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  • As long as the cuts you make are not putting yourself at a risk of severe blood loss or tissue damage, then I feel I can continue without breaking any morals. Selfinjury is becoming quite common especially in your described age group, and it's certainly not receiving as much stigma as it used to. That being said, it's still something that ideally one would be better off without. Consider the fact that people, whether they admit to it or not, always judge a person on first impressions. Someone ma…

  • Re: Gay Image

    Tieko - - LGBT


    Maybe I think certain issues aren't going to change just because they're taught in school though. But certainly there would be more kids who are willing to stand up for it instead of staying quiet as they may have beforehand.

  • Re: Gay Image

    Tieko - - LGBT


    Yes -_- It is a bit depressing how GLB people are portrayed in the media... (though it does make for some very amusing entertainment xD). I think I must have felt the same way when I was a bit younger, but you'll find that there are lots of different people out there who will help you shape your personality into what you want it to be- you don't have to just fall into the stereotype in order to exist as a homosexual Ummm, I'm not so sure that the community needs to do that much? I think that peo…

  • Re: Europeans...

    Tieko - - Debate and Discussions


    I'm not immediately European, but I've known several. Yes, they definitely move between countries quite often. Since the job market is so competitive, some of them have no choice but to move to foreign countries. Others move to escape harsh conditions in their own countries (this is particularly true for Eastern Europeans). Europeans (particularly mainland Europeans) can usually speak several languages, and one always learns a bit of culture when one learns a language. They're also generally a b…

  • Was singing along to Lady Gaga's 'Monster', and even put "That boy is a monster" in my Facebook status before realising she was singing about his cock xD

  • Nothing much, just reading 'Tube Sock Photo' thread, p111

  • Meeep :blush: Small bums are cute for both genders, I've never ever ever understood the lust for large gluts -_- And pale I like pale skin, but it's even cuter when it's more pale than the rest of their body xD LOL Ug -_- and guys have to do extra and keep them well groomed if you catch my drift... *horrible memories of public school* *officially embarassed now*

  • Re: I Want Straight Friends

    Tieko - - LGBT


    Yes I feel the same way. Like don't get me wrong, I love my female friends to bits, but sometimes one just wants to connect with others of the same gender who are maybe 'different' than us [in sexual orientation] x_X? That sounds dumb, it's hard to explain but I know the feeling. I think I get in trouble because I either crush on the straight guy or I think he's a tad dim -_- I do have some straight male friends, but they didn't come to my uni

  • Went into a sex shop to gather information on possible prizes for our sex trivia at school. I think I need to curl up and die because not only is that completely out of my comfort zone , but my parents also knew I was going -.- fml.

  • Your Five Variable Love Profile Propensity for Monogamy: Your propensity for monogamy is high. You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person. And in return, you expect the same from who you love. Any sign of straying, and you'll end things. Experience Level: Your experience level is medium. You probably have had a couple significant loves. And you may have even had your heart broken. But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people. Dominance: Your dominance is medium. You tend to …

  • Quote from Badd Spella: “Sudicide is a cowerds way out; I'm glad you didn't do it.” Yes, depending on the school of thought you look at, suicide is not always cowardly. Indeed if it is done altruistically it is certainly not cowardly. However if you look at different philosophers throughout the ages, many will describe suicide as one of the most basic rights of humans- in a world where we control so little, is it not a right to have control over these inevitable events? Also if you look at it fr…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality



  • Bopping around to Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" in my undies while getting dressed xD

  • Daydreaming about a guy in my German class. Too bad he has a girlfriend, and is a NA Catholic -_-

  • I would die without my straightener x3 Stupid wavy hair. I swing both ways though, and from my experience guys who use a straightener have been a bit more "open" too But no seriously, one's sexual orientation has nothing to do with whether they want to have nice hair I mean, if you stereotype that bi/gay boys care more about their looks you might find more instances where they will pursue this, but there are many straight people who do things to make them more appealing for the opposite sex (or …

  • Quote from Lachlan4815: “Nothing today... or yesterday really. But on Friday, oh wow I practically enjoyed a feast of checking out hot guys at my University enrolment. I spent heaps more time filling out forms then i needed to so I could scope the crowds out lol. Can't wait for Uni to start!:D” You're lucky then. The selection of guys at my university is HORRIBLE! It's funny, all of my friends (girls) complain about this too and I am secretly nodding my head along xD Keep an eye out for the Bach…

  • Checking out the cute guys tossing their balls around... I was at a bowling alley though

  • Laughing at Shane Dawson's 'show me your crotch' update on Facebook. How did he not foresee the inappropriate (:drool:) picture comments that were bound to arise. The Facebook police are gonna pwn that update

  • You don't have to decide on your sexuality at this point because you are still young. Based on your dislike for male genitalia you are probably straight and just going through the curious stage. Don't commit yourself to something you may regret later, so just wait it out longer and stick to what you know you like.

  • Re: pecs n abbs

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    One cannot rely on only one trait to uphold an attraction. However, assuming the rest of the traits are okay, and we are looking at just the one trait we'd prefer to be the best... then I'd say hair & face I want something I can enjoy all the time, and not just in a sexual way.