 8 :p You just had a boy! What's his name? no idea. You just had a girl! What's her name? i love the name Daniella[: but i dunno if i'd name my kid that, so i don't know. Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like? nooo. When you sleep in your bed, is stuff usually on i…

  • Q&A

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    How far away is the last person you kissed? far. You want kids? sure do [: Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you? Brad . Do you find piercings attractive? depends who they're on..what where they are. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? both What do you think of girls sixteen and younger going on the pill? i dunno.. Will you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend in 6 months? hopefully Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone on your top friends? yeah. Does…

  • Re: Plus size models

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Fashion


    Quote from Batgirl: “I don't mind them, infact a lot of them in the alternative modelling industry are plus size models. The only thing I don't like is the occaisonal plus-size model in there that snipes me out because I'm so skinny, when it's not something I can actually help. ;/” +1

  • You Are Proud of Who You Are You see yourself as a creative and expressive person. You're very artistic. You think other people see you as friendly, happy, and charming. You tend to get along well with everyone. You want to see yourself as ingenious and clever. You'd like to be a quicker thinker. You identify as a compassionate and accepting person. You pride yourself on being forgiving.

  • Re: Oi

    pepsicolagirl(: - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Have you ever kissed underneath the stars at night? yep[: When you're bored in class, what do you usually do? doodle, text, talk to the person next to me. If you are being extremely quiet what does that mean? i'm upset about something. What are you supposed to be doing right now? writing an essay... Have you kissed one person more than 10 times in 2010? noope. Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex? yeah. Have you ever been kissed by someone whos name starts with an S? nope . Do you…